
Enjoy browsing through our detailed and chronological listing of all our research papers published over the last 10 years.

Translational Research

  1. Chang Y-C, Mesquita GM, Williams S, Gregori G, Cabot F, Ho A, Ruggeri M, Yoo SH, Parel J-M and Manns, F In vivo measurement of the human crystalline lens equivalent refractive index using extended-depth OCT, Biomed. Opt. Express 10, 411-422 (2019)
  2. Flitcroft DI, He M, Jonas JB, Jong M, Naidoo K, Ohno-Matsui K, Rahi J, Resnikoff S, Vitale S, Yannuzzi L. IMI – Defining and Classifying Myopia: A Proposed Set of Standards for Clinical and Epidemiologic Studies. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019 Feb 28;60(3):M20-M30. doi: 10.1167/iovs.18-25957.
  3. Gifford KL, Richdale K, Kang P, Aller TA, Lam CS, Liu YM, Michaud L, Mulder J, Orr JB, Rose KA, Saunders KJ, Seidel D, Tideman JWL, Sankaridurg P. IMI – Clinical Management Guidelines Report. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019 Feb 28;60(3):M184-M203. doi: 10.1167/iovs.18-25977.
  4. He X, Sankaridurg P, Xiong S, Li W, Zhang B, Weng R, Zhu J, Naduvilath T, Resnikoff S, Zou H, Xu X. Shanghai Time Outside to Reduce Myopia trial (STORM): design and baseline data. Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology. Epub ahead of print 27 September 2018. doi: 10.1002/ceo.13391
  5. Jagadeesh D, Phillip K, Naduvilath T, Fedtke C, Jong M, Zou H, Sankaridurg P. (2018). Tessellated fundus appearance and its association with myopic refractive error. Clinical & Experimental Optometry.  2018 Aug 9. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12822. [Epub ahead of print]
  6. Jong M, Sankaridurg P, Naduvilath TJ, Li W, He M.The Relationship between Progression in Axial Length/Corneal Radius of Curvature Ratio and Spherical Equivalent Refractive Error in Myopia. Optom Vis Sci. 2018 Oct;95(10):921-929. doi: 10.1097/OPX.0000000000001281.
  7. Jong M, Tilia D, Sha J, Diec J, Thomas V, Bakaraju RC. The Relationship between Visual Acuity, Subjective Vision, and Willingness to Purchase Simultaneous-image Contact Lenses. Optometry and Vision Science: March 21, 2019 – Volume Pre-Publication.
    doi: 10.1097/OPX.0000000000001359
  8. Koumbo Mekountchou IO, Conrad F, Sankaridurg P, Ehrmann K. Peripheral eye length measurement techniques: a review. Clin Exp Optom. 2019 Mar 20. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12892. [Epub ahead of print]
  9. Lazon de la Jara P, Diec J, Naduvilath T, Papas EB. Measuring Daily Disposable Contact Lenses against Nonwearer Benchmarks. Optom Vis Sci 2018;95:1088–1095. doi:10.1097/OPX.0000000000001304
  10. Liu R, Guo X, Xiao O, Li Z, Zhang J, Lee JTL, Wang D, Sankaridurg P, Jong M, He M. Diffuse chorioretinal atrophy in Chinese high myopia: The ZOC-BHVI High Myopia Cohort Study. Retina. 2018 Nov 21. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000002397. [Epub ahead of print]
  11. Mekountchou IOK, Conrad F, Sankaridurg P, Ehrmann K.  Peripheral eye length measurement techniques: a review, Clinical and Experimental Optometry, First published: 20 March 2019
  12. Mohamed A & Augusteyn RC, Human lens weights with increasing age, Molecular Vision, 2018; 24:867-874.
  13. Naidoo KS, Fricke TR, Frick KD, Jong M, Naduvilath TJ, Resnikoff S, Sankaridurg P. Potential Lost Productivity Resulting from the Global Burden of Myopia Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Modeling. Ophthalmology, March 2019, Volume 126, Issue 3, Pages 338–346.
  14. Philip K, Sankaridurg PR, Ale JB, Naduvilath TJ, Mitchell P. Profile of off-axis higher order aberrations and its variation with time among various refractive error groups. Vision Res. 2018 Dec;153:111-123. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2018.07.005. Epub 2018 Sep 29.
  15. Jones L, Drobe B, González-Méijome JM, Gray L, Kratzer T, Newman S, Nichols JJ, Ohlendorf A, Ramdass S, Santodomingo-Rubido J, Schmid KL, Tan D, Tan KO, Vera-Diaz FA, Wong YL, Gifford KL, Resnikoff S. IMI – Industry Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Myopia Control Report. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019 Feb 28;60(3):M161-M183. doi: 10.1167/iovs.18-25963.
  16. Resnikoff S, Jonas JB, Friedman D, He M, Jong M, Nichols JJ, Ohno-Matsui K, Smith EL III, Wildsoet CF, Taylor HR, Wolffsohn JS, Wong TY. Myopia – A 21st Century Public Health Issue. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019 Feb 28;60(3):Mi-Mii. doi: 10.1167/iovs.18-25983.
  17. Ruggeri M, Williams S, Heilman BM, Yao Y, Chang Y-C, Mohamed A, Sravani NG, Durkee H, Rowaan C, Gonzalez A, Ho A, Parel J-M, Manns F, System for on- and off-axis volumetric OCT imaging and ray tracing aberrometry of the crystalline lens, Biomed. Opt. Express 9, 3834-3851 (2018).
  18. Sankaridurg P, Conrad F, Tran H, Zhu J. Controlling Progression of Myopia: Optical and Pharmaceutical Strategies. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol (Phila). 2018 Oct 19. doi: 10.22608/APO.2018333. [Epub ahead of print]
  19. Sankaridurg P, Children and Contact Lenses, Contact Lens Update, 20 September 2018.
  20. Sha J, Tilia D, Diec J, Fedtke C, Yeotikar N, Jong M, Thomas V and Bakaraju RC. Visual Performance of myopia control soft contact lenses in non-presbyopic myopes. Clinical Optometry, 2018:10, 75-86.
  21. Sha J, Tilia D, Kho D, Amrizal H, Diec J, Yeotikar N, Jong M, Thomas V, Bakaraju RC. Visual Performance of Daily-disposable Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses: A Randomized, Double-blind Clinical Trial. Optom Vis Sci 2018;95:1096–1104 doi: 10.1097/OPX.0000000000001311
  22. Sha J, Fedtke C, Tilia D, Yeotikar N, Jong M, Diec J, Thomas V, Bakaraju RC.
    Effect of cylinder power and axis changes on vision in astigmatic participants, Clinical Optometry, 2019:11 27–38.
  23. Tilia D, Sha J, Thomas V, Bakaraju RC. Vision Performance and Accommodative/Binocular Function in Children Wearing Prototype Extended Depth-of-Focus Contact Lenses. Eye & Contact Lens: December 27, 2018 doi: 10.1097/ICL.0000000000000570. [Epub ahead of print]
  24. Tran HDM, Tran YH, Tran TD, Jong M, Coroneo M, Sankaridurg P, Review of Myopia Control with Atropine. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Volume 34, Number 5, 2018.
  25. Wildsoet CF, Chia A, Cho P, Guggenheim JA, Polling JR, Read S, Sankaridurg P, Saw SM, Trier K, Walline JJ, Wu PC, Wolffsohn JS. IMI – Interventions Myopia Institute: Interventions for Controlling Myopia Onset and Progression Report. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019 Feb 28;60(3):M106-M131. doi: 10.1167/iovs.18-25958.
  26. Wolffsohn JS, Flitcroft DI, Gifford KL, Jong M, Jones L, Klaver CCW, Logan NS, Naidoo K, Resnikoff S, Sankaridurg P, Smith EL 3rd8 Troilo D, Wildsoet CF. IMI – Myopia Control Reports Overview and Introduction. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019 Feb 28;60(3):M1-M19. doi: 10.1167/iovs.18-25980.
  27. Xiao O, Guo X, Wang D, Jong M, Lee PY, Chen L, Morgan IG, Sankaridurg P, He M. Distribution and Severity of Myopic Maculopathy Among Highly Myopic Eyes. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science October 2018, Vol.59, 4880-4885. doi:10.1167/iovs.18-2447.
  1. Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K, Ho A. Extended depth of focus contact lenses vs. two commercial multifocals: Part 1. Optical performance evaluation via computed through-focus retinal image quality metrics. J Optom. 2018 Jan – Mar;11(1):10-20. doi: 10.1016/j.optom.2017.04.003. Epub 2017 Jun 9.
  2. Bakaraju RC, Tilia D, Sha J, Diec J, Chung J, Kho D, Delaney S, Munro A, Thomas V. Extended depth of focus contact lenses vs. two commercial multifocals: Part 2. Visual performance after 1 week of lens wear. J Optom. 2018 Jan – Mar;11(1):21-32. doi: 10.1016/j.optom.2017.04.001. Epub 2017 Jun 12.
  3. Chang Y-C, Liu K, Cabot F, Yoo SH, Ruggeri M, Ho A, Parel J-M, Manns F, Variability of manual ciliary muscle segmentation in optical coherence tomography images. Biomed Opt Express. 2018 Feb 1; 9(2): 791–800.
  4. Chang Y-C, Keke Liu K, de Freitas C, Pham A, Cabot F, Williams S,Adre E, Gregori G, Ruggeri M, Yoo SH, Ho A, Parel J-M, Manns F. Assessment of eye length changes in accommodation using dynamic extended-depth OCT. Biomed Opt Express. 2017 May 1; 8(5): 2709–2719.
  5. Diec JB, Tilia D, Thomas V, Bakaraju RC. Predicting Short-Term Subjective Vision Performance of Contact Lenses Used in Myopia Control. Eye & Contact Lens: Post Author Corrections: November 28, 2017 doi: 10.1097/ICL.0000000000000460
  6. Diec J, Naduvilath T, Tilia D, Papas EB, Lazon de la Jara P, Discrimination of subjective responses between contact lenses with a novel questionnaire. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2017 Dec;40(6):367-381. doi: 10.1016/j.clae.2017.09.016. Epub 2017 Oct 6.
  7. Diec J, Naduvilath T and Tilia D, Subjective Ratings and Satisfaction in Contact Lens Wear, Optometry and Vision Science: February 8, 2018 – Volume Pre-Publication – Issue – p doi: 10.1097/OPX.0000000000001187
  8. Ehrmann K, Saha M and Falk D. A novel method to stimulate mechanoreceptors and quantify their threshold values. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express. Accepted Manuscript online 20 November 2017.
  9. Fedtke, C., Ehrmann, K., Thomas, V., Bakaraju, R.C.  Peripheral Refraction and Aberration Profiles with Multifocal Lenses. Optometry and Vision Science. Volume 94, Issue 9, 1 September 2017, Pages 876-885.
  10. Fricke TR, Jong M, Naidoo KS, Sankaridurg P, Naduvilath TJ, Ho SM, Wong TY, Resnikoff S. Global prevalence of visual impairment associated with myopic macular degeneration and temporal trends from 2000 through 2050: systematic review, meta-analysis and modelling. Br J Ophthalmol 2018;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311266
  11. He X, Zhao R, Sankaridurg P, Zhu J, Naduvilath T, Ma Y, Lu L, Lv M, Smith EL 3rd, Resnikoff S, Naidoo K, Zou H, Xu X. Design and methodology of the Shanghai child and adolescent large-scale eye study (SCALE). Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2017 Sep 12. doi: 10.1111/ceo.13065. Epub ahead of print
  12. Hung L-F, Arumugam B, Ostrin L, Patel N, Trier K, Jong M and Smith III EL. The Adenosine Receptor Antagonist, 7-Methylxanthine, Alters Emmetropizing Responses in Infant Macaques, January 2018, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 59(1):472.
  13. Jong M, Sankaridurg P, Li W, Resnikoff S, Naidoo K, He M. Reduced vision in highly myopic eyes without ocular pathology: the ZOC-BHVI high myopia study. Clin Exp Optom. 2017 Jul 11. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12563.
  14. Kho D, Fedtke C, Tilia D, Diec J, Sha J, Thomas V, Bakaraju RC, Effects of relative negative spherical aberration in single vision contact lens visual performance. Clinical Optometry, 2018:10 9–17.
  15. Kim E, Saha M, Ehrmann K. Mechanical Properties of Contact Lens Materials. Eye Contact Lens. 2017 Nov 7. doi: 10.1097/ICL.0000000000000442.
  16. Lee L, Garrett Q, Flanagan J, Chakrabarti S, Papas E. Genetic factors and molecular mechanisms in dry eye disease. Ocul Surf. 2018 Apr;16(2):206-217. doi: 10.1016/j.jtos.2018.03.003. Epub 2018 Mar 10.
  17. Li X, Guo X, Xiao O, Lee PY, Liu R, Wang D, MD, Sankaridurg P, He M.
    Optic Disc Features in Highly Myopic Eyes: The ZOC-BHVI High Myopia Cohort Study. Optom Vis Sci 2018;95:318–322.
  18. Maceo Heilman B, Manns F, Ruggeri M, Ho A, Gonzalez A, Rowaan C, Bernal A, Arrieta E, Parel JM. Peripheral Defocus of the Monkey Crystalline Lens with Accommodation in a Lens Stretcher. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018 Apr 1;59(5):2177-2186. doi: 10.1167/iovs.17-23273.
  19. Markoulli M, Flanagan J, Tummanapalli SS, Wu J, Willcox M.The impact of diabetes on corneal nerve morphology and ocular surface integrity, The Ocular Surface (2017),
  20. Mohamed A, Ali MJ, Parel J-MA, Augusteyn RC, Sangwan VS.
    In vitro biometry of a human spherophakia. Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2017; 100: 189–191
  21. Sankaridurg P, Contact lenses to slow progression of myopia. Clin Exp Optom. 2017 Sep;100(5):432-437. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12584. Epub 2017 Jul 28.
  22. Sankaridurg P, He X, Naduvilath T, Lv M, Ho A, Smith E III, Erickson P, Zhu J, Zou H, Xu X, Comparison of noncycloplegic and cycloplegic autorefraction in categorizing refractive error data in children. Acta Ophthalmol. 2017 Nov; 95(7): e633–e640.
  23. Sha J; Tilia D; Kho D; Diec J; Thomas V; Bakaraju RC. Comparison of Extended Depth-of-Focus Prototype Contact Lenses With the 1-Day ACUVUE MOIST MULTIFOCAL After One Week of Wear. Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice. Publish Ahead of Print: OCT 2017. DOI: 10.1097/ICL.0000000000000430
  24. Stapleton F, Naduvilath T, Keay L, Radford C, Dart J, Edwards K, Carnt N, Minassian D, Holden B. Risk factors and causative organisms in microbial keratitis in daily disposable contact lens wear. PLoS One. 2017 Aug 16;12(8):e0181343. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0181343. eCollection 2017.
  25. Xiong S, Sankaridurg P, Naduvilath T, Zang J, Zou H, Zhu J, Lv M, He X, Xu X. Time spent in outdoor activities in relation to myopia prevention and control: a meta-analysis and systematic review. Acta Ophthalmol. 2017 Sep;95(6):551-566. doi: 10.1111/aos.13403. Epub 2017 Mar 2.
  1. Arumugam B, Hung LF, To CH, Sankaridurg P, Iii EL. The Effects of the Relative Strength of Simultaneous Competing Defocus Signals on Emmetropization in Infant Rhesus Monkeys. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016 Aug 1;57(10):3949-60.
  2. Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K, Ho A. Extended depth of focus contact lenses vs. two commercial multifocals: Part 1. Optical performance evaluation via computed through-focus retinal image quality metrics. Journal of Optometry (2017),
  3. Bakaraju RC, Tilia D, Sha J, Diec J, Chung J, Kho D, Delaney S, Munro A, Thomas V, Extended depth of focus contact lenses vs. two commercial multifocals: Part 2. Visual performance after 1 week of lens wear, In Journal of Optometry, 2017, ISSN 1888-4296,
  4. Bandara MK, Masoudi S, Zhu H, Bandara R, Willcox MD. Evaluation of Protamine as a Disinfectant for Contact Lenses. Optom Vis Sci. 2016 Nov;93(11):1349-1355.
  5. Fedtke, C., Sha, J., Thomas, V., Ehrmann, K., Bakaraju, R.C. Impact of Spherical Aberration Terms on Multifocal Contact Lens Performance. Optometry and Vision ScienceVolume 94, Issue 2, 1 February 2017, Pages 197-207.
  6. Khan S, Cole N, Hume EB, Garthwaite LL, Nguyen-Khuong T, Walsh BJ, Willcox MD. Identification of pathogenic factors potentially involved in Staphylococcus aureus keratitis using proteomics. Exp Eye Res. 2016 Oct;151:171-8. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2016.08.016.
  7. Kim E, Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K. Power Profiles of Commercial Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses. Optom Vis Sci. 2017 Feb; 94(2): 183–196.
  8. Layland B, McMonnies C, Davis S. Brien Holden: a remarkable life in optometry. Clin Exp Optom. 2016 Jul;99(4):389-91.
  9. Lee L, Garrett Q, Flanagan J, Papas E, Treatment Practices and Outcomes of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction at a Tertiary Center in Southern India, Eye & Contact Lens, December 2016
  10. Ma Y, Qu X, Zhu X, Xu X, Zhu J, Sankaridurg P, Lin S, Lu L, Zhao R, Wang L, Shi H, Tan H, You X, Yuan H, Sun S, Wang M, He X, Zou H, Congdon N. Age-Specific  Prevalence of Visual Impairment and Refractive Error in Children Aged 3-10 Years  in Shanghai, China. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016 Nov 1;57(14):6188-6196.
  11. Mohamed A, Ali MJ, Parel JA, Augusteyn RC, Sangwan VS. In vitro biometry of a human spherophakia. Clin Exp Optom. 2016 Aug 25. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12439.
  12. Naduvilath T, Papas EB, Lazon de la Jara P. Demographic Factors Affect Ocular Comfort Ratings During Contact Lens Wear. Optom Vis Sci. 2016 Aug;93(8):1004-10.  doi: 10.1097/OPX.0000000000000884.
  13. Rohit A, Willcox MD, Stapleton F. Lipid Supplements and Clinical Aspects of Tear Film in Habitual Lens Wearers. Optom Vis Sci. 2017 Feb;94(2):174-182.
  14. Rohit A, Willcox MD, Stapleton F. Effects of Lipid Supplements on Tear Biochemistry in Contact Lens Wearers. Optom Vis Sci. 2016 Oct;93(10):1203-1209.
  15. Yeotikar NS, Zhu H, Markoulli M, Nichols KK, Naduvilath T, Papas EB. Functional and Morphologic Changes of Meibomian Glands in an Asymptomatic Adult Population. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016 Aug 1;57(10):3996-4007.
  1. Alghamdi WM, Markoulli M, Holden BA, Papas EB. Impact of duration of contact lens wear on the structure and function of the meibomian glands. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2016 Mar;36(2):120-31. doi: 10.1111/opo.12278. PubMed PMID: 26890701.
  2. Augusteyn, R.C., Maceo, B., Ho, A., Parel, J-M. Nonhuman primate ocular biometry. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016 Jan 1;57(1):105-14.
  3. Bakaraju RC, Fedtke C, Ehrmann K, Falk D, Thomas V, Holden BA. Peripheral refraction and higher-order aberrations with cycloplegia and fogging lenses using the BHVI-EyeMapper. J Optom. 2016 Jan-Mar;9(1):5-12. doi: 10.1016/j.optom.2015.06.003. PubMed PMID: 26190684; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4705317.
  4. Bakaraju RC, Fedtke C, Ehrmann K, Ho A. Comparing the relative peripheral refraction effect of single vision and multifocal contact lenses measured using an autorefractor and an aberrometer: A pilot study. J Optom. 2015 Jul-Sep;8(3):206-18.
  5. Brown SH, Kunnen CM, Papas EB, Lazon de la Jara P, Willcox MD, Blanksby SJ, Mitchell TW. Intersubject and Interday Variability in Human Tear and Meibum Lipidomes: A Pilot Study. Ocul Surf. 2016  an;14(1):43-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jtos.2015.08.005. PubMed PMID: 26416436.
  6. Cheng RW, Yusof F, Tsui E, Jong M, Duffin J, Flanagan JG, Fisher JA, Hudson C. Relationship between retinal blood flow and arterial oxygen. J Physiol. 2016 Feb 1;594(3):625-40. doi: 10.1113/JP271182. PubMed PMID: 26607393.
  7. Diec J, Tilia D, Naduvilath T, Bakaraju RC. Predicting Short-term Performance of Multifocal Contact Lenses. Eye Contact Lens. 2016 May 26. (Epub ahead of print) PubMed PMID: 27243350. doi: 10.1097/ICL.0000000000000286
  8. Ding X, Chang RT, Guo X, Liu X, Johnson CA, Holden BA, He M. Visual field defect classification in the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center-Brien Holden Vision Institute High Myopia Registry Study. Br J Ophthalmol. 2016 Mar 31. pii: bjophthalmol-2015-307942. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2015-307942. (Epub ahead of print) PubMed PMID: 27033693.
  9. Fedtke C, Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K, Chung J, Thomas V, Holden BA. Visual performance of single vision and multifocal contact lenses in non-presbyopic myopic eyes. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2016 Feb;39(1):38-46. doi: 10.1016/j.clae.2015.07.005. PubMed PMID: 26228543.
  10. Fedtke C, Ehrmann K, Thomas V, Bakaraju RC. Visual performance of single vision and multifocal contact lenses in non-presbyopic myopic eyes. Clinical Optometry. 2016 Apr;8:37-46.
  11. Fedtke C, Ehrmann K, Thomas V, Bakaraju RC. Association between multifocal soft contact lens decentration and visual performance. Clinical Optometry. 2016 Jun;8:57-69.
  12. Flanagan JL, Khandekar N, Zhu H, Watanabe K, Markoulli M, Flanagan JT, Papas E. Glycerol Monolaurate Inhibits Lipase Production by Clinical Ocular Isolates Without Affecting Bacterial Cell Viability. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016 Feb;57(2):544-50. doi: 10.1167/iovs.15-17180. PubMed PMID: 26873514.
  13. Gogate P, Optom JJ, Deshpande S, Naidoo K. Meta-analysis to Compare the Safety and Efficacy of Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery and Phacoemulsification. Middle East Afr J Ophthalmol. 2015 Jul-Sep;22(3):362-9. doi: 10.4103/0974-9233.159763. Review. PubMed PMID: 26180478; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4502183.
  14. Gong W, Hu Y, Niu Y, Wang D, Wang Y, Li Y, Holden BA, He M. Effects of longitudinal body mass index variability on microvasculature over 5 years in adult Chinese. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2016 Mar;24(3):743-9. doi: 10.1002/oby.21398. PubMed PMID: 26833805.
  15. Holden BA. The Charles F. Prentice Award Lecture 2014: A 50-Year Research Journey: Giants and Great Collaborators. Optom Vis Sci. 2015 Jul;92(7):741-9.
  16. Kim E, Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K. Reliability of power profiles measured on NIMO TR1504 (Lambda-X) and effects of lens decentration for single vision, bifocal and multifocal contact lenses. J Optom. 2016 Apr-Jun;9(2):126-36. doi: 10.1016/j.optom.2015.10.005. PubMed PMID: 26590009; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4811992.
  17. Kunnen CM, Brown SH, Lazon de la Jara P, Holden BA, Blanksby SJ, Mitchell TW, Papas EB. Influence of Meibomian Gland Expression Methods on Human Lipid Analysis Results. Ocul Surf. 2016 Jan;14(1):49-55. doi: 10.1016/j.jtos.2015.10.001. PubMed PMID: 26524238.
  18. Marussich, L., Manns,F., Nankivil, D., Maceo Heilman, B., Arrieta, E., Yao, Y., Arieta-Quintero, E. Ho, A., Augusteyn, R.C. and Parel J-M. Measurement of crystalline lens volume during accommodation in a lens stretcher. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 Jul;56(8):4239-48.
  19. Masoudi S, Zhao Z, Stapleton F, Willcox M. Contact Lens-Induced Discomfort and Inflammatory Mediator Changes in Tears. Eye Contact Lens. 2016 Jan 22. (Epub  ahead of print) PubMed PMID: 26808700.
  20. Ozkan J, Fedtke C, Chung J, Thomas V, Bakaraju RC. Short-Term Adaptation of Accommodative Responses in Myopes Fitted With Multifocal Contact Lenses. Eye Contact Lens. 2016 Jun 20. (Epub ahead of print) PubMed PMID: 27341089. DOI: 10.1097/ICL.0000000000000299
  21. Ruggeri M, de Freitas C, Williams S, Hernandez VM, Cabot F, Yesilirmak N, Alawa K, Chang YC, Yoo SH, Gregori G, Parel JM, Manns F. Quantification of the ciliary muscle and crystalline lens interaction during accommodation with synchronous OCT imaging. Biomed Opt Express. 2016 Mar 17;7(4):1351-64
  22. Sankaridurg P. A less myopic future: what are the prospects? Clin Exp Optom. 2015 Nov;98(6):494-6. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12358. PubMed PMID: 26769176.
  23. Sha J, Bakaraju RC, Tilia D, Chung J, Delaney S, Munro A, Ehrmann K, Thomas V, Holden BA. Short-term visual performance of soft multifocal contact lenses for presbyopia. Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2016 Apr;79(2):73-7. doi: 10.5935/0004-2749.20160023. PubMed PMID: 27224066.
  24. Tilia D, Munro A, Chung J, Sha J, Delaney S, Kho D, Thomas V, Ehrmann K, Bakaraju RC. Short-term comparison between extended depth-of-focus prototype contact lenses and a commercially-available center-near multifocal. J Optom. 2016 May 6. pii: S1888-4296(16)30008-5. doi:  0.1016/j.optom.2016.04.003. (Epub ahead of print) PubMed PMID: 27161603.
  25. Tilia D, Bakaraju RC, Chung J, Sha J, Delaney S, Munro A, Thomas V, Ehrmann K and Holden BA, Short-Term Visual Performance of Novel Extended Depth-of-Focus Contact Lenses, Optometry and Vision Science. 93(6):656, June 2016.
  1. Arumugam B, Hung LF, To CH, Holden B, Smith EL 3rd. The effects of simultaneous dual focus lenses on refractive development in infant monkeys. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014 Oct 16; 55(11):7423-32.
  2. Awan H, Khan MD, Felch W, Spivey B, Taylor H, Resnikoff S, Gauthier T-M. Status of Ophthalmic Education and the Eye Health Workforce in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Countries. Asia-Pac J Ophthalmol 2014; 3: 74-82
  3. Bakaraju RC, Fedtke C, Ehrmann K, Ho A. Comparing the relative peripheral refraction effect of single vision and multifocal contact lenses measured using an autorefractor and an aberrometer: A pilot study. J Optom. Feb 5. pii: S1888-4296(15)00006-0.
  4. Batlle JF, Lansingh VC, Silva JC, Eckert KA, Resnikoff S. Cataract Situation in Latin America: Barriers to Cataract Surgery. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2014; 158(2):242-250.
  5. Cabot F, Ruggeri M, Saheb H, Parel JM, Parrish RK 2nd. Extended-depth spectral-domain optical coherence tomography imaging of the crystalline lens in Weill-Marchesani-like syndrome. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Online Case Reports. 2014 Oct; 2(4):92-95.
  6. Chan V, Loughman J, Moodley VR, Bilotto L, Naidoo K, Student Educational Background, Perceptions and Expectations Toward Optometry: An Emerging Eye Health Profession in Mozambique, Optometric Education, 40 (2), Winter-Spring 2015.
  7. de Freitas CP, Cabot F, Manns F, Culbertson W, Yoo SH, Parel JM. Calculation of ophthalmic viscoelastic device-induced focus shift during femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 Jan 27; 56(2):1222-7.
  8. Fedtke C, Ehrmann K, Falk D, Bakaraju RC, Holden BA, The BHVI-EyeMapper: Peripheral Refraction and Aberration Profiles, Optom Vis Sci. 2014 Oct; 91(10): 1199–1207.
  9. Gilbert C and Resnikoff S. Getting ready to cope with non-communicable eye diseases. Comm Eye Health Vol. 27 No. 87, 2014, pp 51.
  10. Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Collaborators, Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet. 2015 Jun 7.
  11. Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Collaborators, Mortality and Causes of Death Collaborators. Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet. 2015 Jan 10; 385(9963):117-71.
  12. Govender P, Ramson P, Visser L, Naidoo KS. Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness in the northern eThekwini district of KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. Afr Vision Eye Health. 2015; 74 (1).
  13. Holden BA. The Charles F. Prentice Award Lecture 2014: A 50-Year Research Journey: Giants and Great Collaborators. Optom Vis Sci. 2015 Jul; 92(7):741-9.
  14. Holden B, Davis S, Jong M, Resnikoff S. The evolution of uncorrected refractive error as a major public health issue. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales Volume 147 Issue 453/454 (2014).
  15. Hsu KH, de la Jara PL, Ariyavidana A, Watling J, Holden B, Garrett Q, Chauhan A. Release of betaine and dexpanthenol from vitamin E modified silicone-hydrogel contact lenses. Curr Eye Res. 2015 Mar; 40(3):267-73.
  16. Jaggernath J, Øverland L, Ramson P, Kovai V, Chan VF, Naidoo KS. Poverty and Eye Health. Health. 2014; 06(14):1849-1860.
  17. Jaggernath J, Gogate P, Moodley V, Naidoo KS. Comparison of cataract surgery techniques: safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2014 Jul-Aug; 24(4):520-6.
  18. Jonas JB*, Bourne RR*, White RA, Flaxman SR, Keeffe J, Leasher J, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Price H, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Taylor HR, on behalf of the Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Visual Impairment and Blindness Due to Macular Diseases Globally: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2014; 158:808–815.
  19. Kahloun R, Jelliti B, Zaouali S, Attia S, Yahia SB, Resnikoff S and Khairallah M. Prevalence and causes of visual impairment in diabetic patients in Tunisia, North Africa. Eye (2014) Aug; 28(8):986-91.
  20. Kaple D, Marasini S, Kalua K, Reading A, Naidoo KS. Visual profile of students in integrated schools in Malawi. Clinical and Experimental Optometry. 2015, 98: 370–374.
  21. Kassebaum NJ, Bertozzi-Villa A, Coggeshall MS, Shackelford KA, Steiner C, Heuton KR, Gonzalez-Medina D, Barber R, Huynh C, et al. Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. The Lancet. 2014, 384(9947): 980-1004
  22. Lansingh VC, Carter MJ, Eckert KA, Winthrop KA, Furtado JM, Resnikoff S. Affordability of Cataract Surgery Using the Big Mac Prices. Revista Mexicana de Oftalmología. 2015; 89(1):21-30.
  23. Lansingh VC, Nano ME, Carter MJ, Zarate N, Resnikoff S, Eckert KA. Complexities and challenges of surgical data collection from cataract patients: comparison of cataract surgery rates between 2001 and 2008 in all provinces of Argentina. Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2014; 77(1):25-29.
  24. Loughman J, Nxele L, Farai C, Thompson S, Ramson P, Chinanayi F, Naidoo KS. Rapid Assessment of Refractive Error, Presbyopia and Visual impairment and associated Quality of Life in Nampula, Mozambique, Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, (May-Jun 2015): 199.
  25. Maceo Heilman B, Manns F, de Castro A, Durkee H, Arrieta E, Marcos S, Parel JM. Changes in monkey crystalline lens spherical aberration during simulated accommodation in a lens stretcher. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 Feb 10; 56(3):1743-50.
  26. Mashayo ER, Chan VF, Ramson P, Chinanayi F, Naidoo KS. Prevalence of refractive error, presbyopia and spectacle coverage in Kahama District, Tanzania: a rapid assessment of refractive error. Clin Exp Optom 2015 Jan 30; 98(1):58-64.
  27. Mohammad Pour H, Kanapathipillai S, Manns F, Ho A. Determining the optomechanical properties of accommodating gel for lens refilling surgery using finite element analysis and numerical ray-tracing. Proceedings of SPIE Vol 9307, Ophthalmic Technologies XXV, 930715 (12 March 2015).
  28. Moodley VR, Loughman J, Naidoo KS. Access to Optometric Education: Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa. Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal. 2014. 5(3). ISSN:2040, 2589.
  29. Murray CJ, Ortblad KF, Guinovart C, Lim SS, Wolock TM, Roberts DA, Dansereau EA, Graetz N, et al. Global, regional, and national incidence and mortality for HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet, 2014, 384(9947): 1005-1070.
  30. Naidoo K, Govender P. A team approach to providing refractive error services. Community Eye Health Journal. 2014; 27(86):29-30.
  31. Naidoo K, Govender P, Holden B, The uncorrected refractive error challenge. Comm Eye Health Vol. 27 No. 88 2014 pp 74 – 75. Published online 01 April 2015.
  32. Nankivil D, Maceo Heilman B, Durkee H, Manns F, Ehrmann K, Kelly S, Arrieta-Quintero E, Parel JM. The zonules selectively alter the shape of the lens during accommodation based on the location of their anchorage points. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 Feb 19; 56(3):1751-60.
  33. Ozkan J, Rathi VM, de la Jara PL, Naduvilath T, Holden BA, Willcox MD. Effect of Daily Contact Lens Cleaning on Ocular Adverse Events during Extended Wear. Optom Vis Sci. 2015 Feb; 92(2):157-66.
  34. Palmer JJ, Chinanayi F, Gilbert A, Pillay D, Fox S, Jaggernath J, Naidoo K, Graham R, Patel D, Blanchet K. Trends and implications for achieving VISION 2020 human resources for eye health targets in 16 countries of sub-Saharan Africa by the year 2020. Hum Resour Health, 2014 15; 12:45.
  35. Palmer JJ, Chinanayi F, Gilbert A, Pillay D, Fox S, Jaggernath J, Naidoo K, Graham R, Patel D, Blanchet K Mapping human resources for eye health in 21 countries of sub-Saharan Africa: current progress towards VISION 2020. Human Resources for Health 2014, 12:44
  36. Papas EB. The significance of oxygen during contact lens wear. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2014 Dec; 37(6):394-404.
  37. Papas E, Tilia D, McNally J, de la Jara PL. Ocular discomfort responses after short periods of contact lens wear. Optom Vis Sci. 2015 Jun; 92(6):665-70.
  38. Paudel P, Cronje S, O’Connor P, Rao G, Holden B. Selection considerations when using a ‘standard optometrist’ to evaluate clinical performance of other eye-care personnel, Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 2014; 97: 426–432.
  39. Paudel P, Khadka J, Burnett A, Hani Y, Naduvilath T, Fricke TR. Papua New Guinea vision-specific quality of life questionnaire: a new patient-reported outcome instrument to assess the impact of impaired vision. Clin. Experiment. Ophthalmol. 2015 Apr; 43(3):202-13.
  40. Philip K, Sankaridurg P, Holden B, Ho A, Mitchell P. Influence of higher order aberrations and retinal image quality in myopisation of emmetropic eyes.Vision Res. 2014 Dec;105:233-43.
  41. Pour HM, Kanapathipillai S, Zarrabi K, Manns F, Ho A. Stretch-dependent changes in surface profiles of the human crystalline lens during accommodation: a finite element study. Clinical and Experimental Optometry. 2015 Mar; 98(2):126-37.
  42. Resnikoff S and Kocur I. Non-communicable eye diseases: facing the future. Comm Eye Health Vol. 27 No. 87, 2014, pp 41 – 43.
  43. Rohit A, Willcox MD, Brown SH, Mitchell TW, Stapleton F. Clinical and biochemical tear lipid parameters in contact lens wearers. Optom Vis Sci. 2014 Dec; 91(12):1384-90.
  44. Rohit A, Stapleton F, Brown SH, Mitchell TW, Willcox MD. Comparison of tear lipid profile among basal, reflex, and flush tear samples. Optom Vis Sci. 2014 Dec; 91(12):1391-5
  45. Shah K, Naidoo K, Bilotto L, Loughman J. Factors affecting the academic performance of optometry students in mozambique. Optom Vis Sci. 2015 Jun; 92(6):719-29.
  46. Shah K, Naidoo K, Chagunda M, Loughman J. Evaluations of refraction competencies of ophthalmic technicians in Mozambique. J Optom. 2015 Feb 5.
  47. Stapleton F, Golebiowski B, Skotnitsky C, Tan ME, Holden BA. Corneal and conjunctival sensitivity in intolerant contact lens wearers. J Optom. 2015 Jan-Mar; 8(1):62-3.
  48. Thite N, Jaggernath J, Chinanayi F, Bharadwaj S, Kunjeer G, Pattern of optometry practice and range of services in India. Optom Vis Sci 2015 May; 92(5):615-22
  49. Thompson S, Naidoo K, Harris G, Ferran J, Bilotto L, Loughman J. The development of a public optometry system in Mozambique: a cost benefit analysis. BMC Health Services Research. 2014; 14:422.
  50. Thompson S, Naidoo K, Gonzalez-Alvarez C, Harris G, Chinanayi F,Loughman J.
  51. Barriers to Use of Refractive Services in Mozambique. Optom Vis Sci. 2015 Jan; 92(1): 59–69.
  52. Veerendranath P, Donovan L, Taneja M, Naduvilath TJ, Garrett Q, Delgado S, Sangwan VS, Ho A. Measurement of consensual accommodation in vision-impaired eyes. Optom Vis Sci. 2014 Jul; 91(7):752-9.
  53. Vijay AK, Willcox M, Zhu H, Stapleton F. Contact lens storage case hygiene practice and storage case contamination. Eye Contact Lens. 2015 Mar; 41(2):91-7.
  54. Wagner S, Conrad F, Bakaraju RC, Fedtke C, Ehrmann K, Holden BA. Power Profiles of Soft Contact Lenses, Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 2015 Feb; 38(1):2-14.
  55. Wang H, Liddell CA, Coates MM, Mooney MD, Levitz CE et al. Global, regional, and national levels of neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. The Lancet. 2014. 384(9947):957-79
  56. Willcox MD, Zhao Z, Naduvilath T, Lazon de la Jara P. Cytokine changes in tears and relationship to contact lens discomfort. Mol Vis. 2015 Mar 15; 21:293-305.
  57. Wu YT, Willcox MD, Stapleton F. The effect of contact lens hygiene behavior on lens case contamination. Optom Vis Sci. 2015 Feb; 92(2):167-74.
  58. Naidoo KS, Jaggernath J, Ramson P, Chinanayi F, Zhuwau T, Øverland L, 2015, The prevalence of self-reported vision impairment in economically disadvantaged regions of South Africa. African Journal of Disability 4(1), Art. #136, 11 pages.

Books and book chapters

  1. Merbs S, Resnikoff S, Kello A, Mariotti SP, Greene S, West S. Cirugía de la triquiasis tracomatosa.. Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Washington, DC : OPS, 2014. ISBN 978-92-75-31849-2
  2. Merbs S, Resnikoff S, Kello A., Mariotti SP, Greene S, West S. Cirurgia para triquíase tracomatosa. Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde. Washington, DC : OPAS, 2015. ISBN 978-92-75-71849-0
  3. Resnikoff S. Pathologies tropicales et surface oculaire. Chapitre 12, 459 – 467. Rapport 2015 Surface Oculaire, Société Française d’Ophtalmologie, Elsevier Masson Ed. ISBN : 978-2-294-74563-8
  1. Bandamwar, K. L., E. B. Papas and Q. Garrett, 2014 Fluorescein staining and physiological state of corneal epithelial cells. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 37: 213-223. Comfort
  2. Bourne, R.A., Stevens, G.A., White, R.A., Smith, J.L., Flaxman, S.R., Price, H., Jost, J.B., Keefe, J. et al.  Causes of vision loss worldwide, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis.  Lancet Global Health.  2013: V, e339–e349, December 2013
  3. Brown, S. H. J., C. M. E. Kunnen, E. Duchoslav, N. K. Dolla, M. J. Kelso et al., 2013 A Comparison of Patient Matched Meibum and Tear Lipidomes. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 54: 7417-7423. Comfort
  4. Congdon N, Yan X, Lansingh V, Sisay A, Müller A, Chan V, Jin L, Meltzer ME, Karumanchi SM, Guan C, Vuong Q, Rivera N, McCleod-Omawale J, He M. Assessment of cataract surgical outcomes in settings where follow-up is poor: PRECOG, a multicentre observational study. The Lancet Global Health. 2013 Jul;1(1):e37-45.
  5. de la Jara, P. L., P. Sankaridurg, K. Ehrmann and B. A. Holden, 2014 Influence of Contact Lens Power Profile on Peripheral Refractive Error. Optometry and Vision Science 91: 642-649.
  6. Diec, J., E. Papas, T. Naduvilath, P. Xu, B. A. Holden et al., 2013 Combined Effect of Comfort and Adverse Events on Contact Lens Performance. Optometry and Vision Science 90: 674-681.
  7. Fedtke, C., K. Ehrmann, D. Falk, R. C. Bakaraju and B. A. Holden, 2014 The BHVI-EyeMapper: Peripheral Refraction and Aberration Profiles. Optom Vis Sci.
  8. He M, Abdou A, Ellwein LB, Naidoo KS, Sapkota YD, Thulasiraj RD, Varma R, Zhao J, Kocur I, Congdon NG. Age-related prevalence and met need for correctable and uncorrectable near vision impairment in a multi-country study. Ophthalmology, 2014 Jan;121(1):417-22.
  9. Holden, B., P. Sankaridurg, E. Smith, T. Aller, M. Jong et al., 2014 Myopia, an underrated global challenge to vision: where the current data takes us on myopia control. Eye 28: 142-146.
  10. Jaggernath J, Gogate P, Moodley V, Naidoo KS. A comparison of cataract surgery techniques: Safety, efficacy and cost effectiveness. European Journal of Ophthalmology, 2014; 24(4): 520-526.
  11. Jonas JB, George R, Asokan R, Flaxman SR, Keeffe J, Leasher J, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Price H, Vijaya L, White RA, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Taylor HR, Bourne RR; on behalf of the Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in Central and South Asia: 1990-2010. British Journal of Ophthalmology.  2014 Jan 23.
  12. Keefe, J. Taylor, H.R., Fotis, K., Pesudovs, K., Flaxman, S.R., Jonas, J.B., Leasher, J., Naidoo, K. et al.  Prevalence and causes of vision loss in Southeast Asia and Oceania: 1990-2010.  British Journal of Ophthalmology. 2014 May;98(5):586-91
  13. Kovai V, Prasadara BVM, Paudel P, Stapleton F, Wilson D. Reasons for refusing cataract surgery in illiterate individuals in a tribal area of Andhra Pradesh, India. Ophthalmic Epidemiology, Jun 2014, Vol. 21, No. 3, Pages 144-152: 144-152.
  14. Kumah DB, Ebri A, Abdul-Kabir M, Sadik A, Koomson Y, Aikins S, Aikins A, Amedo A, Lartey S, Naidoo K. Refractive error and visual impairment in private school children in Ghana. Optometry and Vision Science, 2013: 90(12): 1456-1461.
  15. Loughman J, Gonzalez Alvarez C, Verdon-Roe GM, Anderson R, Antonio Manuel R, Naidoo KS. Impact of computer experience on the viability and repeatability of the moorfields motion displacement test in a developing and underserved African setting. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 2013, 4: 304
  16. Masoudi, S., L. Zhong, M. J. Raftery, F. J. Stapleton and M. D. Willcox, 2014 Method Development for Quantification of Five Tear Proteins Using Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) Mass Spectrometry. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 55: 767-775.
  17. Naidoo KS, Gichuhi S, Basáñez MG, Flaxman SR, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, Leasher JL, Pesudovs K, et al. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in Sub-Saharan Africa: 1990-2010. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 2014 May;98(5):612-8.
  18. Naidoo KS, Sweeney D, Jaggernath J, Holden BA. A population-based study of visual impairment in the Lower Tugela Health district in KZN, SA. South African Optometry Journal, 2013 72
  19. Naidoo KS, Naidoo K, Maharaj Y, Ramson P, Wallace D, Dabideen R. Scaling up the delivery of refractive error services within a district health system: the KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa experience. BMC Health Services Research, 2013 Sep 27;13:361
  20. Naidoo KS, Jaggernath J, Martin C, Govender P, Chinanayi FS, Chan VF, Ramson P. Prevalence of presbyopia and spectacle coverage in an African population in Durban, South Africa. Optometry and Vision Science, 2013 Dec;90(12):1424-9.
  21. Nichols, K. K., R. L. Redfern, J. T. Jacob, J. D. Nelson, D. Fonn et al., 2013 The TFOS International Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort: Report of the Definition and Classification Subcommittee. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 54: 14-19. Comfort
  22. Palsamy, P., K. R. Bidasee, M. Ayaki, R. C. Augusteyn, J. Y. Chan et al., 2014 Methylglyoxal induces endoplasmic reticulum stress and DNA demethylation in the Keap1 promoter of human lens epithelial cells and age-related cataracts. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 72: 134-148. Biomaterials
  23. Panthi S, Prakash P, Chaudhary M. Microbial contamination of contact lens care accessories and compliances with care regimens in Nepal. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 37 (2014) 2–10.
  24. Paudel, P., S. Cronje, P. M. O’Connor, G. N. Rao and B. A. Holden, 2014 Selection considerations when using a ‘standard optometrist’ to evaluate clinical performance of other eye-care personnel. Clin Exp Optom 97: 426-432. Vision Care Delivery
  25. Paudel P, Ramson P, Naduvilath T, Wilson D, Thanh Phuong H, Ho SM, Viet Giap N. Prevalence of vision impairment and refractive error in school children in Ba Ria – Vung Tau Province, Vietnam. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, Volume 42, Issue 3, pages 217–226, April 2014
  26. Price, H., P. M. Allen, H. Radhakrishnan, R. Calver, S. Rae et al., 2013 The Cambridge Anti-Myopia Study: Variables Associated with Myopia Progression. Optometry and Vision Science 90: 1274-1283.
  27. Sankaridurg, P., X. Chen, T. Naduvilath, P. L. de la Jara, Z. Lin et al., 2013 Adverse Events during 2 Years of Daily Wear of Silicone Hydrogels in Children. Optometry and Vision Science 90: 961-969.
  28. Sankaridurg, P. R., and B. A. Holden, 2014 Practical applications to modify and control the development of ametropia. Eye 28: 134-141
  29. Stevens, G., White, R., Flaxman, S.R., Price, H., Jonas, J.B., Keeffe, J., Leasher, J., Naidoo, K., et al.  Global Prevalence of Vision Impairment and Blindness.  Ophthalmology 2013 Dec;120(12):2377-84
  30. Tahhan, N., E. Papas, T. R. Fricke, K. D. Frick and B. A. Holden, 2013 Utility and Uncorrected Refractive Error. Ophthalmology 120: 1736-1744. Vision Care
  31. Tilia, D., P. L. de la Jara, H. Zhu, T. J. Naduvilath and B. A. Holden, 2014 The Effect of Compliance on Contact Lens Case Contamination. Optometry and Vision Science 91: 262-271.
  32. Veerendranath, P., L. Donovan, M. Taneja, T. J. Naduvilath, Q. Garrett et al., 2014 Measurement of ConsensualAccommodation in Vision-Impaired Eyes. Optometry and Vision Science 91: 752-759.
  33. Wong, T.Y., Zheng, Y., Jonas, J.B., Flaxman, S.R., Keefe, J., Leasher, J., Naidoo, K., Pesudovs, K. et al.  Prevalence and causes of vision loss in East Asia: 1990-2010.  British Journal of Ophthalmology. 2014 May;98(5):599-604
  1. Augusteyn RC, Nankivil D, Mohamed A, Maceo B, Pierre F, Parel J-M. Human ocular biometry. Experimental Eye Research. Sep 2012;102:70-75.
  2. Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K, Falk D, Ho A, Papas E. Optical Performance of Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses via a Single-Pass Method. Optometry and Vision Science. Aug 2012;89(8):1107-1118.
  3. Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K, Falk D, Ho A, Papas E. Optical Performance of Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses via a Single-Pass Method. Optometry and Vision Science. Aug 2012;89(8):1107-1118.
  4. Balasubramanian SA, Pye DC, Willcox MDP. Effects of eye rubbing on the levels of protease, protease activity and cytokines in tears: relevance in keratoconus. Clinical and Experimental Optometry. Mar 2013;96(2):214-218.
  5. Carnt NA, Willcox MDP, Hau S, et al. Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of Interleukins-1 beta,-6, and-12B with Contact Lens Keratitis Susceptibility and Severity. Ophthalmology. Jul 2012;119(7).
  6. Carnt NA, Willcox MDP, Hau S, et al. Immune Defense Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Recruitment Strategies Associated with Contact Lens Keratitis. Ophthalmology. Oct 2012;119(10):1997-2002.
  7. Cole N, Garthwaite L, Chen R, Willcox MDP. Effect of Multipurpose Solutions on Cell Morphology and Cytokine Production by Corneal Epithelial Cells. Optometry and Vision Science. Oct 2012;89(10):1460-1467.
  8. De Souza N, Cui Y, Looi S, et al. The role of optometrists in India: An integral part of an eye health team. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. Sep-Oct 2012;60(5):401-405.
  9. Diec J, de la Jara PL, Willcox M, Holden BA. The Clinical Performance of Lenses Disposed of Daily Can Vary Considerably. Eye & Contact Lens-Science and Clinical Practice. Sep 2012;38(5):313-318.
  10. Diec J, Papas E, Naduvilath T, Xu P, Holden BA, Lazon de la Jara P. Combined effect of comfort and adverse events on contact lens performance. Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry. 2013-Jul 2013;90(7):674-681.
  11. Donovan L, Sankaridurg P, Ho A, et al. Myopia Progression in Chinese Children is Slower in Summer Than in Winter. Optometry and Vision Science. Aug 2012;89(8):1196-1202.
  12. Dutta D, Cole N, Kumar N, Willcox MDP. Broad Spectrum Antimicrobial Activity of Melimine Covalently Bound to Contact Lenses. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. Jan 2013;54(1):175-182.
  13. Fricke TR, Holden BA, Wilson DA, et al. Global cost of correcting vision impairment from uncorrected refractive error. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Oct 2012;90(10):728-738.
  14. Garrett Q, Khandekar N, Shih S, et al. Betaine stabilizes cell volume and protects against apoptosis in human corneal epithelial cells under hyperosmotic stress. Experimental Eye Research. Mar 2013;108:33-41.
  15. Khandekar N, Willcox MDP, Shih S, Simmons P, Vehige J, Garrett Q. Decrease in hyperosmotic stress-induced corneal epithelial cell apoptosis by L-carnitine. Molecular vision. 2013 Sep 2013;19:1945-1956.
  16. Kim E, Ehrmann K, Choo J, Franz S, Moilanen J. The Effect of Inlay Implantation on Corneal Thickness and Radius of Curvature in Rabbit Eyes. Cornea. May 2013;32(5):E106-E112.
  17. Konda N, Optom B, Optom F. Ocular photography contest. Grand prize: anterior segment: Crystalline lens subluxation with intact zonules in patient with Marfans syndrome. Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry. 2012-Nov 2012;89(11):e98-99.
  18. Lazon de la Jara P, Papas E, Diec J, Naduvilath T, Willcox MDP, Holden BA. Effect of lens care systems on the clinical performance of a contact lens. Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry. 2013-Apr 2013;90(4):344-350.
  19. Omali NB, Zhao Z, Zhong L, et al. Quantification of protein deposits on silicone hydrogel materials using stable-isotopic labeling and multiple reaction monitoring. Biofouling. 2012 2012;28(7):697-709.
  20. Omali NB, Zhao Z, Zhu H, Tilia D, Willcox MDP. Quantification of individual proteins in silicone hydrogel contact lens deposits. Molecular Vision. Feb 18 2013;19:390-399.
  21. Omali NB, Zhu H, Zhao Z, Willcox MDP. Protein Deposition and Its Effect on Bacterial Adhesion to Contact Lenses. Optometry and Vision Science. Jun 2013;90(6):557-564.
  22. Ozkan J, Ehrmann K, Meadows D, Lally J, Holden B, de la Jara PL. Lens parameter changes under in vitro and ex vivo conditions and their effect on the conjunctiva. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye. Aug 2013;36(4):171-175.
  23. Ozkan J, Willcox MDP, de la Jara PL, et al. The Effect of Daily Lens Replacement During Overnight Wear on Ocular Adverse Events. Optometry and Vision Science. Dec 2012;89(12):1674-1681.
  24. Papas E, Jones L. Re: Putting vital stains in context. Clinical and Experimental Optometry. Sep 2013;96(5):508-508.
  25. Pattamatta U, Willcox M, Stapleton F, Garrett Q. Bovine Lactoferrin Promotes Corneal Wound Healing and Suppresses IL-1 Expression in Alkali Wounded Mouse Cornea. Current eye research. 2013-Nov 2013;38(11):1110-1117.
  26. Resnikoff S, Keys TU. Future trends in global blindness. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. Sep-Oct 2012;60(5):387-395.
  27. Rohit A, Willcox M, Stapleton F. Tear Lipid Layer and Contact Lens Comfort: A Review. Eye & Contact Lens-Science and Clinical Practice. May 2013;39(3):247-253.
  28. Sankaridurg P, de la Jara PL, Holden B. The Future of Silicone Hydrogels. Eye & Contact Lens-Science and Clinical Practice. Jan 2013;39(1):125-129.
  29. Stapleton F, Edwards K, Keay L, et al. Risk Factors for Moderate and Severe Microbial Keratitis in Daily Wear Contact Lens Users. Ophthalmology. Aug 2012;119(8):1516-1521.
  30. Stapleton F, Keay L, Edwards K, Holden B. The Epidemiology of Microbial Keratitis With Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses. Eye & Contact Lens-Science and Clinical Practice. Jan 2013;39(1):79-85.
  31. Tahhan N, Papas E, Fricke TR, Frick KD, Holden BA. Utility and Uncorrected Refractive Error. Ophthalmology. Sep 2013;120(9):1736-1744.
  32. Tilia D, de la Jara PL, Peng N, Papas EB, Holden BA. Effect of Lens and Solution Choice on the Comfort of Contact Lens Wearers. Optometry and Vision Science. May 2013;90(5):411-418.
  33. Vijay AK, Bandara M, Zhu H, Willcox MDP. Protamine as a Potential Amoebicidal Agent for Contact Lens Disinfection. Optometry and Vision Science. Feb 2013;90(2):119-124.
  34. Vijay AK, Zhu H, Ozkan J, et al. Bacterial Adhesion to Unworn and Worn Silicone Hydrogel Lenses. Optometry and Vision Science. Aug 2012;89(8):1095-1106.
  35. Wei XE, Markoulli M, Zhao Z, Willcox MDP. Tear film break-up time in rabbits. Clinical and Experimental Optometry. Jan 2013;96(1):70-75.
  36. Willcox MDP, Zhu H, Vijay AK. Effect of a Warming Device on Contact Lens Case Contamination. Eye & Contact Lens-Science and Clinical Practice. Nov 2012;38(6):394-399.

Refereed Abstracts

  1. Dutta D. Broad spectrum antimicrobial efficacy of the cationic peptide melamine. Molecular Microbiology Meeting, NSW. Abstract. March 2012.
  2. Kunnen C. The influence of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction on comfort in contact lenses. Netherlands Contact Lens Conference. Abstract March 2012.
  3. Diec J. Characteristic SICS pattern only occurs in presence of lens wear. Asia Cornea & Contact Lens. Abstract April 2012.
  4. Stapleton F. The Epidemiology of Microbial Keratitis with Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses. Silicon Hydrogel Meeting Phoenix. Abstract May 2012.
  5. Tilia D, Zhu H, Thomas V, Willcox M, Holden B, Lazon de la Jara P. Associations between solution induced corneal staining, corneal infiltrative events, and Gram-negative bacteria case contamination. BCLA Conference Birmingham May 2012.
  6. Conrad F, Chen X, Lin J, Li Li, Lazon P, Smith E, Sankaridurg P, Holden BA, Ge J. Survival rates and subjective responses of myopic children wearing single vision soft contact lenses. BCLA Conference Birmingham May 2012.
  7. Sankaridurg P, Naduvilath T, Lazon P, Conrad F, Chen X, Lin J, Li Li, Ge J, Holden B. Adverse events with daily wear of silicone hydrogel contact lenses in Chinese children – 2 year results. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2012.
  8. Fedtke C, Bakaraju R, Ehrmann K, Falk D, Weng R, Sankaridurg P, Ho A, Holden B. Validation of Accommodative Responses Measured with the EyeMapper. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2012.
  9. Li Li, Sankaridurg P, John T, Chen X, Lin J, Ge J, Holden B. What is the ‘real’ baseline for the rate of progress of myopia for a child? The rate of progress of myopia with and without spectacle vision correction. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2012.
  10. Tahhan N, Papas E, Fricke TR, Frick KD, Holden BA. Reliability of Quality of Life Measurement Tools for Eliciting Ophthalmic Utility. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2012.
  11. Conrad F, Lazon de la Jara P, Sankaridurg P, Holden BA. Relative power profiles of soft contact lenses and their influence on central and peripheral visual performance. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2012.
  12. Ehrmann K, Fedtke C, Bakaraju R, Falk D, Weng R, Artal P, Ho A, Holden B. Peripheral refraction and higher order aberrations with and without cycloplegia as measured by the EyeMapper. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2012.
  13. Weng R, Bakaraju R, Fedtke C, Ehrmann K, Falk D, Sankaridurg P, Ho A, Holden B. Accommodative Response in Monocular and Binocular Viewing Conditions with Different Stimuli. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2012.
  14. Tilia D, Lazon P, Peng N, Zhu H, Willcox M, Holden B. Comparison of two dual-disinfection systems for ocular comfort, corneal staining and corneal infiltrative events. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2012.
  15. Ozkan J, Willcox M, Lazon P, Rathi V, Holden B. Morning cleaning or replacement of lenses reduces complications with extended wear of contact lenses. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2012.
  16. Flanagan J. Non-Cultivatable Bacterial Biofilm Communities in Used Contact Lens Cases. Australian Society for Microbiology (ASM), Brisbane. Abstract July 2012.
  17. Zhu H. Susceptibility of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia to antibiotics and contact lens multipurpose solutions.  Australian Society for Microbiology (ASM). Abstract July 2012.
  18. Willcox M. Rapid analysis of tear film and meibum lipids: the search for dry eye biomarkers. International Society for Eye Research, Berlin. Abstract July 2012.
  19. Dutta D, Wilcox M. Development of an Antimicrobial Contact Lens. Postgraduate Research Competition, Sydney. Abstract August 2012.
  20. Rohit A. Role of an Oily Layer in Contact Lens Wear Comfort. Postgraduate Research Competition, Sydney. Abstract August 2012.
  21. Leong A. Surface Coating for Surgical Implants. Postgraduate Research Competition, Sydney. Abstract August 2012.
  22. Kunnen C. 14400 Blinks per Day. Postgraduate Research Competition, Sydney. Abstract August 2012.
  23. Tahhan N. Blindness & Vision Impairment – The simplest solution has been overlooked. Postgraduate Research Competition, Sydney. Abstract August 2012.
  24. Kumar U. Agreement between glaucoma specialists and optometrists in gonioscopy and optic disc assessment. International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness India.  Abstract September 2012.
  25. Konda N, Garg P, Ali M, Kalaiselvan P, Willcox M. Predictive variables that are associated with vision loss and disease severity in Contact Lenses-associated Microbial Keratitis. American Academy of Optometry Phoenix. Abstract October 2012.
  26. Tilia D, Lazon P, Naduvilath T, Holden B. Gram-negative bacteria case contamination: the effect of tap-water. American Academy of Optometry Phoenix Oct 2012.
  27. Diec J, Papas E, Lazon P, Naduvilath T, Holden B. Comparison of daily wear and daily disposable lenses for adverse events and subjective comfort. American Academy of Optometry Phoenix Oct 2012.
  28. Ozkan J, Lazon P, Naduvilath T, Holden B. Retrospective analysis of differences in physiological response and clinical performance of lenses between Asian and Caucasian contact lenses wearers. American Academy of Optometry Phoenix Oct 2012.
  29. Xu P, Lazon P, Naduvilath T, Kassandra (Surname), Papas E. Tear osmolarity and subjective ocular dryness in contact lens wearers. American Academy of Optometry. Abstract October 2012.
  30. Lazon P, Diec J, Naduvilath T, Papas E, Xu P, Holden B. Association of adverse events and subjective comfort in daily wear. American Academy of Optometry. Abstract October 2012.
  31. Lazon P, Diec J, Naduvilath T, Papas E, Xu P, Holden B. Can omega 3 supplements improve ocular comfort during contact lens wear? American Academy of Optometry Phoenix Oct 2012.
  32. Holden B, Fonn D, La Hood D, Moezzi A, Richter D, Lazon P. A revised estimate of the oxygen transmissibility needed to produce the same level of overnight corneal swelling as that which occurs when no lens is worn. American Academy of Optometry Phoenix Oct 2012.
  33. Babaei N, Zhu H, Willcox M. Tear film deposition and vacterial adherence. Cornea and Contact Lens Society of Australia. Abstract October 2012.
  34. Leong A, Willcox M, Dutta D, Cole N. Antimicrobial and Biocompatible Surface Coatings. International Corneal and Contact Lens Congress. Abstract October 2012.
  35. Lazon P, Takatori S, Ehrmann K, Holden B. Corneal uptake of oxygen in vivo during soft-contact-lens wear. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2013.
  36. Tahhan N, Papas E, Fricke T, Frick K, Holden BA. Utility and uncorrected refractive error. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2013.
  37. Zhu H, Yeotikar N, Babaei N, Tilia D, Flanagan J, Iskandar S, Franz S, Holden B, Papas E. Commensal microflora of eyelid margins and meibomian gland function in normal humans. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2013.
  38. Kunnen C, Brown HJ, Holden B, Lazon P, Papas E. Effect of Collection Method on the Lipid Composition of Meibum Samples. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2013.
  39. Ozkan J, Bakaraju R, Fedtke C, Chung J, Ehrmann K, Falk D, Ho A, Holden B. Short-term adaptation of accommodative lag, facility and phoria in myopes fitted with multifocal contact lenses. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2013.
  40. Sankaridurg P, Holden B, Chen X, Ho A, Li Li, Donovan L, Ge J. Correlation in Myopia Progression between right and left eyes in Chinese children with Myopia. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2013.
  41. Chung J, Bakaraju R, Fedtke C, Ozkan J, Ehrmann K, Falk D, Ho A, Holden B. Accommodative Lag, Facility and Phoria with Multifocal Contact Lenses. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2013.
  42. Li Li, Sankaridurg P, John T, Chen X, Lin J, Ge J, Holden B. What is the ‘real’ baseline for the rate of progress of myopia for a child?The rate of progress of myopia with and without spectacle vision correction. . ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2013.
  43. Watanabe K, Zhu H, Bandara R, Higaki S, Fukuda M, Shimomura Y, Willcox M, Holden B. Susceptibility of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia to Antibiotics and Contact Lens Multipurpose Solutions. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL E-abstract May 2013.
  44. Dutta D, Wilcox M. Antimicrobial activity of melimine or cathelicidin bound to contact lenses. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL Abstract May 2013.
  45. Kim E, Ehrmann K, Moilanen J, Choo J, Franz S. Correlation between the changes in corneal power and visual outcome following inlay implantation. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL Abstract May 2013.
  46. Masoudi S, Zhong L, Rafterry M, Willcox M. Method development for analysis for tear proteins using selected Reaction Monitoring. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL Abstract May 2013.
  47. Rohit A, Willcox M, Brown S, Stapleton F. The effect of tear lipid biochemistry on tear evaporation rate during contact lens wear. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL Abstract May 2013.
  48. Lazon P, Takatori S, Ehrmann K, Holden B. Corneal uptake of oxygen in vivo during soft-contact-lens wear. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL Abstract May 2013.
  49. Tahhan N, Papas E, Fricke T, Frick K, Holden B. Utility and uncorrected refractive error. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL Abstract May 2013.
  50. Zhu H, Yeotikar N, Babaei N, Tilia D, Flanagan J, Iskandar S, Franz S, Holden B, Papas E. Commensal microflora of eyelid margins and meibomian gland function in normal humans. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL Abstract May 2013.
  51. Kunnen C, Brown H, Holden B, Lazon P, Papas E. Effect of Collection Method on the Lipid Composition of Meibum Samples. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL Abstract May 2013.
  52. Ozkan J, Bakaraju R, Fedtke C, Chung J, Ehrmann K, Falk D, Ho A, Holden B. Short-term adaptation of accommodative lag, facility and phoria in myopes fitted with multifocal contact lenses. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL Abstract May 2013.
  53. Sankaridurg P, Holden B, Chen X, Ho A, Li Li, Donovan L, Ge J. Correlation in Myopia Progression between right and left eyes in Chinese children with Myopia. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL Abstract May 2013.
  54. Garrett Q, Zhang X, Wang Y, Simmons P, Vehige J, Willcox M, Yang J, Chen W. Topical administration of oL-carnitine on development and treatment of murine dry eye. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL Abstract May 2013.
  55. Chung J, Bakaraju R, Fedtke C, Ozkan J, Ehrmann K, Falk D, Ho A, Holden B. Accommodative Lag, Facility and Phoria with Multifocal Contact Lenses. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL Abstract May 2013.
  56. Watanabe K, Zhu H, Bandara R, Higaki S, Fukuda M, Shimomura Y, Willcox M, Holden B. Susceptibility of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia to Antibiotics and Contact Lens Multipurpose Solutions. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL Abstract May 2013.
  57. Konda N, Willcox M, Kaur I, Sudharaman P, Garg P, Chakrabarti S.  Interleukin-6 Gene Polymorphisms in Patients with Keratitis. ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL Abstract May 2013.
  58. Lazon P, Papas E, Diec J, Xu P, Holden B. First Do Not Harm! How do Daily Disposables compare with No Contact Lens Wear. BCLA Manchester. Abstract June 2013.
  59. Holden BA. Myopia Control- The Best Way Forward. BCLA Manchester. Abstract June 2013.
  60. Wagner S, Conrad F, Bakaraju R, Fedtke C, Ehrmann K. Power Profiles of Soft Contact Lenses. BCLA Manchester. Abstract June 2013.
  61. Lazon P, Papas E, Diec J, Xu P, Holden B. First Do Not Harm! How do Daily Disposables compare with No Contact Lens Wear. BCLA Manchester. Abstract June 2013.
  62. Holden B. Myopia Control- The Best Way Forward. BCLA Manchester. Abstract/Talk June 2013.
  63. Dutta D, Zhu H, Willcox M. Antimicrobial activity of multipurpose disinfection solution soaked contact lenses. Melbourne – Southern Regional Congress. Abstract June 2012.
  64. Zhu H, Yeotikar N, Babaei N, Ariyavidana A, Tilia D, Holden B, Papas E. Tear cytokine profiles and clinical correlations of ocular surfaces in normal humans. International Conference on the Tear Film & Ocular Surface (TFOS). Abstract June 2013.
  65. Kunnen C, Lazon P, Holden B. The influence of meibomian gland morphology on comfort in contact lens wear. ISCLR Conference Kyoto Japan August 2013.
  66. Ozkan J, Zhu H, Rathi V, Srikanth D, Naduvilath T, Lazon P, Holden B, Willcox M. Effect of prophylactic antibiotic drops on adverse events during extended silicone hydrogel wear. ISCLR Conference Kyoto Japan August 2013.
  67. Lazon P, Papas E, Naduvilath T, Diec J, Holden B. Validation of a novel contact lens discomfort questionnaire. ISCLR Conference Kyoto Japan August 2013.
  68. Dutta D, Willcox M. Antimicrobial efficiency of covalently attached melimine onto contact lenses and in vivo safety in rabbit eyes. ISCLR Conference Kyoto Japan. Abstract August 2013.
  69. Ozkan J, Zhu H, Rathi V, Srikanth D, Naduvilath T, Lazon P, Holden B, Willcox M. Effect of prophylactic antibiotic drops on adverse events during extended silicone hydrogel wear. ISCLR Conference Kyoto Japan. Abstract August 2013.
  70. Masoudi S, Diec J, Stapleton F, Naduvilath F, Wilcox M. Diurnal changes of human tear proteins with and without contact lens and their correlation with ocular comfort. ISCLR Conference Kyoto Japan. Abstract August 2013.
  71. Kunnen C, Lazon P, Holden B. The influence of meibomian gland morphology on comfort in contact lens wear. ISCLR Conference Kyoto Japan. Abstract August 2013.
  72. Rohit A, Willcox M, Ehrmann K, Stapleton F. Calibration and validation of a skin evaporimeter for the use of tear evaporation measurement among contact lens wearers. ISCLR Conference Kyoto Japan. Abstract August 2013.
  73. Konda N, M Willcox, I Kaur, P Sudharaman, P Garg, S Chakrabarti. Toll-like receptors gene polymorphisms in patients with keratitis.  ISCLR Conference Kyoto Japan. Abstract August 2013.
  74. Zhu H, Bandara R, Tilia D, Wu D, Willcox M. Endotoxic activity of gram-negative bacteria isolated from contact lenses storage cases. ISCLR Conference Kyoto Japan. Abstract August 2013.
  75. Morse A, Waddell C, Ismail S, Wicks P.  Strengthening eye care systems by training primary health care workers. National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation. Abstract August 2013.
  76. Lazon P, Papas E, Naduvilath T, Diec J, Holden B. Validation of a novel contact lens discomfort questionnaire. ISCLR Conference Kyoto Japan. Abstract August 2013.
  77. Masoudi S, Stapleton F, Willcox M. Diurnal changes of lipid inflammatory mediators in human tears with and without contact lenses. TFOS Conference Sicily. Abstract September 2013.
  78. Wei X, Zhao Z, Millar T, Willcox M. The effect of temperature on the surfactant properties of human and rabbit tears. TFOS Conference Sicily. Abstract September 2013.
  79. Rohit A, Brown S, Stapleton F, Willcox M. Comparison of tear film lipid profile among basal, reflex and flush tears. TFOS Conference Sicily. Abstract September 2013.
  80. Yeotikar N, Zhu H, Babaei N, Tilia D, Papas E.  Meibonian gland dysfunction prevalence sensitivity to diagnostic criteria.
  81. Kunnen C, Lason P, Holden B, Papas E. Automated Measurement of Meibomian Gland Dropout. TFOS Conference Sicily. Abstract September 2013.
  82. Dutta D, Zhu H, Willcox M. Antimicrobial activity of multipurpose disinfection solution soaked contact lenses. TFOS Conference Sicily. Abstract September 2013.
  83. Hakimi T, Ho A, Conrad F, Holden B. Automatic quantification of optical coherence tomography images for evaluation of the ocular surface shape beyond the limbus. TFOS Conference Sicily September 2013.
  84. Kunnen C, Lason P, Holden B, Papas E. Automated Measurement of Meibomian Gland Dropout. TFOS Conference Sicily September 2013.
  85. Zhu H, Yeotikar N, Babaei N, Ariyavidana A, Tilia D, Holden B, Papas E. Tear cytokine profiles and clinical correlations of ocular surfaces in normal humans. TFOS Conference Sicily September 2013.
  86. Hakimi T, Ho A, Conrad F, Holden B. Automatic quantification of optical coherence tomography images for evaluation of the ocular surface shape beyond the limbus. TFOS Conference Sicily. Abstract September 2013.
  87. Alghamdi W, The Repeatability of Clinical Measurements of Dry Eye and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. TFOS Conference Sicily. Abstract September 2013.
  88. Leong A, Cole N, Kumar N, Willcox M. Antimicrobial and cell-integrative surface coatings. International Symp Surface & Interface of Biomaterials (ISSIB). Abstract September 2013
  89. Dutta D, Willcox M. Antimicrobial Efficiency of Covalently Attached Melimine onto Contact Lenses and In Vivo Safety in Rabbit Eyes. AAO Seattle. Abstract October 2013.
  90. Konda N, Willcox M, Kaur I, Sudharaman P, Garg P, Chakrabarti S. Toll-like receptors gene polymorphisms in patients with keratitis. Asia-ARVO New Delhi. Abstract October 2013.
  91. Rohit A, Stapleton F, Brown S, Willcox M. Effect of a Liposomal spray on Symptomatic Contact Lens Wearers. ACOC Melbourne. October 2013.
  92. Burnett A, Brown H, Morse A, Waddell C. Eye care pathways: access and completion patterns for people with diabetes in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (NT/NSW). World Diabetes Congress, Melbourne.  Abstract December 2013.
  1. Afsari, S., Rose, K., Philip, K., Pai, A., French, A., Leone, J., et al. (2011). Prevalence and associations of anisometropia and asymmetric refraction in preschool-aged children: sydney paediatric eye disease study(speds). Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 39, 18-18.
  2. Ale, J. B., Manns, F., & Ho, A. (2011). Magnifications of single and dual element accommodative intraocular lenses: paraxial optics analysis. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 31(1), 7-16.
  3. Ale, J. B., Manns, F., & Ho, A. (2011). Paraxial Analysis of the Depth of Field of a Pseudophakic Eye with Accommodating Intraocular Lens. Optometry and Vision Science, 88(7), 789-794.
  4. Ashby, B., Garrett, Q., & Willcox, M. (2011). Bovine Lactoferrin Structures Promoting Corneal Epithelial Wound Healing In Vitro. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 52(5), 2719-2726.
  5. Augusteyn, R. C., Mohamed, A., Nankivil, D., Veerendranath, P., Arrieta, E., Taneja, M., et al. (2011). Age-dependence of the optomechanical responses of ex vivo human lenses from India and the USA, and the force required to produce these in a lens stretcher: The similarity to in vivo disaccommodation. Vision Research, 51(14), 1667-1678.
  6. Augusteyn, R. C., Mohamed, A., Nankivil, D., Veerendranath, P., Arrieta, E., Taneja, M., et al. (2011). Age-dependence of the optomechanical responses of ex vivo human lenses from India and the USA, and the force required to produce these in a lens stretcher: The similarity to in vivo disaccommodation. Vision Research, 51(14), 1667-1678.
  7. Azmanov, D. N., Dimitrova, S., Florez, L., Cherninkova, S., Draganov, D., Morar, B., et al. (2011). LTBP2 and CYP1B1 mutations and associated ocular phenotypes in the Roma/Gypsy founder population. European Journal of Human Genetics, 19(3), 326-333.
  8. Babaei Omali, N., Proschogo, N., Zhu, H., Zhao, Z., Diec, J., Borazjani, R., et al. (2012). Effect of phospholipid deposits on adhesion of bacteria to contact lenses. Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry, 89(1), 52-61.
  9. Babaei Omali, N., Zhu, H., Zhao, Z., Ozkan, J., Xu, B., Borazjani, R., et al. (2011). Effect of cholesterol deposition on bacterial adhesion to contact lenses. Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry, 88(8), 950-958.
  10. Balasubramanian, S., Pye, D., & Willcox, M. (2011). PROTEASES AND PROTEOLYSIS IN THE TEARS OF PEOPLE WITH KERATOCONUS. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 39, 75-75.
  11. Balasubramanian, S. A., Mohan, S., Pye, D. C., & Willcox, M. D. P. (2012). Proteases, proteolysis and inflammatory molecules in the tears of people with keratoconus. Acta ophthalmologica, 90(4), e303-309.
  12. Balasubramanian, S. A., Pye, D. C., & Willcox, M. D. P. (2012). Levels of lactoferrin, secretory IgA and serum albumin in the tear film of people with keratoconus. Experimental Eye Research, 96(1), 132-137.
  13. Balne, P. K., Reddy, A. K., Kodiganti, M., Gorli, S. R., & Garg, P. (2012). Evaluation of three PCR assays for the detection of fungi in patients with mycotic keratitis. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 96(6), 911-912.
  14. Bandamwar, K. L., Garrett, Q., & Papas, E. B. (2012). Mechanisms of superficial micropunctate corneal staining with sodium fluorescein: The contribution of pooling. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye, 35(2), 81-84.
  15. Basu, S., Mohamed, A., Chaurasia, S., Sejpal, K., Vemuganti, G. K., & Sangwan, V. S. (2011). Clinical Outcomes of Penetrating Keratoplasty After Autologous Cultivated Limbal Epithelial Transplantation for Ocular Surface Burns. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 152(6), 917-924.
  16. Bommala, M. L., Nalamada, S., Sharma, S., & Garg, P. (2011). Microsporidial keratoconjunctivitis in an immunocompetent patient with a past history of laser in situ keratomilieusis surgery. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, 29(4), 428-430.
  17. Carnt, N., Keay, L., Willcox, M., Evans, V., & Stapleton, F. (2011). Higher risk taking propensity of contact lens wearers is associated with less compliance. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye, 34(5), 202-206.
  18. Carnt, N., Keay, L., Willcox, M. D. P., Evans, V., & Stapleton, F. (2011). Pilot Study of Contact Lens Practitioner Risk-Taking Propensity. Optometry and Vision Science, 88(8), E981-E987.
  19. Carnt, N. A., Willcox, M. D. P., Hau, S., Garthwaite, L. L., Evans, V. E., Radford, C. F., et al. (2012). Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of Interleukins-1 beta,-6, and-12B with Contact Lens Keratitis Susceptibility and Severity. Ophthalmology, 119(7).
  20. Chakrabarti, S., Ramappa, M., Chaurasia, S., Kaur, I., & Mandal, A. K. (2012). FOXC1-associated phenotypes in humans may not always exhibit corneal neovascularization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(24), E1509-E1509.
  21. Conibear, T. C. R., Willcox, M. D. P., Flanagan, J. L., & Zhu, H. (2012). Characterization of protease IV expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 61(2), 180-190.
  22. Dantam, J., Zhu, H., & Stapleton, F. (2011). Biocidal Efficacy of Silver-Impregnated Contact Lens Storage Cases In Vitro. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 52(1), 51-57.
  23. Dantam, J., Zhu, H., Willcox, M., Ozkan, J., Naduvilath, T., Thomas, V., et al. (2012). In Vivo Assessment of Antimicrobial Efficacy of Silver-Impregnated Contact Lens Storage Cases. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 53(3), 1641-1648.
  24. de la Jara, P. L., Erickson, D., Erickson, P., & Stapleton, F. (2011). Visual and non-visual factors associated with patient satisfaction and quality of life in LASIK. Eye, 25(9), 1194-1201.
  25. Diec, J., Evans, V. E., Tilia, D., Naduvilath, T., Holden, B. A., & de la Jara, P. L. (2012). Comparison of Ocular Comfort, Vision, and SICS During Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens Daily Wear. Eye & Contact Lens-Science and Clinical Practice, 38(1), 2-6.
  26. Donovan, L., Sankaridurg, P., Ho, A., Naduvilath, T., Smith, E. L., III, & Holden, B. A. (2012). Myopia Progression Rates in Urban Children Wearing Single-Vision Spectacles. Optometry and Vision Science, 89(1), 27-32.
  27. Dutta, D., Cole, N., & Willcox, M. (2012). Factors influencing bacterial adhesion to contact lenses. Molecular Vision, 18(3), 14-21.
  28. Evans, M. D. M., Prakasam, R. K., Vaddavalli, P. K., Hughes, T. C., Knower, W., Wilkie, J. S., et al. (2011). A perfluoropolyether corneal inlay for the correction of refractive error. Biomaterials, 32(12), 3158-3165.
  29. Fedtke, C., Ehrmann, K., Falk, D., & Holden, B. (2012). Validation of a Quasi Real-Time Global Aberrometer: The EyeMapper. In F. Manns, P. G. Soderberg & A. Ho (Eds.), Ophthalmic Technologies Xxii (Vol. 8209).
  30. Fedtke, C., Ehrmann, K., Ho, A., & Holden, B. A. (2011). Lateral Pupil Alignment Tolerance in Peripheral Refractometry. Optometry and Vision Science, 88(5), E570-E579.
  31. Golebiowski, B., Papas, E. B., & Stapleton, F. (2012). Corneal and Conjunctival Sensory Function: The Impact on Ocular Surface Sensitivity of Change from Low to High Oxygen Transmissibility Contact Lenses. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 53(3), 1177-1181.
  32. Green-Church, K. B., Butovich, I., Willcox, M., Borchman, D., Paulsen, F., Barabino, S., et al. (2011). The International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction: Report of the Subcommittee on Tear Film Lipids and Lipid-Protein Interactions in Health and Disease. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 52(4), 1979-1993.
  33. Hao, X., Jeffery, J. L., Le, T. P. T., McFarland, G., Johnson, G., Mulder, R. J., et al. (2012). High refractive index polysiloxane as Injectable, in situ curable accommodating intraocular lens. Biomaterials, 33(23), 5659-5671.
  34. Hao, X. J., Jeffery, J. L., Le, T. P. T., McFarland, G., Johnson, G., Mulder, R. J., et al. (2012). High refractive index polysiloxane as Injectable, in situ curable accommodating intraocular lens. Biomaterials, 33(23), 5659-5671.
  35. Ho, K. K. K., Cole, N., Chen, R., Willcox, M. D. P., Rice, S. A., & Kumar, N. (2012). Immobilization of Antibacterial Dihydropyrrol-2-ones on Functional Polymer Supports To Prevent Bacterial Infections In Vivo. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 56(2), 1138-1141.
  36. Ho, K. K. K., Cole, N., Chen, R. X., Willcox, M. D. P., Rice, S. A., & Kumar, N. (2012). Immobilization of Antibacterial Dihydropyrrol-2-ones on Functional Polymer Supports To Prevent Bacterial Infections In Vivo. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 56(2), 1138-1141.
  37. Kaur, I., Hussain, A., Naik, M. N., Murthy, R., & Honavar, S. G. (2011). Mutation spectrum of Fork-Head Transcriptional Factor Gene (FOXL2) in Indian Blepharophimosis Ptosis Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome (BPES) patients. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 95(6), 881-886.
  38. Kaur, K., Mandal, A. K., & Chakrabarti, S. (2011). Primary Congenital Glaucoma and the Involvement of CYP1B1. Middle East African journal of ophthalmology, 18(1), 7-16.
  39. Khanna, R. C., Pallerla, S. R., Eeda, S. S., Gudapati, B. K., Cassard, S. D., Rani, P. K., et al. (2012). Population Based Outcomes of Cataract Surgery in Three Tribal Areas of Andhra Pradesh, India: Risk Factors for Poor Outcomes. Plos One, 7(5).
  40. Kim, E., & Ehrmann, K. (2012). Assessment of accuracy and repeatability of anterior segment optical coherence tomography and reproducibility of measurements using a customised software program. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 95(4), 432-441.
  41. Kim, E., Ehrmann, K., Uhlhorn, S., Borja, D., Arrieta-Quintero, E., & Parel, J.-M. (2011). Semiautomated analysis of optical coherence tomography crystalline lens images under simulated accommodation. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16(5).
  42. Kim, E., Ehrmann, K., Uhlhorn, S., Borja, D., Arrieta-Quintero, E., & Parel, J. M. (2011). Semiautomated analysis of optical coherence tomography crystalline lens images under simulated accommodation. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16(5).
  43. Lai, X. J., Alexander, J., Ho, A., Yang, Z., He, M., & Suttle, C. (2012). Design and Validation of a Method for Evaluation of Interocular Interaction. Optometry and Vision Science, 89(2), 183-196.
  44. Lai, X. J., Alexander, J., Ho, A., Yang, Z. K., He, M. G., & Suttle, C. (2012). Design and Validation of a Method for Evaluation of Interocular Interaction. Optometry and Vision Science, 89(2), 183-196.
  45. Maceo, B. M., Manns, F., Borja, D., Nankivil, D., Uhlhorn, S., Arrieta, E., et al. (2011). Contribution of the crystalline lens gradient refractive index to the accommodation amplitude in non-human primates: In vitro studies. Journal of Vision, 11(13).
  46. Markoulli, M., Francis, I. C., Yong, J., Jalbert, I., Carnt, N., Cole, N., et al. (2011). A Histopathological Study of Bulbar Conjunctival Flaps Occurring in 2 Contact Lens Wearers. Cornea, 30(9), 1037-1041.
  47. Markoulli, M., Papas, E., Cole, N., & Holden, B. (2012). Corneal erosions in contact lens wear. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye, 35(1), 2-8.
  48. Markoulli, M., Papas, E., Cole, N., & Holden, B. (2012). Differential Gel Electrophoresis of the Tear Proteome. Optometry and Vision Science, 89(6), 875-883.
  49. Markoulli, M., Papas, E., Cole, N., & Holden, B. A. (2012). The Diurnal Variation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 and Its Associated Factors in Human Tears. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 53(3), 1479-1484.
  50. Markoulli, M., Papas, E., Petznick, A., & Holden, B. (2011). Validation of the Flush Method as an Alternative to Basal or Reflex Tear Collection. Current Eye Research, 36(3), 198-207.
  51. Mocherla, S., Raman, U., & Holden, B. (2011). Clinician-Patient Communication in a Glaucoma Clinic in India. Qualitative Health Research, 21(3), 429-440.
  52. Omali, N. B., Proschogo, N., Zhu, H., Zhao, Z., Diec, J., Borazjani, R., et al. (2012). Effect of Phospholipid Deposits on Adhesion of Bacteria to Contact Lenses. Optometry and Vision Science, 89(1), 52-61.
  53. Omali, N. B., Proschogo, N., Zhu, H., Zhao, Z. J., Diec, J., Borazjani, R., et al. (2012). Effect of Phospholipid Deposits on Adhesion of Bacteria to Contact Lenses. Optometry and Vision Science, 89(1), 52-61.
  54. Omali, N. B., Zhao, Z., Zhong, L., Raftery, M. J., Zhu, H., Ozkan, J., et al. (2012). Quantification of protein deposits on silicone hydrogel materials using stable-isotopic labeling and multiple reaction monitoring. Biofouling, 28(7), 697-709.
  55. Omali, N. B., Zhu, H., Zhao, Z., Ozkan, J., Xu, B., Borazjani, R., et al. (2011). Effect of Cholesterol Deposition on Bacterial Adhesion to Contact Lenses. Optometry and Vision Science, 88(8), 950-958.
  56. Omali, N. B., Zhu, H., Zhao, Z. J., Ozkan, J., Xu, B. L., Borazjani, R., et al. (2011). Effect of Cholesterol Deposition on Bacterial Adhesion to Contact Lenses. Optometry and Vision Science, 88(8), 950-958.
  57. Ozkan, J., Zhu, H., Gabriel, M., Holden, B. A., & Willcox, M. D. P. (2012). Effect of Prophylactic Antibiotic Drops on Ocular Microbiota and Physiology during Silicone Hydrogel Lens Wear. Optometry and Vision Science, 89(3), 326-335.
  58. Papas, E. B., Keay, L., & Golebiowski, B. (2011). Estimating a Just-Noticeable Difference for Ocular Comfort in Contact Lens Wearers. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 52(7), 4390-4394.
  59. Peterson, R. C., Gorbet, M., Cira, D., Amos, C., Woods, C. A., & Fonn, D. (2011). Non-Invasive Collection and Examination of Human Corneal Epithelial Cells. Optometry and Vision Science, 88(11), 1317-1325.
  60. Petznick, A., Evans, M. D. M., Madigan, M. C., Garrett, Q., & Sweeney, D. F. (2012). A preliminary study of changes in tear film proteins in the feline eye following nictitating membrane removal. Veterinary Ophthalmology, 15(3), 164-171.
  61. Petznick, A., Evans, M. D. M., Madigan, M. C., Markoulli, M., Garrett, Q., & Sweeney, D. F. (2011). A comparison of basal and eye-flush tears for the analysis of cat tear proteins. Acta ophthalmologica, 89(1), E75-E81.
  62. Philip, K., Martinez, A., Ho, A., Conrad, F., Ale, J., Mitchell, P., et al. (2012). Total ocular, anterior corneal and lenticular higher order aberrations in hyperopic, myopic and emmetropic eyes. Vision Research, 52(1), 31-37.
  63. Ramke, J., Brian, G., & Naduvilath, T. (2012). Refractive Error and Presbyopia in Timor-Leste: The Impact of 5 Years of a National Spectacle Program. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 53(1), 434-439.
  64. Ramke, J., Brian, G., Naduvilath, T., Lee, L., & Qoqonokana, M. Q. (2012). Prevalence and Causes of Blindness and Low Vision Revisited after 5 years of Eye Care in Timor-Leste. Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 19(2), 52-57.
  65. Rao, K. N., Nagireddy, S., & Chakrabarti, S. (2011). Complex genetic mechanisms in glaucoma: an overview. Indian journal of ophthalmology, 59 Suppl, S31-42.
  66. Reddy, A. K., Balne, P. K., Reddy, R. K., Mathai, A., & Kaur, I. (2011). Loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for the diagnosis of retinitis caused by herpes simplex virus-1. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 17(2), 210-213.
  67. Ruggeri, M., Uhlhorn, S. R., De Freitas, C., Ho, A., Manns, F., & Parel, J.-M. (2012). Imaging and full-length biometry of the eye during accommodation using spectral domain OCT with an optical switch. Biomedical Optics Express, 3(7), 1506-1520.
  68. Ruggeri, M., Uhlhorn, S. R., De Freitas, C., Ho, A., Manns, F., & Parel, J. M. (2012). Imaging and full-length biometry of the eye during accommodation using spectral domain OCT with an optical switch. Biomedical Optics Express, 3(7), 1506-1520.
  69. Sahu, S. K., Sharma, S., & Das, S. (2012). Nocardia scleritis-clinical presentation and management: a report of three cases and review of literature. Journal of ophthalmic inflammation and infection, 2(1), 7-11.
  70. Sangwan, V. S., Basu, S., Vemuganti, G. K., Sejpal, K., Subramaniam, S. V., Bandyopadhyay, S., et al. (2011). Clinical outcomes of xeno-free autologous cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation: a 10-year study. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 95(11), 1525-1529.
  71. Sankaridurg, P., Holden, B., Smith, E., III, Naduvilath, T., Chen, X., de la Jara, P. L., et al. (2011). Decrease in Rate of Myopia Progression with a Contact Lens Designed to Reduce Relative Peripheral Hyperopia: One-Year Results. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 52(13), 9362-9367.
  72. Saville, J. T., Zhao, Z., Willcox, M. D. P., Ariyavidana, M. A., Blanksby, S. J., & Mitchell, T. W. (2011). Identification of phospholipids in human meibum by nano-electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry. Experimental Eye Research, 92(3), 238-240.
  73. Schaumberg, D. A., Nichols, J. J., Papas, E. B., Tong, L., Uchino, M., & Nichols, K. K. (2011). The International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction: Report of the Subcommittee on the Epidemiology of, and Associated Risk Factors for, MGD. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 52(4), 1994-2005.
  74. Stapleton, F., & Carnt, N. (2012). Contact lens-related microbial keratitis: how have epidemiology and genetics helped us with pathogenesis and prophylaxis. Eye, 26(2), 185-193.
  75. Stapleton, F., Edwards, K., Keay, L., Naduvilath, T., Dart, J. K. G., Brian, G., et al. (2012). Risk factors for moderate and severe microbial keratitis in daily wear contact lens users. Ophthalmology, 119(8), 1516-1521.
  76. Subbaraman, L. N., Borazjani, R., Zhu, H., Zhao, Z., Jones, L., & Willcox, M. D. P. (2011). Influence of Protein Deposition on Bacterial Adhesion to Contact Lenses. Optometry and Vision Science, 88(8), 959-966.
  77. Subbaraman, L. N., Borazjani, R., Zhu, H., Zhao, Z. J., Jones, L., & Willcox, M. D. P. (2011). Influence of Protein Deposition on Bacterial Adhesion to Contact Lenses. Optometry and Vision Science, 88(8), 959-966.
  78. Thakkinstian, A., McKay, G. J., McEvoy, M., Chakravarthy, U., Chakrabarti, S., Silvestri, G., et al. (2011). Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Association Between Complement Component 3 and Age-related Macular Degeneration: A HuGE Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Epidemiology, 173(12), 1365-1379.
  79. Tiwari, S., Ali, M. J., Balla, M. M. S., Naik, M. N., Honavar, S. G., Reddy, V. A. P., et al. (2012). Establishing Human Lacrimal Gland Cultures with Secretory Function. Plos One, 7(1).
  80. 80.    Wei, X. E., Markoulli, M., Millar, T. J., Willcox, M. D. P., & Zhao, Z. (2012). Divalent Cations in Tears, and Their Influence on Tear Film Stability in Humans and Rabbits. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 53(7), 3280-3285.
  81. Wei, X. E., Markoulli, M., Millar, T. J., Willcox, M. D. P., & Zhao, Z. J. (2012). Divalent Cations in Tears, and Their Influence on Tear Film Stability in Humans and Rabbits. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 53(7), 3280-3285.
  82. Willcox, M., Sharma, S., Naduvilath, T. J., Sankaridurg, P. R., Gopinathan, U., & Holden, B. A. (2011). External Ocular Surface and Lens Microbiota in Contact Lens Wearers With Corneal Infiltrates During Extended Wear of Hydrogel Lenses. Eye & Contact Lens-Science and Clinical Practice, 37(2), 90-95.
  83. Willcox, M. D. P. (2011). Review of resistance of ocular isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococci from keratitis to ciprofloxacin, gentamicin and cephalosporins. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 94(2), 161-168.
  84. Williams, T. J., Willcox, M. D. P., & Schneider, R. P. (2012). Interactions of Ocular Isolates of Gram-Negative Bacteria With Lactoferrin. Eye & Contact Lens-Science and Clinical Practice, 38(4), 208-213.
  85. Wilson, D. A., Cronje, S., Frick, K., & Holden, B. A. (2012). Real Cost of Recycled Spectacles. Optometry and Vision Science, 89(3), 304-309.
  86. Wu, Y. T., Jess, T., Michelle, T., Harmis, N., Zhu, H., & Stapleton, F. (2011). Do Swimming Goggles Limit Microbial Contamination of Contact Lenses? Optometry and Vision Science, 88(4), 456-460.
  87. Wu, Y. T., Teng, Y. J., Nicholas, M., Harmis, N., Zhu, H., Willcox, M. D. P., et al. (2011). Impact of Lens Case Hygiene Guidelines on Contact Lens Case Contamination. Optometry and Vision Science, 88(10), E1180-E1187.
  88. Wu, Y. T., Zhu, H., Willcox, M., & Stapleton, F. (2011). The Effectiveness of Various Cleaning Regimens and Current Guidelines in Contact Lens Case Biofilm Removal. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 52(8), 5287-5292.
  89. Wu, Y. T., Zhu, H., Willcox, M., & Stapleton, F. (2011). Impact of Cleaning Regimens in Silver-Impregnated and Hydrogen Peroxide Lens Cases. Eye & Contact Lens-Science and Clinical Practice, 37(6), 365-369.
  90. Zhu, H., Bandara, M. B., Vijay, A. K., Masoudi, S., Wu, D., & Willcox, M. D. P. (2011). Importance of Rub and Rinse in Use of Multipurpose Contact Lens Solution. Optometry and Vision Science, 88(8), 967-972.
  91. Zhu, H., Bandara, M. B., Vijay, A. K., Masoudi, S., Wu, D. J., & Willcox, M. D. P. (2011). Importance of Rub and Rinse in Use of Multipurpose Contact Lens Solution. Optometry and Vision Science, 88(8), 967-972.
  1. Ale, J. B., F. Manns, et al. (2011). ‘Magnifications of single and dual element accommodative intraocular lenses: paraxial optics analysis.’ Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 31(1): 7-16.
  2. Ale, J. B., F. Manns, et al. (2011). ‘Paraxial analysis of the depth of field of a pseudophakic eye with accommodating intraocular lens.’ Optometry and Vision Science 88(7): 789-794.
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  4. Augusteyn, R. C., A. Mohamed, et al. (2011). ‘Age-dependence of the optomechanical responses of ex vivo human lenses from India and the USA, and the force required to produce these in a lens stretcher: The similarity to in vivo disaccommodation.’ Vision Research 51(14): 1667-1678.
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  6. Bakaraju, R. C., K. Ehrmann, et al. (2010). ‘Inherent ocular spherical aberration and multifocal contact lens optical performance.’ Optometry and Vision Science 87(12): 1009-1022.
  7. Carnt N, Keay L, Willcox M, Evans V, Stapleton F. 2010. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye
  8. Carnt N, Keay L, Willcox MDP, Evans V, Stapleton F. 2011. Optometry and Vision Science 88: E981-E7
  9. Carnt N, Willcox MDP, Keay L, Flanagan J, Stapleton F. 2010. Optometry and Vision Science 87: 612-3
  10. Chiang P P-C, Xie J, Keeffe JE. (2011) Identifying the Critical Success Factors in the Coverage of Low Vision Services Using the Classification Analysis and Regression Tree Methodology. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 52(5):2790-2795
  11. Christy B, Keeffe JE, Nirmalan PK, et al. (2010) ‘A Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing the Effectiveness of Strategies Delivering Low Vision Rehabilitation: Design and Baseline Characteristics of Study Participants.’ Ophthalmic Epidemiology  17(4): 203-210
  12. Cochrane GM, Marella M, Keeffe JE, et al. (2011) The Impact of Vision Impairment for Children (IVI_C): Validation of a Vision-Specific Pediatric Quality-of-Life Questionnaire Using Rasch Analysis. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 52(3): 1632-1640
  13. Conrad, F., K. Ehrmann, et al. (2010). ‘Finite element modeling of inverted (inside out) soft contact lenses.’ Journal of Medical Devices-Transactions of the Asme 4(2).
  14. Dantam, J., H. Zhu, et al. (2011). ‘Biocidal efficacy of silver-impregnated contact lens storage cases in vitro.’ Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 52(1): 51-57.
  15. Evans, M. D. M., R. K. Prakasam, et al. (2011). ‘A perfluoropolyether corneal inlay for the correction of refractive error.’ Biomaterials 32(12): 3158-3165.
  16. Fedtke, C., K. Ehrmann, et al. (2011). ‘Lateral pupil alignment tolerance in peripheral refractometry.’ Optometry and Vision Science 88(5): E570-E579.
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  19. Golebiowski B, Papas EB , Stapleton F. (2011) Assessing the sensory function of the ocular surface: implications of use of a non-contact air jet aesthesiometer versus the Cochet-Bonnet aesthesiometer. Experimental Eye Research, 92, 5, 408-413
  20. Gothwal VK, Wright T, Lamoureux EL, et al. (2010).‘Psychometric properties of visual functioning index using Rasch analysis.’ Acta Ophthalmologica  88(7):797-803
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  22. Hao X, Jeffery JL, Wilkie JS, et al. (2010) ‘Functionalised polysiloxanes as injectable, in situ curable accommodating intraocular lenses.’  Biomaterials 31(32): 8153-8163   
  23. Ho KK, Cole N, et al. (2010). ‘Characterisation and in vitro activities of surface attached dihydropyrrol-2-ones against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.’ Biofouling 26(8): 913-921.
  24. Kallifatidis G, Boros J, Shin EH, McAvoy JW, Lovicu FJ. The fate of dividing cells during lens morphogenesis, differentiation and growth. Exp Eye Res. 2011 Jun;92(6):502-11.
  25. Kim, E., K. Ehrmann, et al. (2011). ‘Semiautomated analysis of optical coherence tomography crystalline lens images under simulated accommodation.’ Journal of Biomedical Optics 16(5).
  26. Kovai, V., G. N. Rao, et al. (2010). ‘An estimate of patient costs and benefits of the new primary eye care model utilization through vision centers in Andhra Pradesh, India.’ Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 22(4): 426-435.
  27. Kovai, V., G. N. Rao, et al. (2010). ‘Comparison of patient satisfaction with services of Vision Centers in rural areas of Andhra Pradesh, India.’ Indian J Ophthalmol 58(5): 407-413.
  28. Liu J, Zhao Z, Willcox MD, Xu B, Shi B. 2010. J Immunoassay Immunochemistry 31: 279-89
  29. Liu J, Zhao Z, Willcox MDP, Xu B, Shi B. 2010. Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine. 5: 522.
  30. Liu JF, Shi BY, He SX, Yao XL, Willcox MDP, Zhao ZJ. 2010. Molecular Vision 16: 2931-8
  31. Long J, Naduvilath TJ, Hao LE, Li A, Ng W, et al. 2011. Optometry and Vision Science 88:317-26
  32. Lovicu FJ, McAvoy JW, de Iongh RU. (2011) Understanding the role of growth factors in embryonic development: insights from the lens. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society B-biological sciences  366(1568): 1204-1218
  33. Markoulli, M., I. C. Francis, et al. (2011). ‘A histopathological study of bulbar conjunctival flaps occurring in 2 contact lens wearers.’ Cornea 30(9): 1037-1041.
  34. Markoulli, M., E. Papas, et al. (2011). ‘Validation of the flush method as an alternative to basal or reflex tear collection.’ Current Eye Research 36(3): 198-207.
  35. Mocherla, S., U. Raman, et al. (2011). ‘Clinician-patient communication in a glaucoma clinic in India.’ Qualitative Health Research 21(3): 429-440.
  36. Newitt Peter; Boros Jessica; Madakashira Bhavani P.; et al. (2010) ‘Sef is a negative regulator of fiber cell differentiation in the ocular lens.’ Differentiation 80(1):53-67
  37. Omali, N. B., H. Zhu, et al. (2011). ‘Effect of cholesterol deposition on bacterial adhesion to contact lenses.’ Optometry and Vision Science 88(8): 950-958.
  38. Oo, T. Z., N. Cole, et al. (2010). ‘Evaluation of synergistic activity of bovine lactoferricin with antibiotics in corneal infection.’ Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 65(6): 1243-1251.
  39. Ozkan, J., P. Mandathara, et al. (2010). ‘Risk factors for corneal inflammatory and mechanical events with extended wear silicone hydrogel contact lenses.’ Optometry and Vision Science 87(11): 847-853.
  40. Papas, E. B., L. Keay, et al. (2011). ‘Estimating a just-noticeable difference for ocular comfort in contact lens wearers.’ Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 52(7): 4390-4394.
  41. Petznick, A., M. D. M. Evans, et al. (2011). ‘A comparison of basal and eye-flush tears for the analysis of cat tear proteins.’ Acta Ophthalmologica 89(1): E75-E81.
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  44. Sankaridurg P, Holden B. Spectacles aren’t the only tool for slowing the progression of myopia.  Contact Lenses (suppl to Australian Optometry), 58-59, Oct 2010
  45. Saville, J. T., Z. J. Zhao, et al. (2011). ‘Identification of phospholipids in human meibum by nano-electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry.’ Experimental Eye Research 92(3): 238-240.
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  47. Subbaraman, L. N., R. Borazjani, et al. (2011). ‘Influence of protein deposition on bacterial adhesion to contact lenses.’ Optometry and Vision Science 88(8): 59-966.
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  51. Willcox, M. D. P. (2011). ‘Review of resistance of ocular isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococci from keratitis to ciprofloxacin, gentamicin and cephalosporins.’ Clinical and Experimental Optometry 94(2): 161-168.
  52. Willcox, M. D. P., T. J. Naduvilath, et al. (2010). ‘Corneal erosions, bacterial contamination of contact lenses, and microbial keratitis.’ Eye & Contact Lens-Science and Clinical Practice 36(6): 340-345.
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  65. Zhu, H., M. B. Bandara, et al. (2011). ‘Importance of Rub and Rinse in Use of Multipurpose Contact Lens Solution.’ Optometry and Vision Science 88(8): 967-972.

Refereed Abstracts
International Society for Eye Research July 2010, Montreal, Canada

  1. M. Markoulli1, E. Papas, A. Petznick, B. Holden. Validation of the flush method as an alternative To basal or reflex tear collection
  2. J. McAvoy, Y. Sugiyama, L. Wen, R. Stump, Y. Wang, J. Murdoch, F. Lovicu. Drawn to poles: a role for frizzled/planar cell polarity signaling in Orchestrating fiber cell alignment and orientation
  3. J.-M. Parel.  Surgical Correction of Presbyopia.
  4. E.H. Shin, S. Jee, M.L. Robinson, M.A. Basson, G. Martin, J.W. McAvoy, F.J. Lovicu. Negative regulation of tgfβ-induced cataractogenesis
  5. Y. Sugiyama, L. Wen, R.J.W. Stump, A. Shimono, F.J. Lovicu, J.W. McAvoy. Regulators of wnt/pcp signaling, sfrp1 and sfrp2, are required for normal lens development
  6. International Myopia Conference, July 2010, Tubingen, Germany
  7. Xiang Chen, Padmaja Sankaridurg, Zhi Lin, Brien Holden , Jian Ge. Peripheral retinal defocus is associated with progression of central refractive error: Results from a longitudinal study
  8. Dongmei Cui , Klaus Trier, Junwen Zeng, Wenjuan Wan, Xiao Yang, Jian Ge. Effect of 7-Methylxanthine on the Human Scleral Fibroblasts Cultured in Vitro
  9. Cathleen Fedtke, Percy Lazon de la Jara, Padmaja Sankaridurg, Judy Kwan, Arthur Ho, Brien Holden. Relationship between Annual Refractive Error Changes and Changes in Ocular Biometric Data in Chinese Children  
  10. Arthur Ho. Influence of accommodation on peripheral refraction: effect of a novel optical design contact lens for manipulating peripheral defocus.
  11. Brien Holden. Impact of novel contact lenses on progression of myopia.
  12. Li-Fang Hung, Juan Huang, Earl L Smith III. The Effects of Hemi-field Form Deprivation and Optical Defocus on Astigmatism in Infant Rhesus Monkeys
  13. Judy Kwan, Padmaja Sankaridurg, Percy Lazon de la Jara, Xiang Chen, Cathleen Fedtke, Leslie Donovan, Arthur Ho, Jian Ge, Brien Holden. Association between Peripheral Refractive Error Profiles and Myopia Risk Factors
  14. Percy Lazon de la Jara, Padmaja Sankaridurg, Aldo Martinez, Judy Kwan, Cathleen Fedtke, Arthur Ho, Brien Holden. Manipulation of the Peripheral Retinal Image Using Two Novel Contact Lens Designs
  15. Earl Smith. Effects of vision on eye shape and peripheral refraction

University of New South Wales Faculty of Science Research Meeting August 2010. 1 minute thesis competition

  1. Maria Markoulli, Eric Papas, Nerida Cole, Brien Holden. Contact lenses – a friend or a foe
  2. Fabian Conrad, Jennifer Choo, Klaus Ehrmann, Partick Caroline, Brien Holden. Corneal reshaping using custom designed soft contact lenses

SEMO University of New South Wales September 2010

  1. Les Donovan. Rates of Myopia Progression in Children with Spectacles.
  2. Percy Lazon, Padmaja Sankaridurg, Les Donovan, Arthur Ho, Judy Kwan, Xiang Chen, Jian Ge, Earl Smith lll, Brien Holden. Impact of spectacle and contact lens designed to reduce  peripheral hyperopic defocus on progression of myopia
  3. Krupa Philip, Aldo Martinez, Fabian Conrad, Jit Ale, Paul Mitchell, Padmaja Sankaridurg . Total, Corneal and Internal Higher Order Aberrations in Adolescent Eyes
  4. Rebecca Weng, Eric Papas, Daniel Tilia, Percy Lazon de la Jara, Thomas Naduvilath, Mark Willcox. Influence of scale design on subject ratings of ocular comfort

Conference: 51st International Conference of the Bioscience of Lipids (ICBL), Alhondiga Conf, Bilbao (Spain). Sep 07-11, 2010

  1. Wei Eric Xiaojia; Zhao Zhenjun; Willcox Mark D. P. Lipidomic study in human and rabbit tears: implications for tear film stability

TFOS Florence Sept 2010

  1. Eric Xiaojia Wei, Zhenjun Zhao, Mark DP Willcox. The proteins and their interactions in human and rabbit tears: Implication on tear film
  2. Maria Markoulli, Eric Papas, Nerida Cole, Brien Holden. The effect of contact lens wear on the diurnal profile of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and its inhibitor in the tear film
  3. Siva Balasubramanian, David C Pye, Mark DP Willcox.Tear protein levels in Keratoconus

World Congress on Refractive Error and World Conference on Optometric Education, September 2010, Durban South Africa

  1. Burnett AM , Tahhan N, Keeffe JE . The impact of uncorrected refractive error on the quality of life of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  2. Sonja Cronjé, David A Wilson, S May Ho, Stephanie Looi, Neilsen De Souza, Judith Stern, Luigi Bilotto.  Training of mid-level personnel to address refractive error blindness and visual impairment.
  3. Kevin D. Frick, ‘Rational planning and economic tools’
  4. Kevin D. Frick. ‘The Economics of Refractive Error and Presbyopia’
  5. Keys T, Morse A, Tahhan N, Burnett A, Ismail S, Layland B. A Development based Approach to Providing Eyecare to Australia’s Aboriginal & Torres Strait islander Population.
  6. Neilsen De Souza, Yu Cui, David Wilson, Tim Thurn, Sonja Cronjé. The impact of supplying education resources to ophthalmic training institutions in the asia-pacific region
  7. Srinivas Marmamula, Jill E Keeffe, Gullapalli N Rao.  Rapid assessment of refractive errors.
  8. Paudel Prakash, Holden Brien A, Cronjé Sonja, O’Connor Patricia M, Raman Usha. Vision technician’s refraction accuracy and performance in vision centres.
  9. Paudel Prakash , Holden Brien A., Cronjé Sonja, O’Connor Patricia M., Raman Usha. Patient satisfaction and barriers to access vision centres
  10. Tahhan N, Fricke T, Schlenther G, HO SM, Keys T, Holden BA. The Uptake of Eyecare Services by Age
  11. Wilson, David A , Cronjé, Sonja, Holden, Brien A. The true cost of recycled spectacles
  12. Cornea & Contact Lens Society of Australia – CCLSA November 2010
  13. Earl Smith lll lecture (Title to come)
  14. Padmaja Sankaridurg (Title to come)

American Academy of Optometry, November 2010, San Francisco

  1. Lazon de la Jara, Percy Klaus Ehrmann, Judy Kwan, Cathleen Fedtke, Darrin Falk, Padmaja Sankaridurg, Brien A. Holden. The effect of contact lens power profile on peripheral refraction (no VCRC affiliation listed)
  2. Tilia, Daniel, Percy Lazon de la Jara, Rebecca Weng, Mark Willcox, Brien A. Holden, Eric Basil Papas.  Is contact lens comfort influenced by time of day? ( No VCRC affiliation listed)
  3. Ozkan, Jerome, Preeji Mandathara, Pravin Vaddavalli, Brien A. Holden , Mark Willcox. Effect of daily saline instillation and lens replacement during continuous wear as a means of reducing contact lens related ocular adverse events. ( No VCRC affiliation listed)

SPIE San Francisco Jan 2011

  1. Arthur Ho, Percy Lazon de la Jara, Aldo Martinez, Judy Kwan, Cathleen Fedtke, Stephanie Delgado, Brien Holden, Padmaja Sankaridurg. Effect of accommodation on peripheral refraction when modified by a novel contact lens design to manipulate peripheral defocus

Asia ARVO January 2011

  1. Roopa Reddy S Pebbeti, Deborah Sweeney, Eric Papas. Quantification of total protein content in flush tears using laval pep fluorescent assay.

Lorne 16 th proteomics conference, Lorne Victoria Feb 2011

  1. Eric Xiaojia Wei,, Zhenjun Zhao,, Mark DP Willcox, Tear proteins and their interactions in human and rabbit tears: Implication on tear film stability
  2. Negar Omali Quantification of Protein Deposits on Worn Contact Lenses by Multiple Reaction Monitoring

Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Research-in-Vision-and-Ophthalmology Location: Ft Lauderdale, FL Date: MAY, 2011 ARVO

  1. Ravi C. Bakaraju, Klaus Ehrmann, Darrin Falk, Arthur Ho, Eric B. Papas. Evaluating Optical Performance of Presbyopic Contact Lenses via a Single-Pass Method
  2. Subhabrata Chakrabarti, Srujana Nagireddy, Kollu N. Rao, Sirisha Senthi, Harsha B. Rao, Anil K. Mandal, Garudadri Chandrasekhar, Inderjeet Kaur. Whole Genome Expression and Candidate Gene Analysis Reveals the Involvement of Novel Genes in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
  3. Carolina P. de Freitas, Marco Ruggeri, Bianca Maceo, Stephen Uhlhorn, Esdras Arrieta, Fabrice Manns,, Robert Augusteyn, Arthur Ho, Jean-Marie Parel.  Internal Crystalline Lens Structure Imaging using Long Range Optical Coherence Tomography
  4. Aaron C. Enten, Derek Nankivil, Bianca Maceo, Esdras Arrieta, Fabrice Manns, Jean-Marie Parel. Optomechanical Response of Primate Lenses: Effects of Decentration
  5. Austen M. Erickson, Fabian Conrad, Fabrice Manns, Derek Nankivil, David Borja, Esdras Arrieta-Quintero, Raksha Urs, Jean-Marie Parel, Arthur Ho. An Individualised Finite-element Model of Accommodation Based on Direct Measurements
  6. Victor M. Hernandez, Thomas A. Albini, William Lee, Cornelis Rowaan, Derek Nankivil, Esdras Arrieta, Jean-Marie A. Parel.  A Compact, Contact Gradient Index (GRIN) Lens Fundus Imaging System for use with small Animals
  7. Arthur Ho, Fabrice Manns,, Bianca Maceo, David Borja,, Stephen Uhlhorn, Esdras Arrieta, Jean-Marie Parel. Estimation of Central Average Group Refractive Index of Crystalline Lens from Optical Thickness Measurements
  8. Brien A. Holden, Padmaja Sankaridurg, Percy Lazon, Arthur Ho, Earl L. Smith, III, Xiang Chen, Julia Lin, Thomas Naduvilath, Jian Ge. Central  and Peripheral Visual Performance Of A Novel Contact Lens Designed To Control Progression Of Myopia
  9. Eon Kim, Klaus Ehrmann, Jukka Moilanen, Jennifer Choo, Sylvie Franz. The Effect Of Inlay Implantation on Corneal Thickness and Curvature
  10. Percy Lazon De La Jara , Fabian Conrad, Padmaja R. Sankaridurg, Darrin Falk, Arthur Ho  Influence of Contact Lens-Induced Optical Defocus on Peripheral Visual Acuity and Contrast Sensitivity
  11. Frank J. Lovicu. Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition in Cataractogenesis
  12. Bianca M. Maceo,, David Borja, Derek Nankivil, Stephen Uhlhorn, Esdras Arrieta, Fabrice Manns,, Arthur Ho,, Robert C. Augusteyn, Jean-Marie Parel,. Age-Related Changes in the Anterior and Posterior Surface Lens Curvatures during Simulated Accommodation in Hamadryas Baboons
  13. Lauren K. Marussich, Derek Nankivil, Bianca M. Maceo, Esdras Arrieta, Raksha Urs, Fabrice Manns, Arthur Ho,, Robert C. Augusteyn, Jean-Marie A. Parel. Changes in Primate Crystalline Lens Volume During Simulation of Accommodation in a Lens Stretcher
  14. John W. McAvoy.  Key Roles for Growth Factor Signaling in Generating Lens Three-dimensional Architecture.
  15. Millar TJ.  Understanding the Synthesis of Lipids in the Meibomian Gland: An Ultrastructural Study
  16. Ashik Mohamed, Derek Nankivil, Mukesh Taneja, Fabrice Manns, Veerendranath Pesala, Pravin Vaddavalli, Arthur Ho, Virender Sangwan, Robert Augusteyn, Jean-Marie Parel. Mechanical Properties of Human Lens Capsule Assessed Ex Vivo in a Lens Stretcher
  17. Derek Nankivil, Raksha Urs, Bianca Maceo,, Esdras Arrieta, Fabrice Manns,, Arthur Ho,, Robert Augusteyn, Jean-Marie Parel,A Comparison of Biometric Properties of the Isolated Human Lens Derived from Optical Coherence Tomography, Ultrasound Biomicroscopy and Shadowphotogrammetry
  18. Saramati Narasimhan,, Altricia Wilson, James Nearing, Christian Billotte, Jason Watling,, Fabrice Manns,, Robert C. Augusteyn, Arthur Ho,, Jean-Marie A. Parel,.Preliminary Investigation On The Dynamics Of Accommodation In An Ex Vivo Accommodation Simulator: Natural Versus Refilled Lens
  19. Ozkan J, Willcox M. The effect of lens modulus on insertion comfort with silicone hydrogel lenses
  20. Rajeev K. Pappuru, Uday Kumar Addepalli, Lalitha Y, Harsha Rao, Eric B. Papas, Rohit C. Khanna, Ganesh babu Jonnadula, Chandra Sekhar Garudadri . Effect Of Age On Normal Choroidal Thickness Measurement By Cirrus High Definition Optical Coherence Tomography (hd-oct)
  21. Prakash Paudel, Sonja Cronjé, Patricia M. O’Connor, Brien A. Holden. Rural Eye Care in the Developing World: The Role and Performance of Vision Technicians
  22. Krupa Philip, Aldo Martinez, Thomas Naduvilath, Paul Mitchell, Padmaja Sankaridurg. Contribution of Higher Order Aberrations in Development and/or Progression of Refractive Error: A Longitudinal Study
  23. Marco Ruggeri, Stephen Uhlhorn, Carolina De Freitas, Fabrice Manns, Jean-Marie A. Parel. Real-Time Imaging of Accommodation using Extended Depth Spectral Domain OCT
  24. Earl L. Smith III, Li-Fang Hung, Juan Huang. Effects of High Ambient Lighting on the Development of Form-Deprivation Myopia in Infant Rhesus Monkeys
  25. Yuki Sugiyama1, Li Wen, Bradley K. Yoder, Frank J. Lovicu, John W. McAvoy. Intraflagellar Transport Protein 88 Is Required For Ciliogenesis In Lens Cells
  26. Daniel Tilia, Rebecca Weng, Percy Lazon De La Jara, Mark D. Willcox, Eric B. Papas. Is Contact Lens Comfort Influenced By Lens Replacement?
  27. Eric Xiaojia Wei, Zhenjun Zhao, Mark D. Willcox. The Effect of Metal Cations on Protein-Protein Interactions in Human and Rabbit Tears

BCLA – May 2011, Manchester

  1. Fabian Conrad, PhD, Percy Lazon de la Jara, PhD, Padmaja Sankaridurg, PhD, Brien A. Holden. Does soft contact lens daily wear impact corneal curvature?
  2. Jennie Diec, Percy Lazon de la Jara, Mark Willcox, Brien Holden: Effect of contact lenses on the ocular surface during daily disposable wear (No CRC affiliation)
  3. Percy Lazon de la Jara, Mark Willcox, Jennie Diec, Eric Papas, Brien Holden: Influence of care system and wearing modality on clinical performance of a single silicone hydrogel contact lens
  4. Jerome Ozkan, Percy Lazon de la Jara, Klaus Ehrmann, John Lally,Mark Willcox: Effect of edge shape and lens geometry changes on conjunctival staining during daily wear
  5. Daniel Tilia, Rebecca Weng, Thomas Naduvilath, Brien Holden: Differences in ocular physiological changes over time during daily silicone hydrogel contact lens wear with various care systems
  6. Mark Willcox: British Contact Lens Association Medal Address, Increasing the safety and comfort of contact lens wear.

Published 2009-2010 – Books and book chapters

  1. Evans MDM, Sweeney DF (2010): Synthetic corneal implants, in Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine in Ophthalmology, editor Traian Chirila; Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge UK. 2010

Published 2009-2010 – Refereed papers

  1. Ale J, Manns F, Ho A (2010): Evaluation of the performance of accommodating IOLs using a paraxial optics analysis. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 30:132–142.
  2. Allen PM, Charman WN, Radhakrishnan H (2010): Changes in dynamics of accommodation after accommodative facility training in myopes and emmetropes. Vision Research, 50:947–955.
  3. Allen PM, Radhakrishnan H, Rae S, Calver RI, Theagarayan BP, Nelson P, Osuobeni E, Sailoganathan A, Price H, O’Leary DJ (2009): Aberration control and vision training as an effective means of improving accommodation in individuals with myopia. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 50:5120–5129.
  4. Amelinckx A, Castello M, Arrieta–Quintero E, Lee T, Salas N, Hernandez E, Lee RK, Bhattacharya SK, Parel J–M (2009): Laser trabeculoplasty induces changes in the trabecular meshwork glycoproteome: A pilot study. Journal of Proteome Research, 8:3727–3736.
  5. Ang EK, Couper T, Dirani M, Vajpayee RB, Baird PN (2009): Outcomes of laser refractive surgery for myopia. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 35:921–933.
  6. Augusteyn RC (2010): On the growth and internal structure of the human lens. Experimental Eye Research, 90:643–654.
  7. Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K, Falk D, Ho A, Papas EB (2010): Physical human model eye and methods of its use to analyse optical performance of soft contact lenses. Optics Express, 18:16868–16882.
  8. Balasubramanian SA, Pye DC, Willcox MDP (2010): Are proteinases the reason for keratoconus? Current Eye Research, 35:185–191.
  9. Bandamwar K, Garrett Q, Cheung D, Huang J, Lee L, Ng C, Papas EB (2010): Time course of solution induced staining. Contact Lens Anterior Eye, 33(4):199–201.
  10. Borja D, Manns F, Ho A, Ziebarth NM, Acosta AC, Arrieta–Quintera E, Augusteyn RC, Parel J–M (2010): Refractive power and biometric properties of the nonhuman primate isolated crystalline lens. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 51:2118–2125.
  11. Cama AT, Sikivou BT, Keeffe JE (2010): Childhood visual impairment in Fiji. Archives of Ophthalmology, 128:608–612.
  12. Carney FP, Morris CA, Milthorpe B, Flanagan JL, Willcox MDP (2009): In vitro adsorption of tear proteins to hydroxyethyl methacrylate–based contact lens materials. Eye & Contact Lens–Science and Clinical Practice, 35:320–328.
  13. Carnt N, Willcox MDP, Keay L, Flanagan JL, Stapleton F (2010): Pathogenesis of contact lens–associated microbial keratitis. Optometry and Vision Science, 87:612–613.
  14. Carnt NA, Evans VE, Naduvilath TJ, Willcox MDP, Papas E, Frick KD, Holden BA (2009): Contact lens–related adverse events and the silicone hydrogel lenses and daily wear care system used. Archives of Ophthalmology, 127:1616–1623.
  15. Chacko JG, Lam BL, Adusumilli J, Dubovy SR (2010): Multicentric malignant glioma of adulthood masquerading as optic neuritis. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 94:782–783.
  16. Chen X, Sankaridurg P, Donovan L, Lin Z, Li L, Martinez A, Holden BA, Ge J (2010): Characteristics of peripheral refractive errors of myopic and non–myopic Chinese eyes. Vision Research, 50:31–35.
  17. Chen R, Cole N, Willcox MDP, Park J, Carter E, Rasul R, Kumar N (2009): Synthesis, characterization and in vitro activity of a surface–attached antimicrobial cationic peptide. Biofouling: The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research, 25: 517–524
  18. Chong CCW, Stump RW, Lovicu FJ, McAvoy JW (2009): TGF beta promotes Wnt expression during cataract development. Experimental Eye Research, 88:307–313.
  19. Choo JD, Holden BA, Papas E, Willcox MDP (2009): Adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to orthokeratology and alignment lenses. Optometry and Vision Science, 86:93–97.
  20. Christy B, Keeffe JE, Nirmalan PK, Rao GN (2010): A randomized controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of strategies delivering low vision rehabilitation: Design and baseline characteristics of study participants. Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 17:203–210.
  21. Cochrane GM, du Toit R, Le Mesurier RT (2010): Management of refractive errors. British Medical Journal, 340.
  22. Cole N, Hume EB, Vijay AK, Sankaridurg P, Kumar N, Willcox MDP (2010): In Vivo performance of melimine as an antimicrobial coating for contact lenses in models of CLARE and CLPU. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 51:390–395.
  23. Cui Y, Stapleton F, Suttle C, Bundy A (2010): Health– and vision–related quality of life in intellectually disabled children. Optometry and Vision Science, 87:37–44.
  24. Diec J, Carnt N, Tilia D, Evans V, Rao V, Ozkan J, Holden BA (2009): Prompt diagnosis and treatment of microbial keratitis in a daily wear lens. Optometry and Vision Science, 86:904–907.
  25. Dirani M, Islam FMA, Baird PN (2009): The role of birth weight in myopia – The genes in myopia twin study. Ophthalmic Research, 41:154–159.
  26. Dirani M, Schache M, Baird PN (2009): Mirror image congenital esotropia and concordant hypermetropia in identical twins. European Journal of Ophthalmology, 19:1073–1075.
  27. Dirani M, Schache M, Baird PN (2009): Mislabelling of twin zygosities – the Genes in Myopia (GEM): twin study. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 37:629–630.
  28. Edwards K, Keay L, Naduvilath TJ, Snibson G, Taylor HR, Stapleton F (2009): Characteristics of and risk factors for contact lens–related microbial keratitis in a tertiary referral hospital. Eye, 23:153–160.
  29. Edwards K, Keay L, Naduvilath TJ, Stapleton F (2009): A population survey of the penetrance of contact lens wear in Australia: Rationale, methodology and results. Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 16:275–280.
  30. Fedtke C, Ehrmann K, Alden B (2009): A review of peripheral refraction techniques. optometry and Vision Science, 86:429–446.
  31. Flanagan JL, Simmons PA, Vehige J, Willcox MDP, Garrett Q (2010): Role of carnitine in disease. Nutrition & Metabolism, 7:30–43.
  32. Flanagan JL, Willcox MDP (2009): Role of lactoferrin in the tear film. Biochimie, 91: 35–43.
  33. Galor A, Davis JL, Flynn HW, Feuer WJ, Dubovy SR, Setlur V, Kesen MR, Goldstein DA, Tessler HH, Ganelis IB, Jabs DA, Thorne JE (2009): Sympathetic ophthalmia: Incidence of ocular complications and vision loss in the sympathizing eye. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 148:704–710.
  34. Galor A, Karp CL, Forster RK, Dubovy SR, Gaunt ML, Miller D (2009): Subconjunctival mycetoma after sub–tenon’s corticosteroid injection. Cornea, 28:933–935.
  35. Garcia–Fernandez L, Aguilar MR, Fernandez MM, Lozano RM, Gimenez G, Valverde S, Roman JS (2010): Structure, morphology, and bioactivity of biocompatible systems derived from functionalized acrylic polymers based on 5–amino–2–naphthalene sulfonic acid. Biomacromolecules, 11:1763–1772.
  36. Gopinathan U, Sharma S, Garg P, Rao GN (2009): Review of epidemiological features, microbiological diagnosis and treatment outcome of microbial keratitis: Experience of over a decade. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 57:273–279.
  37. Gothwal VK., Wright T, Lamoureux EL, Pesudovs K (2009): Psychometric properties of visual functioning index using Rasch analysis. Acta Ophthalmologica, Jun 26:1–7.
  38. Gregori NZ, Rattan GH, Rosenfeld PJ, Puliafito CA, Feuer W, Flynn HW, Berrocal AM, Al–Attar L, Dubovy S, Smiddy WE, Schwartz SG, Lee WH, Murray TG (2009): Safety and efficacy of intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin): for the management of branch and hemiretinal vein occlusion. Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases, 29:913–925.
  39. Hao X, Jeffery JL, Wilkie JS, Meijs GF, Clayton AB, Watling JD, Ho A, Fernandez V, Acosta C, Yamamoto H, Aly MGM, Parel J–M, Hughes T (2010): Functionalised polysiloxanes as injectable, in situ curable accommodating intraocular lenses. Biomaterials 31:8153–8163.
  40. Hogg RE, Dimitrov PN, Dirani M, Varsamidis M, Chamberlain MD, Baird PN, Guymer RH, Vingrys AJ (2009): Gene–environment interactions and aging visual function a classical twin study. Ophthalmology, 116:263–269.
  41. Huang J, Hung LF, Ramamirtham, R Blasdel TL, Humbird TL, Bockhorst KH, Smith EL (2009): Effects of form deprivation on peripheral refractions and ocular shape in infant rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 50:4033–4044.
  42. Hume E, Flanagan FL, Masoudi S, Zhu H, Cole N, Willcox MDP (2009): Soft contact lens disinfection solution efficacy: clinical Fusarium isolates vs. ATCC 36031. Optometry and Vision Science, 86:415–419
  43. Huynh SC, Samarawickrama C, Wang XY, Rochtchina E, Wong TY, Gole GA, Rose KA, Mitchell P (2009): Macular and nerve fiber layer thickness in amblyopia: the Sydney childhood eye study. Ophthalmology, 116:1604–1609.
  44. lyengar L, Patkunanathan B, McAvoy JW, Lovicu FJ (2009): Growth factors involved in aqueous humour–induced lens cell proliferation. Growth Factors, 27, 50–62.
  45. Jalbert I, Stapleton F (2009): Management of symptomatic Meesmann dystrophy. Optometry and Vision Science, 86:1202–1206.
  46. Jalbert I, Sweeney DF, Stapleton F (2009): The effect of long–term wear of soft lenses of low and high oxygen transmissibility on the corneal epithelium. Eye, 23, 1282–1287.
  47. Kannabiran C (2009): Genetics of corneal endothelial dystrophies. Journal of Genetics, 88:487–494.
  48. Katta S, Kaur S, Chakrabarti S (2009): The molecular genetic basis of age–related macular degeneration: an overview. Journal of Genetics, 88:425–449.
  49. Kaur I, Katta S, Reddy RK, Narayanan R, MathaiA, Majji AB, Chakrabarti S (2010): The Involvement of complement factor B and complement component C2 in an Indian cohort with age–related macular degeneration. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 51:59–63.
  50. Keay L, Edwards K, Stapleton F (2009): An evidence–based brochure to educate contact lens wearers about safe contact lens wear. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 92:407–409.
  51. Keay L, Edwards K, Stapleton F (2009): Signs, symptoms, and comorbidities in contact lens–related microbial keratitis. Optometry and Vision Science, 86:803–809.
  52. Keeffe JE, Chou SL, Lamoureux EL (2009): The cost of care for people with impaired vision in Australia. Archives of Ophthalmology, 127:1377–1381.
  53. Kumar AV, Sankaridurg P, Willcox MDP (2009): Guinea pig models of acute keratitis responses. Cornea 28:1153–9
  54. Lazon de la Jara P, Erickson D, Erickson PE, Isquierdo L, Asmat L, Stapleton F (2010): Quality of life and satisfaction amongst patients seeking LASIK. Eye, 24:270–275.
  55. Lazon de la Jara P, Erickson D, Erickson P, Stapleton F (2010): Pre–operative quality of life and psychological factors that influence patient decision making in LASIK. Eye, 24:270–275.
  56. Li J, Coats DK, Fung D, Smith EO, Paysse E (2010): The detection of simulated retinoblastoma by using red–reflex testing. Pediatrics, 126:E202–E207.
  57. Lin Z, Martinez A, Chen X, Li L, Sankaridurg P, Holden BA, Ge J (2010): Peripheral defocus with single–vision spectacle lenses in myopic children. Optometry and Vision Science, 87:4–9.
  58. Mariappan I, Maddileti S, Savy S, Tiwari S, Gaddipati S, Fatima A, Sangwan VS, Balasubramanian D, Vemuganti GK (2010): In vitro culture and expansion of human limbal epithelial cells. Nature Protocols, 5:1470–1479.
  59. Marmamula S, Keeffe JE, Rao GN (2009): Uncorrected refractive errors, presbyopia and spectacle coverage: Results from a rapid assessment of refractive error survey. Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 16:269–274.
  60. Martinez A, Sankaridurg P, Naduvilath TJ, Mitchell P (2009): Monochromatic aberrations in hyperopic and emmetropic children. Journal of Vision, 9.
  61. Matheson A, Willcox MDP, Flanagan JL, Walsh BJ (2010): Urinary biomarkers involved in type 2 diabetes: a review. Diabetes–Metabolism Research and Reviews, 26:150–171.
  62. Moulik M, Breinholt JP, Dreyer WJ, Kearney DL, Price JF, Clunie SK, Moffett BS, Kim JJ, Rossano JW, Jefferies JL, Bowles KR, Smith E, Bowles NE, Denfield SW, Towbin JA (2010): Viral endomyocardial infection is an independent predictor and potentially treatable risk factor for graft loss and coronary vasculopathy in pediatric cardiac transplant recipients. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 56:582–592.
  63. Naidoo KS, Wallace DB, Alden BA, Minto H, Faal HB, Dube P (2010): The challenge of uncorrected refractive error: driving the agenda of the Durban Declaration on refractive error and service development. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 93:131–136.
  64. Nankivil D, Manns F, Arrieta–Quintero E, Ziebarth N, Borja D, Amelinckx A, Bernal A, Ho A, Parel J–M (2009): Effect of anterior zonule transection on the change in lens diameter and power in cynomolgus monkeys during simulated accommodation. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 50:4017–4021.
  65. O’Leary DJ, Lam CSY (2010): Professor Michel Millodot A gentle giant of optometry profile. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 93:45–49.
  66. Oo TZ, Cole N, Garthwaite L, Willcox MDP, Zhu H (2010): Evaluation of synergistic activity of bovine lactoferricin with antibiotics in corneal infection. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 65:1243–1251.
  67. Pattamatta U, Willcox MDP, Stapleton F, Cole N, Garrett Q (2009): Bovine lactoferrin stimulates human corneal epithelial alkali wound healing in vitro. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 50:1636–1643.
  68. Pina Y, Cebulla CM, Murray TG, Alegret A, Dubovy SR, Boutrid H, Feuer W, Mutapcic L, Jockovich ME (2009): Blood vessel maturation in human uveal melanoma: spatial distribution of neovessels and mature vasculature. Ophthalmic Research, 41:160–169.
  69. Qureshi YA, Karp CL, Dubovy SR (2009): Intralesional interferon Alpha–2b therapy for Adnexal Kaposi sarcoma. Cornea, 28:941–943.
  70. Rae SM, Allen PM, Radhakrishnan H, Theagarayan B, Price HC, Sailaganathan A, Calver RA, O’Leary DJ (2009): Increasing negative spherical aberration with soft contact lenses improves high and low contrast visual acuity in young adults. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 29:593–601.
  71. Rasul R, Cole N, Balasubramanian D, Chen R, Kumar N, Willcox MDP (2010): Interaction of the antimicrobial peptide melimine with bacterial membranes. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 35:566–572.
  72. Rebane A, Drobizhev M, Makarov NS, Beuerman E, Tillo S, Hughes T (2010): New all–optical method for measuring molecular permanent dipole moment difference using two–photon absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Luminescence, 130:1619–1623.
  73. Reddy AK, Balne PK, Reddy RK, Mathai A, Kaur I (2010): Development and evaluation of loop–mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid and inexpensive detection of cytomegalovirus DNA in vitreous specimens from suspected cases of viral retinitis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 48:2050–2052.
  74. Reddy AK, Garg P, Babu H, Gopinathan U, Sharma S (2010): In vitro antibiotic susceptibility of rapidly growing nontuberculous mycobacteria isolated from patients with microbial keratitis. Current Eye Research, 35:225–229.
  75. Reddy AK, Garg P, Shah V, Gopinathan U (2009): Clinical, microbiological profile and treatment outcome of ocular infections caused by Achromobacter xylosoxidans. Cornea, 28:1100–1103.
  76. Reddy AK, Murthy SI, Jalali S, Gopinathan U (2009): Post–operative endophthalmitis due to an unusual pathogen, Comamonas testosteroni. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 58:374–375.
  77. Safvati A, Cole N, Hume E, Willcox MDP (2009): Mediators of neovascularization and the hypoxic cornea. Current Eye Research, 34:501–514.
  78. Sangwan VS (2010): Treatment of uveitis: Beyond steroids. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 58:1–2.
  79. Sankaridurg P, Markoulli M, Lazon de la Jara P, Willcox MDP, Harmis N, Thomas V, Holden BA (2009): Lid and conjunctival microbiota during contact lens wear in children. Optometry and Vision Science. 86:312–317
  80. Saville JT, Zhao ZJ, Willcox MDP, Blanksby SJ, Mitchell TW (2010): Detection and quantification of tear phospholipids and cholesterol in contact lens deposits: the effect of contact lens material and lens care solution. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 51:2843–2851.
  81. Schache M, Chen CY, Pertile KK, Richardson AJ, Dirani M, Mitchell P, Baird PN (2009): Fine mapping linkage analysis identifies a novel susceptibility locus for myopia on chromosome 2q37 adjacent to but not overlapping MYP12. Molecular Vision, 15:722–730.
  82. Smith EL, Huang J, Hung LF, Blasdel T, Humbird TL, Bockhorst KH (2009): Hemiretinal form deprivation: Evidence for local control of eye growth and refractive development in infant monkeys. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 50:5057–5069.
  83. Smith EL, Hung LF, Huang J (2009): Relative peripheral hyperopic defocus alters central refractive development in infant monkeys. Vision Research, 49:2386–2392.
  84. Stahl U, Willcox MDP, Naduvilath TJ, Stapleton F (2009): Influence of tear film and contact lens osmolality on ocular comfort in contact lens wear. Optometry and Vision Science, 86:857–867.
  85. Stahl U, Willcox MDP, Stapleton F (2010): Role of hypo–osmotic saline drops in ocular comfort during contact lens wear. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye. 33: 68–75
  86. Stapleton F, Ozkan J, Jalbert I, Alden BA, Petsoglou C, McClellan K (2009): Contact lens–related acanthamoeba keratitis. Optometry and Vision Science, 86:1196–1201.
  87. Stepien KE, Rosenfeld PJ, Puliafito CA, Feuer W, Shi W, Al–Attar L, Dubovy SR, Murray TG, Davis JL, Lee WH, Schwartz SG, Smiddy WE, Berrocal AM, Flynn HW (2009): Comparison of intravitreal bevacizumab followed by ranibizumab for the treatment of neovascular age–related macular degeneration. Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases, 29:1067–1073.
  88. Studdert DM, Vu TM, Fox SS, Anderson IP, Keeffe JE, Taylor HR (2010): Ethics review of multisite studies: the difficult case of community–based Indigenous health research. Medical Journal of Australia, 192:275–280.
  89. Sugiyama Y, Stump RJW, Nguyen A, Wen L, Chen YJ, Wang YS, Murdoch JN, Lovicu FJ, McAvoy JW (2010): Secreted frizzled–related protein disrupts PCP in eye lens fiber cells that have polarised primary cilia. Developmental Biology, 338:193–201.
  90. Tan G, Chen XL, Xie RZ, He H, Liu Q, Guo YZ, Liao AP, Zhong XW (2010): Reverse geometry rigid gas permeable contact lens wear reduces high–order aberrations and the associated symptoms in post–LASIK patients. Current Eye Research, 35:9–16.
  91. Taylor HR, Fox SS, Xie J, Dunn RA, Arnold A, Keeffe JE (2010): The prevalence of trachoma in Australia: the National Indigenous Eye Health Survey. Medical Journal of Australia, 192:248–253.
  92. Taylor HR, Xie J, Arnold AM, Goujon N, Dunn RA, Fox SS, Keeffe JE. Cataract in indigenous Australians: the National Indigenous Eye Health Survey. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 2010 May 24 (Epub ahead of print).
  93. Taylor HR, Xie J, Fox S, Dunn RA, Arnold AL, Keeffe JE (2010): The prevalence and causes of vision loss in Indigenous Australians: the National Indigenous Eye Health Survey. Medical Journal of Australia, 192:312–318.
  94. Urs R, Ho A, Manns F, Parel J–M (2010): Age–dependent Fourier model of the shape of the isolated ex vivo human crystalline lens. Vision Research, 50:1041–1047.
  95. Urs R, Manns F, Ho A, Borja D, Amelinckx A, Smith J, Jain R, Augusteyn RC, Parel J–M (2009): Shape of the isolated ex–vivo human crystalline lens. Vision Research, 49:74–83.
  96. You J, Cozzi P, Walsh B, Willcox MDP, Kearsley J, Russell P, Li Y (2010): Innovative biomarkers for prostate cancer early diagnosis and progression. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 73:10–22
  97. You J, Fitzgerald A, Cozzi PJ, Zhao Z, Graham P, Russell PJ, Walsh BJ, Willcox MDP, Wasinger V, Li Y (2010): Post–translation modification of proteins in the tears. Electrophoresis, 31:1853–61
  98. Veerappan S, Pertile KK, Islam AFM, Schache M, Chen CY, Mitchell P, Dirani M, Baird PN (2010): Role of the hepatocyte growth factor gene in refractive error. Ophthalmology, 117:239–U71.
  99. Veerappan S, Pertile KK, Islam AFM, Schache M, Chen CY, Mitchell P, Dirani M, Baird PN (2009): The retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARA): gene is not associated with myopia, hypermetropia, and ocular biometric measures. Molecular Vision, 15:1390–1397.
  100. Vemuganti GK, Sangwan VS (2010): Affordability at the cutting edge: stem cell therapy for ocular surface reconstruction. Regenerative Medicine, 5:337–340.
  101. Vijay AK, Sankaridurg P, Zhu H, Willcox MDP (2009): Guinea pig models of acute keratitis responses. Cornea, 28:1153–1159.
  102. Wang Q, Stump R, McAvoy JW, Lovicu FJ (2009): MAPK/ERK1/2 and PI3–kinase signalling pathways are required for vitreous–induced lens fibre cell differentiation. Experimental Eye Research, 88:293–306.
  103. Wang QA, McAvoy JW, Lovicu FJ (2010): Growth factor signaling in vitreous humor–induced lens fiber differentiation. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 51:3599–3610.
  104. Whatham A, Zimmermann F, Martinez A, Delgado S, Lazon de la Jara P, Sankaridurg P, Ho A (2009): Influence of accommodation on off–axis refractive errors in myopic eyes. Journal of Vision, 9.
  105. Willcox MDP (2010): Multipurpose disinfecting solution and Acanthamoeba keratitis. Cornea, 29:120–120.
  106. Willcox MDP, Carnt N, Diec J, Naduvilath TJ, Evans V, Stapleton F, Iskandar S, Harmis N, Lazon de la Jara P, Alden B (2010): Contact lens case contamination during daily wear of silicone hydrogels. Optometry and Vision Science, 87:456–464.
  107. Wright HR, Keeffe JE, Taylor HR (2009): Trachoma, cataracts and uncorrected refractive error are still important contributors to visual morbidity in two remote indigenous communities of the Northern Territory, Australia. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, Aug;37(6):550–7.
  108. Wu R, Stapleton F, Swarbrick HA (2009): Residual corneal flattening after discontinuation of long–term orthokeratology lens wear in Asian children. Eye & Contact Lens–Science and Clinical Practice, 35: 333–337.
  109. Wu YT, Carnt N, Willcox MDP, Stapleton F (2010): Contact lens and lens storage case cleaning instructions: Whose advice should we follow? Eye & Contact Lens–Science and Clinical Practice, 36: 68–72.
  110. Wu YT, Zhu H, Harmis NY, Iskandar SY, Willcox MDP, Stapleton F (2010): Profile and frequency of microbial contamination of contact lens cases. Optometry and Vision Science, 87:E152–E158.
  111. Wu YT, Zhu H, Willcox M, Stapleton F (2010): Impact of air–drying lens cases in various locations and positions. Optometry and Vision Science, 87:465–468.
  112. Zhao ZJ, Camt NA, Aliwarga YL, Wei XJ, Naduvilath TJ, Garrett Q, Korth J, Willcox MDP (2009): Care regimen and lens material influence on silicone hydrogel contact lens deposition. Optometry and Vision Science, 86:251–259.
  113. Zhao ZJ, Liu JF, Wasinger VC, Malouf T, Nguyen–Khuong T, Walsh B, Willcox MDP (2010): Tear lipocalin is the predominant phosphoprotein in human tear fluid. Experimental Eye Research, 90:344–349.
  114. Zhong XW, Chen XL, Xie RZ, Yang J, Li SQ, Yang X, Gong XM (2009): Differences between overnight and long–term wear of orthokeratology contact lenses in corneal contour, thickness, and cell density. Cornea, 28:271–279.

Published 2009-2010 – Refereed abstracts

  1. Ale JB, Manns F, Ho A: Performance and design of the two–element accommodating iol in presence of tilt & decentration. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  2. Ashby B: Structural modifications of bovine lactoferrin and their effects on promotion of corneal epithelial wound healing in vitro. International Lactoferrin Conference, Beijing, October 2009.
  3. Augusteyn RC: Human lens internal structure: Relationship between in vivo and in vitro observations. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  4. Augusteyn RC: Are animals good models for human cataract formation? 8th Asian Cataract Research Conference, Hangzhou, China, June 2010.
  5. Babaei N, Zhu H, Zhao Z, Ozkan J, Xu B, Willcox MDP, Borazjani R: Effect of cholesterol deposition on bacterial adhesion to contact lenses. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  6. Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K, Falk D, Papas EB, Ho A: Optical performance of multifocal contact lenses using a physical model eye. International Society of Contact Lens Research (ISCLR), Crete, Greece, August 2009.
  7. Bakaraju R, Ehrmann K, Papas E, Ho A: Monochromatic aberrations estimated from single–pass point spread functions of a physical model eye by computational phase retrieval. SPIE, San Francisco, US, January 2010.
  8. Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K, Falk D, Papas E, Ho A: Prediction of the optical performance of multifocal contact lenses using a physical model eye. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  9. Bandamwar KL, Garrett Q, Papas EB: Time course of solution induced corneal staining (SICS): and kinetics of preservative uptake/release by silicon hydrogel lenses. International Society of Contact Lens Research (ISCLR), Crete, Greece, August 2009.
  10. Borja D, Uhlhorn S, Urs R, Manns F, Imaging distortions of the isolated crystalline lens posterior surface during optical coherence tomography, SPIE, San Francisco, US, January 2010.
  11. Bron AJ, Craig J, Korb D, Nichols J, Papas E, Stapleton F, Willcox M: Tear film and ocular surface society: A report from the international workshop on Meibomian Gland Disfunction. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  12. Carnt N: Pilot study of contact lens wearer risk –taking propensity and practitioner perception of compliance. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  13. Carnt N, Keay L, Wu Y, Stapleton F: Pilot study of contact lens wearer risk –taking propensity and practitioner perception of compliance. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  14. Carnt N, Willcox MDP, Hume E, Garthwaite L, Evans V, Stapleton F: A simple method to assess genetic susceptibility to developing contact lens related microbial keratitis. International Society of Contact Lens Research (ISCLR), Crete, Greece, August 2009.
  15. Choo J: Orthokeratology Epithelial Changes. Netherlands Contact Lens Congress, Veldhoven, Netherlands, March 2010.
  16. Christy B, Keefe J, Nirmalan P: Measuring outcomes of low vision rehabilitation using the elvrt. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  17. Cole N, Hume EB, Khan S, Willcox MDP: The role of glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase in the pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus keratitis. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  18. Conrad F: The biomechanical principles of soft contact lens orthokeratology. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  19. Dantam J, Stapleton F, Zhu H, Ozkan J, Naduvilath TJ, Willcox MDP: Evaluation of silver impregnated contact lens storage cases in vivo. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  20. Dantam J, Zhu H, Stapleton F: Biocidal efficacy of silver impregnated contact lens storage cases in vitro. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  21. Dantam J, Zhu H, Stapleton F: Evaluation of biocidal efficacy of antimicrobial contact lens storage cases in–vitro. International Society of Contact Lens Research (ISCLR), Crete, Greece, August 2009.
  22. Delgado S, Falk D, Ehrmann K, Ho A, Sankaridurg P: On and off–axis ocular length measurements using the IOLMaster. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  23. Diec J, Carnt N, Naduvilath TJ, Thomas V, Evans V, Holden BA: Solution induced corneal staining: A comparison of peroxide and multipurpose solutions with silicone hydrogel lenses. American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, US, November 2009.
  24. Diec J, Evans V, Naduvilath TJ, Thomas V, Holden BA: Solution induced corneal staining and its effect on ocular comfort. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  25. Diec J, Evans V, Naduvilath TJ, Varghese T, Holden BA: The recurrence rate of corneal inflammatory events with silicone hydrogel lens and care products. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  26. Donovan L, Sankaridurg P, Ho A, Martinez A, Smith E, Holden BA: Rates of myopia progression in children. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  27. Fedtke C, Ehrmann K, Ho A, Holden BA: The impact of pupil alignment on peripheral refraction measurements using the Shin–Nippon NVision K5001. American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, US, November 2009.
  28. Flanagan JL, Xu S, Simmons PA, Vehige J, Willcox MDP, Garrett Q: OCTN2 mediates active transport of L-carnitine in human corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  29. Garrett Q, Shih S, Simmons P, Vehige J, Willcox MDP: Carnitine and other potential osmoprotectants protect corneal epithelial cells from hyperosmolar solution induced damage. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  30. Golebiowski B, Papas E, Stapleton F: Clinical comparison of the CRCERT–Belmonte and Cochet–Bonnet aesthesiometers. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  31. Ho A, Delgado S, Martinez A, Sankaridurg P: Change in peripheral refraction during accommodation: myopes vs. emmetropes. SPIE, San Francisco, US, January 2010.
  32. Ho A, Fedtke C, Manns F: The peripheral entrance pupil. American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, US, November 2009.
  33. Ho A, Delgado S, Martinez A, Sankaridurg P: Change in asymmetry of peripheral refraction with accommodation: myopes versus emmetropes. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  34. Holden BA: Daily disposable extended wear? Really? Netherlands Contact Lens Congress, Veldhoven, Netherlands, March 2010.
  35. Holden BA: Motion: With modern silicone Hydrogel lenses continuous wear is not a crazy idea. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  36. Holden BA: Human resources in refractive error programs. World Ophthalmology Congress, Berlin, June 2010.
  37. Holden BA, Sankaridurg P, Lazon de la Jara P, Smith E, Chen X, Kwan J, Martinez A, Ho A,  Ge J: Reduction in the rate of progress of myopia with a contact lens designed to reduce relative peripheral hyperopia. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  38. Holden BA: Myopia: The current state of play. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  39. Hume E: Novel coatings for biofilm control on medical devices. Australian Society for Microbiology, Perth, September 2009.
  40. Lazon de la Jara P. Sankaridurg P, Ho A, Martinez A, Donovan L, Smith E, Chen X, Ge J, Holden B: A silicone hydrogel lens produced less myopia progression than single vision spectacles in Chinese children over a 6 month period. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  41. Lazon de la Jara P, Papas EB, Diec J, Holden B, Willcox MDP: Consistency of ocular comfort reporting in contact lens wearers, spectacle wearers and non wearers. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  42. Lee E, Arrieta E, Aguilar MC, Hernandez E, Ponce F, Parel J-M: In vivo feasibility study of polymer exchange in Phaco-Ersatz rabbit eyes. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  43. Maceo B, Borja D, Nankivil D, Manns F, Uhlhorn S, Arrieta E, Ho A, Parel J–M: Surface and internal power change of the non–human primate crystalline lens during simulated accommodation. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  44. Manns F, Ho A, Borja D, Parel J–M: Comparison of uniform and gradient paraxial models of the crystalline lens. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  45. Markoulli M, Holden BA, Papas EB: Diurnal variation of MMP–9 in the tear film. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  46. Markoulli M, Papas EB, Holden BA: Comparison of protein levels in basal, reflex and flush tears. International Society of Contact Lens Research (ISCLR), Crete, Greece, August 2009.
  47. Markoulli M, Papas EB, Holden BA: The diurnal variation of MMP–9 in the tear film and its clinical associations. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  48. Mohamed A, Sangwan V, Kumar A, Garrett Q, Parel J–M, Augusteyn RC: Lens growth in the Indian population. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  49. Naidoo K: Public health role of optometrists. First International Congress of Optics, Contact Lenses and Optometry (APO): Argentina, October 2009.
  50. Nankivil D, Maceo B, Borja D, Arrieta–Quintero E, Manns F, Parel J–M: The effect of posterior zonular transection on the baboon lens during stretching. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  51. Nankivil D, Borja D, Nath V, Arieta E, Taneja M, Ziebarth N, Mohamed A, Ho A, Manns F, Parel J-M: Age-related model of the human crystalline lens during simulated accommodation. SPIE, San Francisco, US, January 2010.
  52. Ozkan J, Krishna P, McNally J, Willcox MDP, Holden BA: Daily replacement of silicone hydrogel contact lenses during continuous wear as a means of reducing contact lens related ocular adverse events. American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, US, November 2009.
  53. Ozkan J, Zhu H, Gabriel M, Willcox MDP, Holden BA: Daily instillation of antibiotic drops during extended wear of silicone hydrogel lenses. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  54. Papas EB: JND in comfort assessment. International Society of Contact Lens Research (ISCLR), Crete, Greece, August 2009.
  55. Papas EB: New developments in multifocal contact lenses. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  56. Parel J-M: Surgical restoration of accommodation by lens refilling (Phaco-Ersatz). Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  57. Pesala V, Donovan L, Taneja M, Garrett Q, Delgado S, Sangwan V, Ho A : Measurement of consensual accommodation in unsighted eyes using auto–refraction. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  58. Ruggeri M, Kocaoglu O, Uhlhorn S, Borja D, Urs R, Chou T-H, Porciatti V, Parel J-M, Manns F: Small animal ocular biometry using optical coherence tomography. SPIE, San Francisco, US, January 2010.
  59. Safvati A, Hume E, Cole N, Willcox M: Hypoxia-mediated unregulation of HIF-1a, VEGF and Angiogenin in human corneal epithelium: I in Vitro. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  60. Sankaridurg P, Donovan L, Varnas S, Chen X, Lin Z, Fisher S, Ho A, Ge J, Smith E, Holden BA: Progression of myopia with spectacle lenses designed to reduce relative peripheral hyperopia: 12 months results. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  61. Sankaridurg P, Holden BA, Donovan L, Lazon de la Jara P, Ho A, Smith E, Chen X, Ge J and the Vision CRC Myopia Control Group: Myopia control: Is it feasible? British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  62. Shin E, Robinson M, Basson M, Martin G, McAvoy J, Lovicu F: Sprouty prevents TGFß-induced cataractogenesis lens. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  63. Stahl U, Papas EB, Stapleton F: Do hypo–osmotic contact lens rewetting drops help improve comfort during contact lens wear? International Society of Contact Lens Research (ISCLR), Crete, Greece, August 2009.
  64. Smith E: Biology of myopia: The latest. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  65. Stapleton F: Epidemiology of keratitis. World Ophthalmology Congress, Berlin, June 2010.
  66. Stapleton F: The epidemiology of contact lens related microbial keratitis and the impact of solution efficacy. American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, US, November 2009.
  67. Stapleton F, Carnt N: The what, why, management and outcome of contact lens related adverse events. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  68. Stapleton F, Naduvilath TJ, Keay L, Radford C, Dart J, Edwards K, Carnt N, Minassian D, Holden BA: Risk factors for microbial keratitis in daily disposable contact lens wear. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  69. Stapleton F, Naduvilath TJ, Wu Y, Carnt N, Keay K, Edwards K, Ho A: Design and conduct of clinical trials in Meibomian gland disease. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  70. Stapleton F, Naduvilath TJ, Wu Y, Carnt N, Keay K, Edwards K, Ho A: The risk of vision loss in contact lens wear and following LASIK. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  71. Subbaraman LN, Borazjani R, Jones L, Zhao Z, Zhu H, Willcox MDP: Bacterial adhesion to protein–coated conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials. International Society of Contact Lens Research (ISCLR), Crete, Greece, August 2009.
  72. Subbaraman LN, Jones LW, Borazjani RN, Zhao Z, Zhu H, Willcox M: Bacterial adhesion to lactoferrin-coated conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lens material. American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, US, November 2009.
  73. Taneja M, Nankivil D, Mohamed A, Pesala V, Hao XJ, Hughes T, Garrett Q, Ehrmann K, Manns F, Ho A: Optomechanical response of human lenses refilled with polymer gel. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  74. Terry R: Extreme cases in contact lens wear. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  75. Tilia D, Lazon de la Jara P, Weng R, Naduvilath TJ, Willcox MDP, Holden BA: Clinical evaluation of a new contact lens solution when used in conjunction with two silicone hydrogel lenses during short term wear. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  76. Tilia D, Lazon de la Jara P, Weng R, Naduvilath TJ, Willcox MDP, Holden BA Evaluation of solution induced corneal staining impact on comfort during short term contact lens wear. American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, US, November 2009.
  77. Urs R, Manns F, Arrieta E, Ziebarth N, Uhlhorn S, Dunne S, Ho A, Augusteyn RC, Parel J–M: Speed of ultrasound gradient across the equatorial profile of the isolated human crystalline lens. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  78. Willcox MDP, Babaei N, Zhu H, Borazjani R: Effect of cholesterol deposition on bacterial adhesion to contact lenses. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  79. Willcox MDP, Diec J, Carnt N, Evans V, Naduvilath TJ, Iskandar S, Zhu H, Holden BA: Contact lens contamination during daily wear of a silicone hydrogel lens. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  80. Willcox MDP, Garrett Q, Shih S, Vehige J, Simmons P: Osmoprotectants can protect corneal epithelial cells from death after exposure to hyper–osmolar solutions. World Ophthalmology Congress, Berlin, June 2010.
  81. Willcox MDP, Hume E, Kumar A, Sankaridurg P, Cole N: In vivo efficacy of melimine contact lenses in models of CLARE and CLPU. Australian Society for Microbiology, Perth, September 2009.
  82. Willcox MDP, Ozkan J, Zhu H, McNally J, Krishna P, Holden BA: Daily disposable silicone hydrogels for extended wear – a daft idea? British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  83. Willcox MDP, Vijay AK, Wu P, Stapleton F,, Zhu H,Sankaridurg P: Prevention of microbially driven adverse events: To kill or not to kill? British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  84. Willcox, MDP: Against the motion: With modern silicone hydrogel lenses is not a crazy idea. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  85. Willcox MDP, Sankaridurg P, Zhu H, Ozkan J, Naduvilath TJ, Sweeney DF, Holden BA: What are the most appropriate surrogate markers for MK for use in clinical trials? International Society of Contact Lens Research (ISCLR), Crete, Greece, August 2009.
  86. Wu Y: Impact of air drying contact lens storage cases in different environments International Society of Contact Lens Research (ISCLR), Crete, Greece, August 2009.
  87. Wu Y, Willcox MDP, Zhu H, Stapleton F: Impact of air–drying contact lens cases. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.
  88. Zhao Z: Tear lipocalin is the predominant phosphoprotein in human tear fluid. 15th Annual Proteomics Symposium, Lorne, Victoria, February 2010.
  89. Zhu H, Bandara R, Masoudi S, Wu D, Bandara M, Kumar A, Willcox MDP: Bacterial adhesion to silicone hydrogel lenses. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, US, May 2010.
  90. Zhu H, Ozkan J, Kumar A, Wu D, Masoudi S, Bandara R, Willcox MDP, Borazjani RN: Evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of a multipurpose solution against clinical microbial isolates. British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), Birmingham, UK, May 2010.

In Press 2009-2010 – Refereed papers

  1. Wright HR, Keeffe JE, Taylor HR. Barriers to the implementation of the SAFE strategy to combat hyperendemic trachoma in Australia. Ophthalmic Epidemiology, accepted 25 August 2010.
  2. Fox SS, Arnold AM, Dunn RA, Keeffe JE, Taylor HR. Sampling and recruitment methodology for a national eye health survey of indigenous Australians. Australian New Zealand Journal of Public Health, accepted 15 July 2009.
  3. Goujon N, Brown C, Xie J, Arnold AM, Dunn RA, Keeffe JE, Taylor HR. Self–reported vision and health of Indigenous Australians. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, accepted 8 March 2010.

Books and book chapters

  1. Glasson M, Stapleton F, Keay L, Ball M, Willcox M. Effect of contact lens wear on the pre-corneal tear film. In: Immunology of the eye. Ed Zierhut, Stern and Sullivan. Taylor and Francis, UK. Pp 239-254
  2. Zhao Z, Russell PJ. Active protease mapping in 2DE gels. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis Protocol (eds Sheehan D and Tyther R), Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA. P431-438

Refereed papers

  1. Bakaraju R, Ehrmann K, Papas EB, Ho A. Do peripheral refraction and aberration profiles vary with the type of myopia? – an illustration using a ray-tracing approach. Journal of Optometry 2: 29-38, 2009, doi:10.3921/joptom.2009.29
  2. Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K, Falk D, Papas EB, Ho A. Working sketch of an anatomically and optically equivalent physical model eye. Proceedings of SPIE 2009, 7163, 716316, doi:10.1117/12.808646
  3. Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K, Ho A, Papas EB. Pantoscopic tilt in spectacle-corrected myopia and its effect on peripheral refraction. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 28(6):538-49, 2008
  4. Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K, Papas E, Ho A. Finite schematic eye models and their accuracy to in-vivo data. Vision Res 48(16):1681-94, 2008
  5. Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K, Papas EB, Ho A. A theoretical design of gradient index multifocal contact lens for correcting presbyopia and an attempt to elicit its performance using ray tracing. Proceedings of SPIE 2009, 7163, 716319, doi:10.1117/12.808653.
  6. Chen R, Cole N, Willcox MD, Park J, Rasul R, Carter E, Kumar N. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro activity of a surface-attached antimicrobial cationic peptide. Biofouling 25(6):517-24, 2009
  7. Chong CC, Stump RJ, Lovicu FJ, McAvoy JW. TGFß promotes Wnt expression during cataract development. Exp Eye Res 88(2):307-13, 2009
  8. Choo JD, Holden BA, Papas EB, Willcox MDP. Adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to orthokeratology and alignment lenses. Optom Vis Sci 86(2):93-7, 2009
  9. Choy M, Stapleton F, Willcox MDP, Zhu H. Comparison of virulence factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from contact lens and non-contact lens-related keratitis. Journal of Medical Microbiology 57 (12): 1539-1546, 2008
  10. Cronjé S, Chullunkhuu C, Schlenther G. Addressing refractive error blindness and visual impairment. Mongolian Journal of Ophthalmology 1 (5): 3–5, 2009
  11. de la Jara PL, Erickson D, Erickson P, Stapleton F. Pre-operative quality of life and psychological factors that influence patient decision making in LASIK. Eye. 2009 May 15. (Epub ahead of print)
  12. Dirani M, Couper TA, Baird PN. The role for genetic factors in lower and higher order aberrations? The Genes in Myopia (GEM) twin study. Ophthalmic Res 41(3):142-7, 2009. Epub 2009 Mar 26
  13. Dirani M, Islam FMA, Baird PN. The role of birth weight in myopia? The Genes in Myopia (GEM) twin study. Ophthalmic Res 41(3):154-9, 2009. Epub 2009 Mar 26
  14. Edwards K, Keay L, Naduvilath T, Snibson G, Taylor H, Stapleton F. Characteristics of and risk factors for contact lens related microbial keratitis in a tertiary referral hospital. Eye 23: 153-160, 2009
  15. Ehrmann K, Fedtke C, Radic A. Assessment of computer generated vision charts. Cont Lens Anterior Eye 32(3):133-40, 2009
  16. Ehrmann K, Falk D. Optical power mapping using paraxial laser scanning. Proceedings of SPIE 2009, Ophthalmic Technologies 7163, 716350, doi:10.1117/12.806765
  17. Fedtke C, Ehrmann K, Holden BA. A review of peripheral refraction techniques. Optom Vis Sci 2009 April 1
  18. Figuiera EC, Sharma NS, Ooi JL, Masselos K, Lee KJY, Rosenberg ML, Francis IC, Ferch NI, Stapleton F. The Lanindar test: a method of evaluating patient suitability for cataract surgery using assisted topical anaesthesia. Eye 23: 284-289, 2009
  19. Flanagan JL, Willcox MDP. Role of lactoferrin in the tear film. Biochimie 91(1):35-43, 2009
  20. Garrett Q, Xu S, Simmons PA, Vehige J, Flanagan JL, Willcox MDP. Expression and localization of carnitine/organic cation transporter OCTN1 and OCTN2 in ocular epithelium. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 49(11):4844-9, 2008. Epub 2008 Jul 18.
  21. Garrett Q, Xu S, Simmons PA, Vehige J, Xie RZ, Kumar A, Flanagan JL, Zhao Z, Willcox MDP. Carboxymethyl cellulose stimulates rabbit corneal epithelial wound healing. Curr Eye Res 33(7):567-73, 2008
  22. Golebiowski B, Papas EB, Stapleton F. Factors affecting ocular surface sensitivity measured with the CRCERT-Belmonte aesthesiometer. Optom Vis Sci 85(4):241-6, 2008
  23. Guymer RH, Dimitrov P, Varsamidis M, Lim L, Baird PN, Vingrys A, Robman L. Can HMG Co-A reductase inhibitors (‘statins’) slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration? The Age-Related Maculopathy Statin Study (ARMSS). Clinical Interventions in Aging 3(3):581-93, 2008
  24. Ho A, Zimmermann F, Whatham A, Martinez A, Delgado S, Lazon de la Jara P, Sankaridurg P. Change in peripheral refraction and curvature of field of the human eye with accommodation. Proceedings of SPIE 2009, 7163, 716318, doi:10.1117/12.812110
  25. Holden BA, Fricke TR, Ho SM, Wong R, Schlenther G, Cronjé S, Burnett A, Papas E, Naidoo KS, Frick KD. Global vision impairment due to uncorrected presbyopia. Arch Ophthalmol 126(12):1731-9, 2008
  26. Hume EB, Flanagan J, Masoudi S, Zhu H, Cole N, Willcox MDP. Soft contact lens disinfection solution efficacy: clinical fusarium isolates vs ATCC 36031. Optom Vis Sci 2009 April 20
  27. Huynh SC, Wang XY, Burlutsky G, Stapleton F, Mitchell P. Retinal and optic disc findings in adolescence: A population-based OCT study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 49(10):4328-35, 2008
  28. Jalbert I, Sweeney DF, Stapleton F. The effect of long term wear of soft lenses of low and high oxygen transmissibility on the corneal epithelium. Eye 23: 1282-1237, 2009
  29. Joseph RM, Ehrmann K, McNally R, Keehn B. Affective response to eye contact and face recognition ability in children with ASD. J Int Neuropsychol Soc 14(6):947-55, 2008
  30. Keay L, Edwards K, Dart J, Stapleton F. Grading contact lens-related microbial keratitis: relevance to disease burden. Optom Vis Sci 85(7):531-537, 2008
  31. Kim E, Ehrmann K, Uhlhorn S, Borja D, Parel J-M. Automated analysis of OCT images of the crystalline lens. Proceedings of SPIE 2009, 7163, 716313; DOI:10.1117/12.809986
  32. Lamoureux EL, Tee HW, Pesudovs K, Pallant JF, Keeffe JE, Rees G. Can clinicians use the PHQ-9 to assess depression in people with vision loss? Optom Vis Sci 86(2):139-45, 2009
  33. Lamoureux EL, Pesudovs K, Pallant JF, Rees G, Hassell JB, Caudle LE, Keeffe JE. An evaluation of the 10-item vision core measure 1 (VCM1) scale (the core module of the vision-related quality of life scale) using Rasch analysis. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 15(4):224-33, 2008
  34. Martinez AA, Sankaridurg PR, Naduvilath TJ, Mitchell P. Monochromatic aberrations in hyperopic and emmetropic children. J Vis 20;9(1):23.1-14, 2009
  35. Nankivil D, Manns F, Arrieta-Quintero E, Ziebarth NM, Borja D, Amelinckx AA, Bernal A, Ho A, Parel J-M. Effect of anterior zonule transection on the change in lens diameter and power in cynomolgus monkeys during simulated accommodation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2009 March 25
  36. Nguyen-Khuong T, Fitzgerald A, Zhao Z, Willcox M, Walsh BJ. Improvements for the visualization of low-molecular weight protein and peptides of human tears using MALDI. Proteomics 8(17):3424-32, 2008
  37. O’Connor PM, Chou SL, Lamoureux EL, Keeffe JE. Costs of vision impairment in childhood and youth: diary case studies. Optom Vis Sci 85(11):1106-9, 2008
  38. O’Connor PM, Mu LC, Keeffe JE. Access and utilization of a new low-vision rehabilitation service. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 36(6):547-52, 2008
  39. Ozkan J, Papas E. Lubricant effects on low Dk and silicone hydrogel lens comfort. Optom Vis Sci 85(8):773-7, 2008
  40. Papas EB, Dahms A, Carnt N, Tahhan N, Ehrmann K. Power profiles and short-term visual performance of soft contact lenses. Optom Vis Sci 86:318–323, 2009
  41. Papas EB, Decenzo-Verbeten T, Fonn D, Holden BA, Kollbaum PS, Situ P, Tan J, Woods C. Utility of short-term evaluation of presbyopic contact lens performance. Eye Contact Lens 35(3):144-8, 2009
  42. Pattamatta U, Willcox MDP, Stapleton F, Cole N, Garrett Q. Bovine lactoferrin stimulates human corneal epithelial alkali wound healing in vitro. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 50(4):1636-43, 2009
  43. Peacock S, Misajon R, Iezzi A, Richardson J, Hawthorne G, Keeffe J. Vision and quality of life: development of methods for the VisQoL vision-related utility instrument. Ophthal Epidem 15(4):218-23, 2008
  44. Radford CF, Minassian D, Dart JK, Stapleton F, Verma S. Risk factors for nonulcerative contact lens complications in an ophthalmic accident and emergency department: a case-control study. Ophthalmology 116(3):385-92, 2009
  45. Safvati A, Cole N, Hume E, Willcox MDP. Mediators of neovascularization and the hypoxic cornea. Current Eye Research 34:6,501-514, 2009
  46. Samarawickrama C, Wang JJ, Huynh SC, Wang XY, Burlutsky G, Stapleton F, Mitchell P. Macular thickness, retinal thickness, and optic disk parameters in dominant compared with nondominant eyes. J AAPOS 13(2):142-7, 2009
  47. Sankaridurg PR, Markoulli M, de la Jara PL, Harmis N, Varghese T, Willcox MDP, Holden BA. Lid and conjunctival micro biota during contact lens wear in children. Optom Vis Sci 86(4):312-7, 2009
  48. Stahl U, Willcox MDP, Naduvilath T, Stapleton F. Influence of tear film and contact lens osmolality on ocular comfort in contact lens wear. Optom Vis Sci 2009 Jun 11.
  49. Stapleton F, Keay L, Edwards K, Naduvilath T, Dart JK, Brian G, Holden BA. The incidence of contact lens-related microbial keratitis in Australia. Ophthalmology 115(10):1655-62, 2008
  50. Sweeney DF, Holden B, Evans K, Ng V, Cho P. Best practice contact lens care: a review of the Asia Pacific Contact Lens Care Summit. Clin Exp Optom 92(2):78-89, 2009
  51. Smith TST, Frick KD, Holden BA, Fricke TR, Naidoo KS. Potential lost productivity resulting from the global burden of uncorrected refractive error. Bull World Health Organ 87:431–437, 2009
  52. Tahhan N, Fricke TR, Naduvilath T, Kierath J, Ho SM, Schlenther G, Layland B, Holden BA. Uncorrected refractive error in the northern and eastern provinces of Sri Lanka. Clin Exp Optom 92(2):119–125, 2009
  53. Uhlhorn SR, Borja D, Manns F, Parel J-M. Refractive index measurement of the isolated crystalline lens using optical coherence tomography. Vision Res 2008 Oct 21
  54. Urs R, Manns F, Ho A, Borja D, Amelinckx A, Smith J, Jain R, Augusteyn R, Parel J-M. Shape of the isolated ex-vivo human crystalline lens. Vision Res 2008 Nov 7
  55. Wang W, Xue M, Willcox MDP, Thakur A. Role of nitric oxide in P. aeruginosa keratitis caused by distinct bacterial phenotypes. Eye Contact Lens 34(4):195-7, 2008
  56. Whatham A, Zimmermann E, Martinez A, Delgado S, Lazon de la Jara P, Sankaridurg P, Ho A. Influence of accommodation on off-axis refractive errors in myopic eyes. J Vision 9(3):14, 1-13 xx,, doi:10.1167/9.3.14.
  57. Willcox MDP, Hume EB, Aliwarga Y, Kumar N, Cole N. A novel cationic-peptide coating for the prevention of microbial colonization on contact lenses. J Appl Microbiol 105(6):1817-25., 2008
  58. Willcox MDP, Zhu H, Conibear TC, Hume EB, Givskov M, Kjelleberg S, Rice SA. Role of quorum sensing by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in microbial keratitis and cystic fibrosis. Microbiology 154(Pt 8):2184-94, 2008
  59. Wong E, Chou SL, Lamoureux EL, Keeffe JE. Personal costs of visual impairment by different eye diseases and severity of visual loss. Ophthalmic Epidemiology 15(5):339-44, 2008
  60. Zhao Z, Carnt NA, Aliwarga Y, Wei X, Naduvilath T, Garrett Q, Korth J, Willcox MDP. Care regimen and lens material influence on silicone hydrogel contact lens deposition. Optom Vis Sci 86(3):251-9, 2009
  61. Zhao Z, Wei X, Aliwarga Y, Carnt NA, Garrett Q, Willcox MDP. Proteomic analysis of protein deposits on worn daily wear silicone hydrogel contact lenses. Molecular Vision 14: 2016-2024, 2008
  62. Ziebarth NM, Borja D, Arrieta E, Aly M, Manns F, Dortonne I, Nankivil D, Jain R, Parel J-M. Role of the lens capsule on the mechanical accommodative response in a lens stretcher. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 49(10):4490-6, 2008

Refereed abstracts

  1. Ale J, Manns F, Ho A. Chromatic aberration and achromatization of accommodating IOL: paraxial and finite ray-tracing analyses. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  2. Ale J, Manns F, Ho A. Chromatic aberration and achromatization of accommodating IOL: paraxial and finite ray-tracing analyses. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  3. Augusteyn B. Dogfish alpha-crystallin. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  4. Bakaraju RC. Evaluating the effect of add design of multizone bifocal contact lenses on its optical performance. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  5. Bakaraju RC. A theoretical design of gradient index multifocal contact lens for correcting presbyopia and an attempt to elicit its performance using ray tracing. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  6. Bakaraju RC. Multizone bifocals vs. aspheric multifocal contact lenses – A comparison of optical performance, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  7. Bakaraju RC. Working sketch of an anatomically and optically equivalent physical model eye. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  8. Bakaraju RC. Working sketch of an anatomically and optically equivalent physical model eye. SPIE 2009, Florida USA, February 2009
  9. Bakaraju RC. A theoretical design of gradient index multifocal contact lens for correcting presbyopia and an attempt to elicit its performance using ray tracing. SPIE 2009, Florida USA, February 2009
  10. Bandara M. Disinfection efficacy of protamine against ocular pathogens. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  11. Bandara M. Disinfection efficacy of protamine against ocular pathogens. XVIII International Congress of Eye Research, Beijing China, September 2008
  12. Bernal A. Compact shadowphotogrammetry system for measurement of isolated lens shape, International Antimyopia Conference, Cairns QLD, July 2008
  13. Bernal A. Compact shadowphotogrammetry system for measurement of isolated lens shape. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  14. Burnett A. National indigenous eye health survey: A pilot study to validate methodology. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  15. Burnett A. National indigenous eye health survey: A pilot study to validate methodology. International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, 8th General Assembly, Buenos Aires Argentina, August 2008
  16. Carnt N. IER Matrix Study: Solution related corneal staining. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  17. Carnt N. IER Matrix Study: Solution related corneal staining. Optometrists Association of Australia, NSW Congress, Star City, September 2008
  18. Carnt N. Risk taking propensity in contact lens wearers. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  19. Choo J. Orthokeratology epithelial changes with increasing lens wear: a histological study. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  20. Choo J. Orthokeratology epithelial changes with increasing lens wear: a histological study. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  21. Choo J. Recovery of orthokeratology epithelial changes after cessation of one month of lens wear: a histological study. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  22. Choo J. Orthokeratology epithelial changes after cessation of one month of lens wear:  a histological study. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  23. Cole N. In vivo efficacy of melimine contact lenses in models of CLARE and CLPU. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  24. Cole N. In vivo efficacy of melimine contact lenses in models of CLARE and CLPU. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  25. Cole N. The role of CXC chemoking receptor 2 in corneal infection. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  26. Cole N. The role of CXC chemoking receptor 2 in corneal infection. XVIII International Congress of Eye Research, Beijing China, September 2008
  27. Conrad F. Corneal reshaping using custom designed soft contact lenses. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  28. Cronjé S, Wilson D, Schlenther G, Holden BA, Davis A, Naidoo K. Establishing sustainable refractive error services in the developing world. International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, 8th General Assembly, Buenos Aires Argentina, August 2008
  29. Cronjé S. Recruitment and selection of trainees to provide refractive error services: a pilot study in rural Sri Lanka. International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, 8th General Assembly, Buenos Aires Argentina, August 2008
  30. Delgado S. Comparison of letter versus laser targets on measuring central and peripheral autorefraction, International Antimyopia Conference, Cairns QLD, July 2008
  31. Delgado S. Comparison of letter versus laser targets on measuring central and peripheral autorefraction. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009.
  32. Diec J, Carnt N, Naduvilath T, Thomas V, Evans V, Holden BA. Solution induced corneal staining: a comparison of peroxide and multipurpose solutions with silicone hydrogel lenses. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim, USA, October 2008
  33. Diec J, Evans V, Carnt N, Naduvilath T, Thomas V. Comparison of corneal inflammatory events between two silicone hydrogel contact lenses. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  34. Diec J. Comparison of corneal inflammatory events between two silicone hydrogel contact lenses. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009 Diec J. Corneal inflammatory event rates in two silicone hydrogel contact lenses. SPIE 2009, Florida USA, February 2009
  35. Diec J. Corneal inflammatory event rates in two silicone hydrogel contact lenses, British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  36. Diec J. The IER Matrix: solution induced corneal staining in peroxide and multipurpose lens care solutions with silicone hydrogel lenses. Asia Cornea and Contact Lens Conference, Hong Kong, April 2009
  37. Donovan L. Visual activities, outdoor sports and the level of myopia in a group of Chinese children. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  38. Donovan L. Visual activities, outdoor sports and the level of myopia in a group of Chinese children. International Antimyopia Conference, Cairns QLD, July 2008
  39. Ehrmann K, Falk D. Optical power mapping using paraxial laser scanning. SPIE 2009, Florida USA, February 2009
  40. Evans V. Multivariate analysis of factors associated with discontinuation from silicone hydrogel contact lens wear. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim, USA, October 2008
  41. Evans V. Multivariate analysis of factors associated with discontinuation from silicone hydrogel contact lens wear. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  42. Fedtke C, Ehrmann K, Ho A, Holden BA. The impact of pupil alignment on peripheral refraction measurements using the Shin-Nippon NVision K5001. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  43. Fricke T, Schlenther G, Naidoo K, Holden B. Correction of refractive error — sustainability of available models. Asia ARVO International Meeting on Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Hyderabad India, January 2009
  44. Ghosh A. Monochromatic ocular aberrations in an older population: Blue Mountain Eye Study. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  45. Hao X. High refractive index polysiloxanes as injectable, in-situ curable accommodating intraocular lens (IOL). 30th Australasian Polymer Symposium, Melbourne VIC, December 2008
  46. Hao X. High refractive index polysiloxanes as injectable, in-situ curable accommodating intraocular lens (IOL). Asia ARVO International Meeting on Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Hyderabad India, January 2009
  47. Ho A. Peripheral refraction and accommodation: relative contribution of retinal and pre-retinal factors. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  48. Ho A. Peripheral refraction and accommodation: relative contribution of retinal and pre-retinal factors. XVIII International Congress of Eye Research, Beijing China, September 2008
  49. Ho A. The peripheral entrance pupil. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  50. Ho S, Cronjé S, Schlenther G, Holden BA. Building refraction training capacity in Cambodia to address refractive error blindness and vision impairment. International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, 8th General Assembly, Buenos Aires Argentina, August 2008
  51. Holden BA. Academia to the rescue. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  52. Holden BA. Continuous wear…where are we today? British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009Holden BA. Continuous wear how many nights are safe? British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  53. Holden BA. Refractive error: from obscurity to imperative. International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, 8th General Assembly, Buenos Aires Argentina, August 2008
  54. Hughes T. Effect of radical concentration porous on perfluoropolyethers during polymerisation. Asia ARVO International Meeting on Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Hyderabad India, January 2009
  55. Hughes T. Effect of radical concentration porous on perfluoropolyethers during polymerisation. 30th Australasian Polymer Symposium, Melbourne, December 2008
  56. Hume E. Examining specific virulence factors involved in Staphylococcus aureus keratitis. 13th International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections, Cairns QLD, September 2008
  57. Hume E. Examining specific virulence factors involved in Staphylococcus aureus keratitis. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  58. Hume T. Treatment of S. aureus keratitis with furanones. Asia ARVO International Meeting on Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Hyderabad India, January 2009
  59. Inderjeet Y, Naidoo K, Davis A, Holden BA. The KZN Child Care Program: developing a sustainable solution through a public, private NGDO partnership. International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, 8th General Assembly, Buenos Aires Argentina, August 2008
  60. Keirath J, Cronjé S, De Souza N, Holden BA, Naidoo K. A comprehensive refractive error training package for mid – or lower cadres. International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, 8th General Assembly, Buenos Aires Argentina, August 2008
  61. Keys T. A training program for Aboriginal eye health workers in the Northern Territory of Australia. International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, 8th General Assembly, Buenos Aires Argentina, August 2008
  62. Kim E. Automated analysis of OCT Images of the crystalline lens. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  63. Kim E, Ehrmann K, Uhlhorn S, Borja D, Parel J-M. Automated analysis of OCT images of the crystalline lens. SPIE 2009, Florida USA, February 2009
  64. Kumar A. Amoebicidal activity of protamine alone and in combination with other antimicrobials. FEMS 2009: 3rd Congress of European Microbiologists, Gothenberg, Sweden, June 2009
  65. Lazon P. Parental history of myopia in Chinese myopic children. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  66. Lazon P. Parental history of myopia in Chinese myopic children. International Antimyopia Conference, Cairns QLD, July 2008
  67. Manns F. Lens refilling for the restoration of accommodation in human and non-human primate lenses. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  68. Markoulli M. Lid and conjunctival microbiota in children with contact lens wear. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  69. Martinez A. Higher order aberrations in eyes of children from different ethnic backgrounds. Asia ARVO International Meeting on Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Hyderabad India, January 2009
  70. Martinez A. Influence of gender on off-axis refractive error and higher order aberrations. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  71. Martinez A. Influence of gender on off-axis refractive error and higher order aberrations. International Antimyopia Conference, Cairns QLD, July 2008
  72. Martinez A. Peripheral astigmatism in children eyes. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  73. Naidoo K, Martin C, Davis A, Holden BA. Developing research capacity in Africa: a collaborative effort. International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, 8th General Assembly, Buenos Aires Argentina, August 2008
  74. Naidoo K., Ramson P, Naidoo K, Holden BA, Davis A. From outreach to sustainability, the patient explored. International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, 8th General Assembly, Buenos Aires Argentina, August 2008
  75. Nankivi D. Zonule distention and the ciliary body of the Cynomolgus monkey during lens stretching. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  76. Nankivil D. Zonule distention and the ciliary body of the Cynomolgus monkey during lens stretching. 13th International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections, Cairns QLD, September 2008
  77. Oo T. Bovine lactoferricin increases the susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to antibiotics. Optometrists Association of Australia, NSW Congress, Star City, September 2008
  78. Oo TZ. Bovine lactoferricin increases the susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to antibiotics. 7th International Symposium on Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance, Bangkok, March 2009
  79. Ozkan J. Daily replacement of silicone hydrogel contact lenses during continuous wear as a means of reducing contact lens related ocular adverse events. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  80. Ozkan J. Retrospective analysis of risk factors associated with contact lesn induced inflammatory events during continuous wear. Asia ARVO International Meeting on Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Hyderabad India, January 2009
  81. Ozkan J. Short term overnight study with selenium antibacterial silicone hydrogel contact lenses. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  82. Papas E. Predicting satisfaction with multifocal contact lenses. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  83. Petznick A, Evans MDM, Madigan MC, Garrett Q, Sweeney DF. Production of MMP-1, -9 and TIMP-1 by corneal and conjunctival epithelium in a cat model of corneal wound healing. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  84. Petznick A. Is there a role for conjunctival goblet cells in corneal epithelial would healing?, British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  85. Rasul R. Novel antimicrobial peptide melimine prevent adhesion of bacterial cells on contact lens surfaces. FEMS 2009: 3rd Congress of European Microbiologists, Gothenberg, Sweden, June 2009
  86. Sankaridurg P. Myopia control: Where are we? Asia ARVO International Meeting on Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Hyderabad India, January 2009
  87. Saville J. Phospolidpids in human tears and their deposition on contact lenses. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  88. Saville JT, Zhao Z, Willcox MDP, Mitchell TW, Blanksby SJ. Phospolipids in human tears and their deposition on contact lenses. XVIII International Congress of Eye Research, Beijing China, September 2008
  89. Schmidt G. Effect of retinal steepness on central refractive changes in children. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  90. Stahl U. Tear osmolality measurements – effect of instrumentation and of freezing. 12th Biannual Scientific and Educators’ Meeting, University of Auckland, New Zealand, September 2008
  91. Stahl U. Tear osmolality measurements – effect of instrumentation and of freezing. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  92. Stapleton F. Biofilm formation. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  93. Stapleton F. Inflammatory events…have SiH’s had any impact. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  94. Stapleton F. Picking up the pieces, managing contact lens related microbial keratitis. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  95. Stapleton F. Risk factors and population attributable risk in severe microbial keratitis in daily wear contact lens users. 12th Biannual Scientific and Educators’ Meeting, University of Auckland, New Zealand, September 2008
  96. Stapleton F. The epidemiology of contact lens related microbial keratitis and the impact of solution efficacy. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  97. Stapleton F. The risk of vision loss in contact lens wear and following LASIK. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  98. Stapleton F. The risk of vision loss in contact lens wear and following LASIK. XVIII International Congress of Eye Research, Beijing China, September 2008
  99. Subbaraman L. Bacterial adhesion to lactoferrin-coated conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  100. Subbaraman L. Bacterial adhesion to lactoferrin-coated conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  101. Subbaraman L. Bacterial adhesion to lysozyme-coated conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  102. Sweeney DF. Future of vision correction – what’s the alternative to refractive surgery? Australian Society for Microbiology, Melbourne, July 2008
  103. Sweeney DF. Aftercare…how frequent is frequent. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  104. Sweeney DF. Differentiating red eye…the clinician’s dilemma. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  105. Sweeney DF. The clinical performance of today’s silicone hydrogels. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  106. Tahhan N, Fricke T, Naduvilath TJ, Kierath J. Eye care delivery in post-Tsunami Sri Lanka using international outreach. International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, 8th General Assembly, Buenos Aires Argentina, August 2008
  107. Tilia D. Evaluation of physiological changes, comfort and clinical performance of silicone hydrogel contact two weeks and four weeks. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  108. Tilia D. Lens replacement compliance: monthly disposable versus two weekly disposable. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  109. Tilia T. Evaluation of solution induced corneal staining impact on comfort during short term contact lens wear. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008
  110. Urs R. Fourier model of the whole profile of the isolated human crystalline lens. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  111. Urs R. Fourier model of the whole profile of the isolated human crystalline lens. International Antimyopia Conference, Cairns QLD, July 2008
  112. Urs R. Model of the isolated human crystalline lens using cosine functions. 25th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, Miami, USA, May 2009
  113. Vijay A, Bandara M, Zhu H, Willcox MDP. Amoebicidal activity of protamine alone and in combination with other antimicrobials. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  114. Whatam A. Contrast sensitivity at nasal and temporal retinal locations in the periphery of emmetropic and myopic eyes is equivalently affected by imposed defocus, International Antimyopia Conference, Cairns QLD, July 2008
  115. Whatam A. Contrast sensitivity at nasal and temporal retinal locations in the periphery of emmetropic and myopic eyes is equivalently affected by imposed defocus. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim, USA, October 2008
  116. Willcox MDP. Antibacterial coatings: an update. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  117. Willcox MDP. Contact lens and non contact lens red eyes and infections. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  118. Willcox MDP. Contact lens compliance. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  119. Willcox MDP. In vivo efficacy of melamine contact lenses in models of CLARE and CLPU. Australian society for Microbiology, Melbourne, July 2008
  120. Willcox MDP. Increasing the antibiotic susceptibility of Staphylococcus using fimbrolides. Australian Society for Microbiology, Melbourne, July 2008
  121. Willcox MDP. Inflammatory events associated with microbial keratitis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. XVIII International Congress of Eye Research, Beijing China, September 2008
  122. Willcox MDP. Interactions of lens care products with silicone hydrogel lenses can affect comfort of lenses during wear. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  123. Willcox MDP. Interactions of lens care products with silicone hydrogel lenses can affect comfort of lenses during wear. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  124. Willcox MDP. Testing the antimicrobial efficacy of multipurpose disinfecting solutions: what happens when solutions are tested under ‘real world’ conditions? Asia ARVO International Meeting on Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Hyderabad India, January 2009
  125. Willcox MDP. The adverse responses during lens wear, and how we succumb to them. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  126. Willcox MDP. Use of lactoferrin and derivatives for treatment of corneal infections. Asia ARVO International Meeting on Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Hyderabad India, January 2009
  127. Wilson D, Schlenther G, Farmer G, Garap J, Davis A, Holden BA. Establishing an optical workshop in a developing country. International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, 8th General Assembly, Buenos Aires Argentina, August 2008
  128. Wu Y. Detection of contamination and biofilm on contact lens storage cases. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  129. Xie L, Zhao Z, Garrett Q, Willcox MDP. Electrophoresis separation and detection of mucins in human tear fluid. XVIII International Congress of Eye Research, Beijing China, September 2008
  130. Zhao Z, Liu J, Shi B, Willcox MDP. Cytokines in human tears and their changes in diabetic patients. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  131. Zhao Z, Liu J, Wasinger V, Malouf T, Nguyen-Khuong T, Willcox MDP. Phosphoproteomic analysis of human tear fluid. 14th Annual Proteomics Symposium, Lorne VIC, June 2009
  132. Zhu H. Contribution of regimen steps to efficacy of multipurpose solutions used to disinfect silicon hydrogel contact lenses. XVIII International Congress of Eye Research, Beijing China, September 2008
  133. Zhu H. Lactoferricin acts synergistically with antimicrobials against ocular isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and can help to treat keratitis. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale USA, May 2009
  134. Zhu H. Lactoferricin acts synergistically with antimicrobials against ocular isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and can help to treat keratitis. British Contact Lens Association, Manchester UK, May 2009
  135. Zhu H. Lactoferricin increases the susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to antibiotics. Asia ARVO International Meeting on Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Hyderabad India, January 2009
  136. Zhu H, Contribution of regimen steps to efficacy of multipurpose solutions used to disinfect silicon hydrogel contact lenses. American Academy of Optometry, Anaheim USA, October 2008

Books and book chapters

  1. Baird PN. Mutations of the myocilin gene in glaucoma in:  The Mechanisms and Therapeutic aspects of Glaucoma. Eds. Bruce M Shields, Joyce Tombran-Tink and Colin J Barnstable, Humana Press, 2008
  2. Williams L, Stapleton F. Microbiology, lens care and maintenance. In Contact lenses, 5th Edition. Eds, Phillips AJ, Speedwell L. Butterworths-Heinemann Oxford Chapter 4: 79-109, 2007

Refereed papers

  1. Augusteyn RC. Growth of the lens: in vitro observations. Clin Exp Optom May;91(3):226-39, 2008
  2. Augusteyn RC. On the relationship between rabbit age and lens dry weight: Improved determination of the age of rabbits in the wild. Molecular Vision 13: 2030-2034, 2007
  3. Augusteyn RC, Jones CE, Pope JM. Age-related development of a refractive index plateau in the human lens: evidence for a distinct nucleus. Clin Exp Optom May;91(3):296-301, 2008
  4. Augusteyn RC, Parel J-M. Contribution of the refractive index gradient to the optical power of the isolated human crystalline lens. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci Jun;49(6):2541-8, 2008
  5. Augusteyn RC, Vrensen G, Willekens B. The effect of paraformaldehyde fixation and PBS storage on the water content of the human lens. Mol Vis. Jan 17;14:90-4, 2008
  6. Baird PN, Richardson AJ, Islam FMA, Lim L, Guymer RH. Analysis of the RDS/Peripherin gene in age related macular degeneration (AMD). Clin Exp Ophthalmol 35(2):194-195, 2007
  7. Baird PN, Robman LD, Richardson AJ, Dimitrov PN, Tikellis G, McCarty CA, Guymer RH. Gene-environment interaction in progression of AMD – the CFH gene, smoking and exposure to chronic infection. Hum Mol Genet. 17(9):1299-1305. Epub 2008 Jan 18, 2008
  8. Baldo BA, Zhao Z, Pham NH. Antibiotic allergy: Immunochemical and clinical considerations. Curr Allergy & Asthma Rep 8: 49-55, 2008
  9. Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K, Papas EB, Ho A. Finite schematic eye models and their accuracy to in-vivo data. Vision Res. Jul;48(16):1681-94, 2008
  10. Borja D, Manns F, Ho A, Ziebarth N, Rosen A, Jain R, Amelinckx A, Arrieta E, Augusteyn R, Parel J-M.  Contribution of the refractive index gradient to the optical power of the isolated human crystalline lens. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci Jun;49(6):2541-8, 2008
  11. Carnt N, Jalbert I, Stretton S, Naduvilath TJ, Papas EB. Solution toxicity in soft contact lens daily wear is associated with corneal inflammation. Optom Vis Sci 84(4): 309-315, 2007
  12. Chen CY, Keeffe JE, Garoufalis P, Islam FM Amirul, Dirani M, Couper TA, Taylor HR, Baird PN. Vision-related quality of life comparison for emmetropes, myopes after refractive surgery, and myopes wearing spectacles or contact lenses. J Refract Surg 23:752-759, 2007
  13. Chen CY, Scurrah KJ, Stankovich J, Garoufalis P, Dirani M, Pertile KK Richardson AJ, Mitchell P, Baird, PN. Heritability and Common environmental variance components of Spherical Equivalent and ocular biometric traits in the Genes in Myopia family study. Hum Genet. 121(3-4):511-520. Epub Jan 5, 2007
  14. Chen CY, Stankovich J, Scurrah KJ, Garoufalis P, Dirani M, Pertile KK, Richardson AJ, Baird PN. Linkage replication of the MYP12 locus in common myopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48(10):4433-4439, 2007
  15. Cheung LM, Francis IC, Stapleton F, Wilcsek G.  Symptom assessment in patients with functional and primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction before and after successful dacryocystorhinostomy surgery – A prospective study. British Journal of Ophthalmology 91(12):1671-4, 2007
  16. Choo JD, Caroline PJ, Harlin DD, Papas EB, Holden BA. Morphological changes in cat epithelium following continuous wear of orthokeratology lenses: A pilot study. Cont Lens Ant Eye 31:29-37, 2008
  17. Choo JD, Holden B.   The prevention of myopia with contact lenses. Eye Cont Lens 33(6 Prf 2): 371-381, 2007
  18. Cui Y, Stapleton F, Suttle C. Developing an instrument to assess vision-related and subjective quality of life in children with intellectual disability: data collection and preliminary analysis in a Chinese population. Ophthalmic Physiol Optics 28:238-246, 2008
  19. Dirani M, Chamberlain M, Garoufalis P, Chen C, Guymer RH, Baird PN. Discordant unilateral myopia in adult female monozygotic twins. Aust Orthoptic J 39(1):17-18, 2007
  20. Dirani M, Chamberlain M, Garoufalis P, Chen C, Guymer RH, Baird PN.  Testing protocol and recruitment in the Genes in Myopia (GEM) Twin Study: Methodology in the Genes in Myopia (GEM) twin study. Ophthalmic Epidem 15(3):140-147, 2008
  21. Dirani M, Islam A, Baird PN. Body stature and myopia – The Genes in Myopia (GEM) twin study. Ophthalmic Epidem 15(3):135-139, 2008
  22. Dirani M, Islam A, Shekar SN, Baird PN. Dominant genetic effects on corneal astigmatism – The Genes in Myopia (GEM) twin study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 49(4):1339-1344, 2008
  23. Dirani M, Shekar SN, Baird PN. Adult-onset myopia – The Genes in Myopia (GEM) twin study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2008 Apr 11. (Epub ahead of print)
  24. Dirani M, Shekar SN, Baird PN. Evidence of shared genes in refraction and axial length – The Genes in Myopia (GEM) twin study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2008 Jun 14. (Epub ahead of print)
  25. Dirani M, Shekar SN, Baird PN. The role of educational attainment in refraction: The Genes in Myopia (GEM) twin study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 49(2):534-538, 2008
  26. Edwards K, Keay L, Naduvilath T, Snibson G, Taylor H, Stapleton F. Characteristics of and risk factors for contact lens-related microbial keratitis in a tertiary referral hospital. Eye Aug 17, 2007 (Epub ahead of print)
  27. Ehrmann K, Ho A, Parel J-M. Biomechanical analysis of the accommodation apparatus in primates. Clin Exp Optom May;91(3):302-12, 2008
  28. Ehrmann K, Kim E, Parel J-M.  Mechanical properties of intra-ocular lenses. Proc of SPIE Vol 6844, 684400-1-11, 2008
  29. Garoufalis P, Chen CY, Islam FM, Dirani M, Pertile KK, Richardson AJ, Couper TA, Taylor HR, Baird PN. Evaluation of accuracy in proband-reported family history and its determinants: The Genes in Myopia Family Study. Optom Vis Sci. 84(6):481-486, 2007
  30. Garrett Q, Xu S, Simmons PA, Vehige J, Flanagan JL, Willcox MDP. Expression and localization of carnitine/organic cation transporter OCTN1 and OCTN2 in ocular epithelium. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci July 18, 2008 as doi:10.1167/iovs.07-1528
  31. Garrett Q, Xu S, Simmons PA, Vehige J, Xie RZ, Kumar A, Flanagan JL, Zhao Z, Willcox MD.  Carboxymethyl cellulose stimulates rabbit corneal epithelial wound healing. Curr Eye Res Jul;33(7):567-73, 2008
  32. Golebiowski B, Papas EB, Stapleton F. Ocular surface sensitivity. Optom Vis Sci 85:241-6, 2008
  33. Green MD, Apel AJG, Stapleton F.  A longitudinal study of trends in keratitis in Australia. Cornea 27(1): 33-39, 2008
  34. Green MD, Apel AJG, Naduvilath TJ, Stapleton F. Clinical outcomes of keratitis. Clin Exp Optom 35: 421-426, 2007
  35. Hewitt AW, Sharma S, Burdon KP, Wang JJ, Baird PN, Dimasi DP, Mackey DA, Mitchell P, Craig JE. Ancestral LOXL1 variants are associated with pseudoexfoliation in Caucasian Australians but with markedly lower penetrance than in Nordic people. Hum Mol Genet, 17(5):710-6. Epub 2007 Nov 23, 2008
  36. Holden BA, Lazon de la Jara P. Contact lenses: Optimal vision – sub-optimal carrier? Optom Vis Sci 84(4): 365-267, 2007
  37. Hume E, Zhu H, Cole N, Huynh C, Lam S, Willcox MDP. Efficacy of contact lens multipurpose solutions against Serratia marcescens. Optom Vis Sci 84(4): 316-320, 2007
  38. Keay L, Edwards K, Brian G, Stapleton F.  Surveillance of contact lens related microbial keratitis in Australia and New Zealand: Multi-source case-capture and cost-effectiveness. Ophthal Epidem 14(6):343-50, 2007
  39. Keay L, Edwards K, Dart J, Stapleton F. Grading contact lens-related microbial keratitis: Relevance to disease burden. Optom Vis Sci Jul;85(7):531-537, 2008
  40. Keay L, Edwards K, Stapleton F.  An early assessment of silicone hydrogel safety pearls and pitfalls, and current status. Eye & Contact Lens 33(6 Pt 2): 358-61, 2007
  41. Keay L, Stapleton F.  Development and evaluation of evidence-based guidelines on contact lens-related microbial keratitis (Dallos Award 2006).. Cont Lens Ant Eye 31(1):3-12, 2008
  42. Keay L, Stapleton F, Schein O.  Epidemiology of contact lens-related inflammation and microbial keratitis: A 20-year perspective. Eye Contact Lens. 2007 Nov;33(6 Pt 2):346-53, discussion 362-3. Review.
  43. Khanna R, Raman U, Rao GN. Blindness and poverty in India: The way forward. Clin Exp Optom 90 (6): 406-414, 2007
  44. Labbate M, Zhu H, Thung L, Bandara R, Larsen M, Willcox MDP, Rice SA, Givskov M, Kjelleberg S. Quorum sensing regulation of adhesion in Serratia marcescens MG1 is surface dependent. J Bacteriology 189:2702-2711, 2007
  45. Menabuoni L, Pini R, Rossi F, Lenzetti I, Yoo SH, Parel J-M.  Laser-assisted corneal welding in cataract surgery: A retrospective study. J Cat Ref Surgery 33(9): 1608-1612, 2007
  46. Naidoo K. Poverty and blindness in Africa. Clin Exp Optom 90 (6): 415-421, 2007
  47. Pertile KK, Schäche M, Islam FM Amirul, Chen CY, Dirani M, Mitchell P, Baird PN. Assessment of TGIF as a candidate gene for myopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 49(1):49-54, 2008
  48. Raizada K, Shome D, Honavar SG. New measurement device and technique for assessing implant and prosthetic motility. Ophthal Plastic Reconstruct Surg Jan-Feb;23(1):59-60, 2007
  49. Raizada K, Deepa Rani D. Review on ocular prosthesis.  Cont Lens Anterior Eye Jul;30(3):152-62, 2007
  50. Ramke J, Brien G, du Toit R.   Eye disease and care at hospital clinics in Cook Islands, Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. Br J Ophthalmol 91(9): 1117-1121, 2007
  51. Ramke J, Palagyi A, Naduvilath T, du Toit R, Brian G. Prevalence and causes of blindness and low vision in Timor-Leste. Br J Ophthalmol Sep;91(9):1117-21, 2007
  52. Richardson AJ, Islam FM Amirul, Guymer RH, Cain M, Baird PN. A TAG-SNP approach to the VEGF-A gene in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Mol Vision 13:2148-2152, 2007
  53. Samarawickrama C, Wang XY, Huynh SC, Burlutsky G, Stapleton F, Mitchell P. Effects of refraction and axial length on childhood optic disk parameters measured by optical coherence tomography. Am J Ophthalmol 144(3): 459-461, 2007
  54. Schäche M, Richardson AJ, Pertile KP, Dirani M, Scurrah K, Baird PN. Genetic mapping of myopia susceptibility loci. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 48(11):4924-4929, 2007
  55. Schubert TL, Hume EBH, Willcox MDP. Staphylococcus aureus ocular isolates from symptomatic adverse events: antibiotic resistance and similarity of bacteria causing adverse events. Clin Exp Optom 91(2): 148-155, 2008
  56. Stahl U, Ho A, Brent G, Naduvilath TJ, Stapleton F. Measurements of solutions and contact lenses with a vapour pressure osmometer. Optom Vis Sci 84(4):321-327, 2007
  57. Stapleton F, Jalbert I, Cole N. The epidemiology of contact lens related corneal infiltrates. Optom Vis Sci 84(4):257-272, 2007
  58. Stapleton F, Keay L, Edwards K, Naduvilath T, Brian G, Jacobs R. Studies of contact lens-related microbial keratitis in Australia and New Zealand: new learnings. Eye Contact Lens Nov;33(6 Pt 2):354-7; discussion 362-3, 2007
  59. Stapleton F, Keay L, Edwards K, Naduvilath TJ, Dart JK, Franzco GB, Holden BA. The incidence of contact lens-related microbial keratitis in Australia. Ophthalmology 2008 Jun 4
  60. Stapleton F, Keay LJ, Sanfilippo PG, Katiyar S, Edwards KP, Naduvilath TJ. Relationship between climate, disease severity, and causative organism for contact lens-associated microbial keratitis in Australia. Am J Ophthalmol Nov;144(5):690-698, 2007; Epub Aug 29, 2007
  61. Sweeney DF, Naduvilath TJ.  Are inflammatory events a marker for an increased risk of microbial keratitis? Eye & Contact Lens 33(6 Prt 2): 383-391, 2007
  62. Tingpej P, Smith L, Rose B, Zhu H, Conibear T, Al Nassafi K, Manos J, Elkins M, Bye P, Willcox MDP, Bell S, Wainwright C, Harbour C. Phenotypic characterization of clonal and non-clonal Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the lungs of adults with cystic fibrosis. J Clinical Microbiology 45:1697-704, 2007
  63. van de Berg R, Dirani M, Chen CY, Haslam N, Baird PN. Myopia and personality: The Genes in Myopia (GEM) personality study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 49(3):882-886, 2008
  64. Wei E, Aliwarga Y, Zhao Z, Carnt NA, Willcox MDP. Analysis and identification of protein components in deposits on worn contact lenses by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (lc-ms).  J Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2, 2:318-318, 2008
  65. Willcox MDP. Infection and inflammation during contact lens wear. Optom Vis Sci 84(4): 273-278, 2007
  66. Willcox MDP.  New strategies to prevent Pseudomonas keratitis. Eye & Contact Lens 33(6 Pt 2): 401-403, 2007
  67. Willcox MDP, Zhu H, Conibear T, Hume EB, Givskov M, Kjelleberg S, Rice SA. Role of quorum sensing by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in microbial keratitis and cystic fibrosis (Review). Microbiology 154: 2184 – 2194, 2008
  68. Williamson JF, McLure CA, Baird PN, Male D, Millman J, Lawley B, Ashdown ML, Keating PJ, Dawkins RL. (2008). Novel sequence elements define ancestral haplotypes of the region encompassing complement factor H. Hum Immunol, 69(3):207-219. Epub Mar 7, 2008
  69. Wright HR Turner A, Taylor HR. Trachoma and poverty: unnecessary blindness further disadvantages the poorest people in the poorest countries. Clin Exp Optom 90 (6): 422–428, 2007
  70. Zhao Z, Aliwarga Y, Willcox MDP.  Intrinsic protein fluorescence interferes with detection of tear glycoproteins in SDS-polyacrylamide gels using extrinsic fluorescent dyes. J Biomol Techniques 18(5): 331-335, 2007
  71. Zhao Z, Carnt NA, Aliwarga Y, Wei X, Willcox MDP. Identity of proteins extracted from worn silicone hydrogel contact lenses. J Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2, 2:325-326, 2008
  72. Zhao Z, Fu H, Skotnitsky CC, Sankaridurg PR, Willcox MDP. IgE antibody on worn high oxygen permeable silicone hydrogel contact lenses from patients with Contact Lens induced Papillary Conjunctivitis (CLPC). Eye & Contact Lens 34: 117-121, 2007
  73. Zhu H, Conibear TCR, Thuruthyil SJ, Willcox MDP. Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing signal molecules induce IL-8 production by human corneal epithelial cells. Eye Cont Lens 2008; 34(3):179-181
  74. Zhu H, Ding A, Bandara M, Willcox MDP, Stapleton F. Broad spectrum of antibacterial activity of a new multi-purpose disinfecting solution. Eye Cont Lens 33:278-83, 2007
  75. Zhu H, Kumar A, Ozkan J, Bandara R, Ding A, Perera I, Steinberg P, Kumar N, Lao W, Griesser H, Britcher L, Willcox MDP. Fimbrolide-coated antimicrobial lenses: Their in vitro and in vivo effects. Optom Vis Sci 85(5):292-300, 2008

Referred abstracts

  1. Augusteyn R. Lens changes during kangaroo weaning. #2797/D813 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA April 2008
  2. Borja D, Uhlhorn S, Ehrmann K, De Castro A, Arrieta-Quintero E, Amelinckx A, Nankivil D, Ho A, Manns F. Flattening of the non-human primate crystalline lens surfaces during simulated accommodation. # 4564/A45, ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA April 2008
  3. Burnett A. Delivering primary eye health care to Aboriginal people in Australia: A training model. World Council of Optometry, The Second World Conference on Optometric Globalisation, London, April 2008
  4. Butler C. Evaluation of recently graduated Indian primary eye care practitioners’ competencies. World Council of Optometry, The Second World Conference on Optometric Globalisation, London, April 2008
  5. Carnt NA. Solution related chemical staining case control study in silicone hydrogel daily wear. 5th International Conference on the Tear Film & Ocular Surface, Sicily September 2007
  6. Choo J. OK progressive and regressive changes. International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  7. Choo J. Tales of an OK cornea. 12th International Contact Lens Congress, Queensland, September 2007
  8. Choo J. Bacterial adhesion on orthokeratology versus alignment RGP lenses. American Academy of Optometry, Tampa Florida, October 2007
  9. Choo J. Orthokeratology progressive and regressive corneal changes – A histological study. International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  10. Choy M, Stapleton F, Willcox M, Zhu H. Virulence factors and antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Australian ocular infections. Australian Society for Antimicrobials 9th Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney, February 2008
  11. Cole N, Chen R, Park J, Kumar N, Willcox MDP. Comparison of attachment strategies to surfaces for antimicrobial cationic peptides. #1983/D1054, ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  12. de Castro A, Borja D, Uhlhorn S, Manns F, Barbero S, Parel J-M. Relative contribution of gradient index distribution and surface geometry to spherical aberration in isolated primate crystalline lenses. ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  13. Delgado S, Manns F, Lee W, Nose I, Amelinck A, Arrieta-Quintero E, Nankivil E, Borja D, Jain R, Parel J-M.  Compact Scheiner system for optical power assessment of ex vivo crystalline lenses. # 3790/A67 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  14. Dirani M, Shekar SN, Baird PN. Shared genes influence both refraction and axial length – The Genes in Myopia (GEM) twin study. Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48(4): ARVO E-abstract 5424, Fort Lauderdale, April 2008
  15. Donovan L, Sankaridurg P, Ho A, Hartwig A, Chen X, John T, Holden BA. Comparison of central and peripheral refraction determined by infrared autorefraction, Hartmann-Shack aberrometry and streak retinoscopy. American Academy of Optometry, Tampa Florida, October 2007
  16. Edwards K. Risk factors for contact lenses related microbial keratitis in Australia. International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  17. Edwards K, Keay L, Naduvilath T, Snibson G, Taylor H, Stapleton F.  Characteristics of and risk factors for contact lens related microbial keratitis in a tertiary referral hospital.  Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 778-B553, 2007
  18. Ehrmann K, Ho A, Arrieta-Quintero E, Amelickx A, Nankivil D, Borja D, Ziebarth N, Parel J-M. EVAS II: Advanced lens stretcher to determine accommodation forces vs. power and geometry. #3792/A69 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  19. Ehrmann K. Mechanical properties of intra-ocular lenses. SPIE, Ophthalmic Technologies XVIII, San Jose USA, January 2008
  20. Evans M. Development of an implantable contact lens. Gordon Research Conference on Biomaterials, New Hampshire, USA, July 2007
  21. Evans VE. The IER Matrix study. Specsavers PAC Conference 2007, London, October 2007
  22. Evans VE, Carnt NA, Naduvilath TJ, Holden BA. Factors associated with drop out from silicone hydrogel contact lens daily wear. #4839/D761 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  23. Garrett Q. Expression of carnitine transporter OCTN1 or OCTN2 in ocular epithelium. 5th International Conference on the Tear Film & Ocular Surface, Sicily, September 2007
  24. Golebiowski B, Papas EB, Stapleton F. Clinical comparison of the CRCERT-Belmonte and Cochet-Bonnet aesthesiometers. # 2560/A274 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sc 2560-A274, 2008
  25. Hao X, Ho A, Hughes TC, Jeffery J, Le T, Manns F, Nguyen XTT, Parel J-M. Polysiloxane soft gels as in-situ curable accommodating implant. 8th World Biomaterials Congress, May 2008
  26. Hao X, Bates J, Beattie D, Hughes T, Jeffery J, Le T, Nguyen X. Characterization of perfluoropolyether cross-linked materials. Materials Today Asia, Beijing, China, September 2007
  27. Ho A. Peripheral vision and refractive error. SPIE, Ophthalmic Technologies XVIII, San Jose USA, January 2008
  28. Ho A. Lens refilling results in the live rhesus monkey model. Accommodation Club, Miami, May 2008
  29. Ho A, Manns J, Ale J, Lee Y, Parel J-M. Depth of focus of accommodating intra-ocular lenses: A paraxial analysis.  #1797/D662 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  30. Ho SM. Impact of training eye-care personnel in Timor Leste. World Council of Optometry, The Second World Conference on Optometric Globalisation, London, April 2008
  31. Holden Ba. Fitting children with CLs – what are the issues?, International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  32. Holden BA. The IER Matrix study. American Academy of Optometry, Tampa Florida, October 2007
  33. Holden BA. Defining who should be trained to assess and correct refractive errors. World Congress of Ophthalmology, Hong Kong, June 2008
  34. Holden BA. Is oxygen permeability relevant?, British Contact Lens Association, Birmingham, May 2008
  35. Hughes T, Bates J, Beattie D, Hao X, Jarrett R, Jeffery J, Johnson G, Le T, McFarland G, Nguyen X. High refractive index polysiloxanes as in-situ curable accommodating implant. 8th World Biomaterials Congress. May 2008
  36. Hughes T, Bates J, Beattie D, Hao X, Jarrett R, Jeffery J, Johnson G, Le T, McFarland G, Nguyen X.  Control of topography of porous perfluoropolyethers using radical concentration during polymerization. 8th World Biomaterials Congress, May 2008
  37. Hughes TC, Denham D, Donovan L, Fernandez V, Hao X, Jeffery JL, Manns F, Manor B, Nguyen XTT, Parel J-M, Watling J, Wilkie JS, Ho A.  In situ curable accommodating implant. Materials Today Asia, Beijing, China, September 2007
  38. Hughes T. Property optimisation of a fluoropolymer corneal inlay by factorial design. 8th World Biomaterials Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2008
  39. Hughes T. Control of topography of porous perfluoropolyethers using radical concentration during polymerization, 8th World Biomaterials Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2008
  40. Hume E. Infection: prevention and cure – What’s possible?, 12th International Contact Lens Congress, Queensland, September 2007
  41. Hume E. Is the current ISO for contact lens disinfection sufficient?, International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  42. Jeet Ale. A model of dual-optic accommodating intraocular lens. Australasian Ophthalmic and Visual Sciences Meeting, Canberra, December 2007
  43. Keay LJ, Edwards K, Brian G, Stapleton F.  Surveillance of contact lens related microbial keratitis in Australia and New Zealand: Multi-source case-capture and cost-effectiveness.  Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 4290-B726, 2007
  44. Kiran D. Child to child and child to family communication as a strategy to improve awareness and uptake of eye care services in urban area of South India. 67th Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, Bangalore, India, January 2008
  45. Kiran D. Child to child and child to family communication as a strategy to improve awareness and uptake of eye care services in urban area of South India. World Congress of Ophthalmology, Hong Kong, June 2008
  46. Kumar A. Guinea pig model of contact lens acute red eye and/or infiltrative keratitis response. International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  47. Lazon de la Jara P. Validity and repeatability of a new infrared video pupillometer. American Academy of Optometry, Tampa Florida, October 2007
  48. Manns F, Ho A, Borja D, Parel J-M.  Paraxial optical model of the crystalline lens with refractive index gradient. #3774/A51 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  49. Marmamula S. Epidemiology of refractive errors in India. 33rd All India Optometry conference, Goa, India, October 2007
  50. Martinez A. Monochromatic higher order aberrations in children. American Academy of Optometry, Tampa Florida, October 2007
  51. Martinez AA, Sankaridurg P, Mitchell P. Off-axis higher order aberrations in myopic and non-myopic eyes of children. #390 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  52. Minney M, The impact of VISION 2020 monitoring: Does it do optometry justice?, World Council of Optometry, The Second World Conference on Optometric Globalisation, London, April 2008
  53. Nankivil D, Ehrmann K, Borja D, Arrieta-Quintero E, Manns F, Parel J-M. Change in lens profile during simulated accommodation: The effect of anterior zonule transection. #3784/A61, ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  54. Nankivil D, Ziebarth N, Borja D, Arrieta-Quintero E, Ho A, Manns F, Parel J-M. The role of the anterior zonules in non-human primates during simulated accommodation. SPIE, Photonics, San Jose USA, January 2008
  55. Papas EB. Inflammatory and immune mediated contact lens problems. Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists, Nevada USA, October 2007
  56. Papas EB. LCP induced corneal staining assessment, significance and aetiology. International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  57. Parel J-M, Ziebarth NM, Borja D, Arrieta E, Nankivil D, Dortonne I, Manns F. Effect of lens capsule mechanical properties on the dioptric response of lenses as assessed in an ex vivo accommodation simulator. #4023 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  58. Pattamatta U. Bovine lactoferrin stimulates human corneal epithelial wound healing in vitro. Lactoferrin Conference, Nice, October 2007
  59. Pattamatta U, Willcox MDP, Stapleton F, Garrett Q. Bovine lactoferrin promotes alkali-induced wound healing in corneal epithelial cells by up-regulating IL-6 and PDGF.  #3394/A248, ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  60. Petznick A. Does corneal wound healing result in an increase of matrix metalloproteinase in the lacrimal gland? Australasian Ophthalmic and Visual Sciences Meeting, Canberra, December 2007
  61. Prakasam R. Biocompatibility of PFPE inlays in human corneas. International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  62. Prakasam R. Development of corneal iron ring deposits with corneal inlays. International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  63. Radford CF, Stapleton F, Verma S, Minassian D, Dart JKG.  Case-control study of non-ulcerative contact lens complications in an ophthalmic accident and emergency. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sc 5373-B619, 2007
  64. Rasul R. Efficacy and mechanism of action of antimicrobial peptide melamine. Antimicrobials 2008, Sydney, February 2008
  65. Safvati A, Hume E, Willcox MDP, Cole N. Hypoxia-mediated upregulation of VEGF, HIF-1α and angiogenin in human corneal epithelium: I in vitro. British Contact Lens Association, Birmingham, May 2008
  66. Sankaridurg P. Risk factors for myopia. 12th International Contact Lens Congress, Queensland, September 2007
  67. Stahl U. The influence of temporary collagen inserts on ocular comfort and contact lens osmolality during contact lens wear. International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  68. Stapleton F. Epidemiology of contact lens related microbial keratitis. Royal College of Ophthalmology Annual Congress, UK, May 2008
  69. Stapleton F, Edwards K, Keay L, Naduvilath TJ, Dart JKG, Brian G, Kaldor J, Holden BA.  Risk factors for severe microbial keratitis in daily wear contact lens users. #4853/D775 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  70. Stapleton F, Edwards K, Keay L, Naduvilath T, Dart JKG, Brian G, Kaldor J, Holden BA.  Severe keratitis in daily contact lens use.   Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2008; 49: e-abstract 4853
  71. Suttle CM, Whatham A, Blumenthal C, Allen J, Gaskin K. Electroretinographic findings in pancreatic enzyme deficient and pancreatic enzyme sufficient cystic fibrosis populations. #6100/D892 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  72. Sweeney DF. Are inflammatory events a marker for increased risk of MK? British Contact Lens Association, Birmingham, May 2008
  73. Sweeney DF. Corneal staining – The IER study. British Contact Lens Association, Birmingham, May 2008
  74. Sweeney DF. The rebirth of continuous wear – Is it continuing? British Contact Lens Association, Birmingham, May 2008
  75. Sweeney DF. Changing the shape of refractive surgery. American Academy of Optometry, Tampa Florida, October 2007
  76. Sweeney DF. Silicone hydrogel lenses – An update. 12th International Contact Lens Congress, Queensland, September 2007
  77. Sweeney DF. What have we learned from the CRC inlay? International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  78. Stapleton F, Xu P, Keay L, Edwards K.  Domestic water quality and contact lens-related microbial keratitis.  Invest Opthalmol Vis Sci 4295-B731, 2007
  79. Taylor H. System-based practice practice-based learning and improvement. World Congress of Ophthalmology, Hong Kong, June 2008
  80. Taylor H. Advocacy programs of ICO – What can they offer your society? World Congress of Ophthalmology, Hong Kong, June 2008
  81. Taylor H. What are the main obstacles to meeting the Vision 2020 goals worldwide? Paulus de Jong farewell Symposium, The Netherlands, September 2007
  82. Taylor H. Preventable and treatable vision loss – What can we do? RANZCO Conference, Perth, November 2007
  83. Tilia D. Evaluation of the clinical effects of lens age during silicone hydrogel lens wear. American Academy of Optometry, Tampa Florida, October 2007
  84. Tilia D, Carnt NA, Evans VE, Thomas V, Willcox MDP, Holden BA. Duration of interruption of lens wear due to corneal inflammation in silicone hydrogel daily wear. #4834/D756 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  85. Uhlhorn B, Arreita-Quintero E, Ehrmann K, Ho A, Manns F, Parel J-M. Changes in the equivalent refractive index of ex vivo monkey crystalline lenses during simulated accommodation. SPIE Photonics, San Jose USA, January 2008.
  86. Uhlhorn S, Borja D, Manns F, Parel J-M. Species variation of human and non-human primate crystalline lens.  # 3776/A53 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  87. Uhlhorn SR, Borja D, Manns F, Parel J-M.  Refractive index measurement of the crystalline lens using optical coherence tomography, SPIE Photonics, San Jose USA, January 2008
  88. Urs R, Borja D, Amelincks A, Smith J, Augusteyn R, Manns F, Parel J-M. Model of the isolated human crystalline lens shape using polynomial functions. #3791/A68 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  89. Urs R, Borja D, Smith J, Manns F, Parel J-M. Profile of the whole ex-vivo human crystalline lens. SPIE Photonics, San Jose USA, January 2008
  90. Vaddavalli PK. Confocal microscopy in corneal inlays. International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  91. Wang X, Huynh S, Burlusky G, Stapleton F, Mitchell P.  Reproducibility and effects of refraction on optical coherence tomography measurements in children.  Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sc 4832-B1045, 2007
  92. Whatham A. Naso-temporal asymmetry in contrast sensitivity in the peripheral visual field of emmetropic eyes. # 3330/A113 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  93. Willcox MDP. Antimicrobial contact lenses, International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  94. Willcox MDP. Contact lens compliance. British Contact Lens Association, Birmingham, May 2008
  95. Willcox MDP. Lactoferrin acts in conjunction with other antimicrobials and controls growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis. Lactoferrin Conference, Nice, October 2007
  96. Willcox MDP. Protein and lipid deposits on lenses are affected by lens material and solutions and are associated with clinical performance. International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  97. Willcox MDP. Protein and lipid deposits on lenses are affected by lens material and solutions, and associated with clinical performance. 5th International Conference on the Tear Film & Ocular Surface, Sicily, September 2007
  98. Willcox MDP. Salicylic acid affects transporters and receptors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and is effective as a treatment of Pseudomonas keratitis in mice. American Academy of Optometry, Tampa Florida, October 2007
  99. Willcox MDP. Salicylic acid alters the membrane proteome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Australian Society for Microbiology, Adelaide, July 2007
  100. Willcox MDP. The clinical aspects of anti-bacterial coatings. British Contact Lens Association, Birmingham, May 2008
  101. Willcox MDP, Carnt NA, Aliwarga Y, Wei X, Zhao Z. Identity of proteins extracted from worn silicone hydrogel contact lenses. #2023 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  102. Willcox MDP, Carnt NA, Aliwarga Y, Wei X, Zhao Z.  Identity of proteins extracted from worn silicone hydrogel contact lenses.  #2023 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008
  103. Zaw Oo T. In vitro evaluation of synergistic activity of bovine lactoferrin with antibiotics against bacteria. Antimicrobials 2008, Sydney, February 2008
  104. Zhao Z. Quantitative detection of cholesterol in tears ay a simple and sensitive procedure. 5th International Conference on the Tear Film & Ocular Surface, Sicily, September 2007
  105. Zhu H. Pseudomonas virulence factors associated with contact lens infections. International Society of Contact Lens Researchers, Canada, August 2007
  106. Zhu H, Conibear TCR, Stapleton F, Willcox MDP.  Genetic comparison between virulent and avirulent strains of Pseudomonas aeruginusa isolated from the eye.  Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2658-B748, 2007
  107. Ziebarth NM, Borja D, Manns F, Moy VT, Parel J-M. Relationship between elasticity and dioptric power of whole cadaver primate crystalline.  #3793/A70 ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2008


  1. Cavanagh DH, Holden BA.  Safety, safety, safety. Eye & Contact Lens 33(6 Prt 2): 341, 2007
  2. Holden BA. Blindness and poverty: a tragic combination, Contact Lens Spectrum 90 (6): 401-403, 2007
  3. Holden BA.  Uncorrected refractive error the major and most easily avoidable cause of vision loss. Community Eye Health Journal 20(63): 37-39, 2007
  4. Holden BA, Sweeney DF. Corneal infection guidelines. Clinical and Experimental Optometry 90 (6): 404-405, 2007
  5. Unrefereed articles
  6. Carnt N, Evans V, Holden BA, Naduvilath TJ, Tilia D, Papas EB, Willcox MDP.  IER matrix update: Adding another silicone hydrogel. Contact Lens Spectrum March 2008
  7. Carnt NA, Willcox MDP, Evans VE, Naduvilath TJ, Tilia D, Papas EB, Sweeney DF, Holden BA. Corneal Staining: The IER Matrix Study. Contact Lens Spectrum Sept 2007
  8. Dabideen R, Minto H, Naidoo K.  Sourcing acceptable spectacles. Community Eye Health Journal 20(63): 37-39, 2007
  9. Marmamula S, Keeffe JE, Khanna R, Rao GN: Rapid assessment methods in eye care and their use in assessing refractive errors. J Comm Eye Health 2007; 20(63): 95-97, Indian Supplement
  10. Naidoo K, Ravilla D.  Delivering refractive error services primary eye care centres and outreach. Community Eye Health Journal 20(63): 42-44, 2007
  11. Raizada K, Deepa R, Bhaduri A, Honavar SG, Naik M. Indications and cosmetic outcome of dermis fat graft: A tertiary eye care study.  Optometry Today July 56:(3) 21-23, 2007

In Press – Books and book chapters

  1. Zhao Z, Russell PJ. Active protease mapping in 2-D gels. In Two dimentional electrophoresis protocol (eds Sheehan D and Tyther R), The Humana Press Inc, Totowa, NJ, USA
  2. Stapleton F, Willcox M. Basic and ocular microbiology. In Ocular Therapeutics. Ed J Lawrenson, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, England
  3. Willcox MDP, Conibear TCR, Zhu H, Kasses J, Stapleton F. Effects of contact lens wear on the tear film. In: Immunology of the ocular surface and tear film. Ed. M.Zeirhut. Gustav Fisher Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany

In Press – Refereed papers

  1. Bakaraju RC, Ehrmann K, Ho A, Papas EB.  Pantoscopic tilt in spectacle corrected myopia and its effect on peripheral refraction. Ophthal Physiol Optics J
  2. Chen Y, Lovicu FJ, Stump RJ, Shimono A, McAvoy JW.  Wnt signalling is required for organisation of the lens fiber cell cytoskeleton and development of lens three-dimensional architecture. Development
  3. Chong CCW, Stump RJW, Lovicu FJ, McAvoy JW.  TGFß promotes Wnt expression during cataract development. Exp Eye Res
  4. Choo JD, Holden BA, Papas EB, Caroline PJ, Willcox MDP. Orthokeratology and corneal susceptibility to pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Optom Vis Sci
  5. Dart JK, Radford CF, Minassian D, Verma S, Stapleton F. Risk factors for microbial keratitis with contemporary contact lenses: a case-control study. Ophthalmology
  6. Dirani M, Couper TA, Baird PN. The role for genetic factors in lower and higher order aberrations? The Genes in Myopia (GEM) twin study. Ophthalmic Res
  7. Dirani M, Islam FMA, Baird PN. The role of birth weight in myopia? The Genes in Myopia (GEM) twin study. Ophthalmic Res
  8. Edwards K, Keay L, Navidulath TJ, Snibson G, Taylor H, Stapleton F. Characteristics of and risk factors for contact lens related microbial keratitis in a tertiary referral hospital. Eye
  9. Feltham MH, Wong R, Stapleton F. The difference in residual refractive error between the Chiron 217C and the Nidek EC-5000 193nm excimer laser with myopic LASIK patients. Eye
  10. Figuiera EC, Sharma NS, Ooi JL, Masselos K, Lee KJY, Rosenberg ML, Francis IC, Ferch NI, Stapleton F. The Lanindar test: a method of evaluating patient suitability for cataract surgery using assisted topical anaesthesia. Eye
  11. Flanagan J, Willcox MDP. Role of lactoferrin in the tear film. Biochimie
  12. Golebiowski B, Papas EB, Stapleton F. Factors affecting ocular surface sensitivity measured with the CRCERT-Belmonte aesthesiometer. Optom Vis Sci
  13. Guymer RH, Dimitrov P, Varsamidis M, Lim L, Baird PN, Vingrys A, Robman L. Can HMG Co-A reductase inhibitors (“statins”) slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration? The Age-Related Maculopathy Statin Study (ARMSS). Clinical Interventions in Aging
  14. Holden BA, Ho SM, Wong R, Schlenther G, Fricke TR, Cronjé S, Burnett A, Papas EB and Naidoo K. An estimate of global vision impairment due to uncorrected presbyopia. Arch Ophthalmol
  15. Hunyh SC, Wang XY, Burlutsky G, Stapleton F, Mitchell P. Retinal and optic disc findings in adolescence: A population-based OCT study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
  16. Jalbert I, Sweeney DF, Stapleton F. The effect of long term wear of soft lenses of low and high oxygen transmissibility on the corneal epithelium. Eye
  17. Martinez A, Sankaridurg P, John T, Mitchell P. Monochromatic aberrations in hyperopic and emmetropic children. J Vision
  18. Nguyen-Khuong T, Fitzgerald A, Zhao Z, Willcox MDP, Walsh BJ. Improvements for the visualization of low molecular weight protein and peptides of human tears using MALDI. Proteomics
  19. O’Connor PM, Chou S-L, Lamoureux EL, Keeffe JE.  The costs of vision impairment in childhood and adolescence: Diary case studies. Optom Vis Sci
  20. Ozkan J, Papas EB. Effect of lubricant viscosity on lens comfort. Optom Vis Sci
  21. Stapleton F, Keay L, Edwards K, Brian G, Dart JKG, Holden BA. The incidence of contact lens related microbial keratitis. Ophthalmology
  22. Yu D-S, Son J-S, Chu B-S. An evaluation of the virtual refraction education. J Korean Oph Opt Soc

Books and Book Chapters

  1. Caroline PD, Choo JD. Postrefractive surgery. In: Phillips, Speedwell & Morris, eds. Contact Lens 5th Edition. Oxford, UK Elsevier Ltd; Ch 23: 491-503, 2007.
  2. Holden BA, Parel J-M. Restauration de l’accommodation et la Cataracte Secondaire. In: Milazzo S & Riss I, eds. Cataracte Secondaire; Physiopathogénie, Prévention et Traitement. Marseille: Rapport des Sociétés Françaises d’Ophtalmologie; Ch 19. pp227-239, 2006.
  3. Parel J-M, Manns F, Ho A, Holden BA. Refractive surgical procedures to restore accommodation. In Azar D, Gatinel D, Ghanem R, eds. Refractive Surgery Second edition. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby Elsevier; Ch 40 pp 501-510, 2006.
  4. Stone J, Terry R. Assessment of patient suitability for contact lenses. In: Phillips, Speedwell & Morris, eds. Contact Lens 5th Edition. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Ltd; Ch 8: 173-187, 2007.
  5. Sweeney DF, Stretton S, Fonn D, Swarbrick H, Holden BA. Extended- and continuous-wear lenses. In: Phillips, Speedwell & Morris, eds. Contact Lens 5th Edition. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Ltd; Ch 13: 273-309, 2007.
  6. Williams L, Stapleton F. Microbiology, lens care and maintenance. In: Phillips, Speedwell & Morris, eds. Contact Lens 5th Edition. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Ltd; Ch 3:79-109, 2007.

Refereed Papers

  1. Aristoteli L, Willcox MDP. The adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to high molecular weight human tear film species corresponds to glycoproteins reactive with Sambucus nigra lectin. Exp Eye Res 83(5): 1146-1153, 2006.
  2. Bandara B, Zhu H, Sankaridurg P, Willcox MDP. Salicylic acid reduces the production of several potential virulence factors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa associated with microbial keratitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 47(10): 4453-4460, 2006.
  3. Brian G, Palagyi A, Ramke J, du Toit R, Naduvilath T. Cataract and its surgery in Timor-Leste. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 34: 870-879, 2006.
  4. Carnt N, Jalbert I, Stretton S, Naduvilath T, Papas EB. Solution toxicity in soft contact lens daily wear is associated with corneal inflammation. Optom Vis Sci 84(4): 309-315, 2007.
  5. Cole N, Hume EB, Khan S, Garthwaite L, Schubert T, Reeve V, Willcox MDP. The corneal response to infection with Staphylococcus aureus in the absence of Interleukin-4. Immunol Cell Biol 85: 333-337, 2007.
  6. Cole N, Hume EB, Jalbert I, Vijay Kumar A, Krishnan R, Willcox MDP. Effects of topical administration of 12-Methyl Tetra Decanoic Acid (12-MTA) on the development of corneal angiogenesis. Angiogenesis 10: 47-54, 2007.
  7. du Toit R, Ramke J, Naduvilath T, Brian G. Awareness and use of eye care services in Fiji. Ophthalmic Epidemiology 13: 309-320, 2006.
  8. du Toit R, Soong K, Brian G, Ramke J. Quantification of refractive error: comparison of autorefractor and focometer. Optom Vis Sci 83(8): 582-585, 2006.
  9. Ehrmann K, Conrad F, Papas EB, Ho A. Measurement of ocular parameters under various directions of gaze. Ophthalmic Technologies XVI, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 6183: W-1 – W-9, 2006.
  10. Erickson D, Stapleton F, Erickson P, Giannkapoulous E, Wilson C. The development and validation of the Health Proneness Questionnaire. J Clinical Psych in Med Settings 13(4): 415-423, 2006.
  11. Feltham MH, Wong R, Wolfe R, Stapleton F. Variables affecting refractive outcome following LASIK for myopia. Eye 10.1038/sj.eye.6702856 online publication.
  12. Garrett Q, Simmons PA, Xu S, Vehige J, Zhao ZJ, Ehrmann K, Willcox MDP. Caroxymethylcellulose binds to human corneal epithelial cells and is a modulator of corneal epithelial wound healing. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48 (4): 1559-1567, 2007.
  13. Holden BA, Lazon de la Jara P. Contact lenses: Optimal vision – sub-optimal carrier? Optom Vis Sci 84(4): 365-267, 2007.
  14. Hume EB, Cole N, Garthwaite LL, Khan S, Willcox MDP. A protective role for IL-6 in Staphylococcal Microbial keratitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 47(11): 4926-4930, 2006.
  15. Hume EB, Zhu H, Cole N, Huynh C, Lam S, Willcox MDP. Efficacy of contact lens multipurpose solutions against Serratia marcescens. Optom Vis Sci 84(4): 316-320, 2007.
  16. Keay L, Edwards K, Naduvilath T, Taylor HR, Snibson GR, Forde K, Stapleton F. Outcomes in contact lens related microbial keratitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 47: 4302-4308, 2006.
  17. Keay L, Edwards K, Naduvilath TJ, Forde K, Stapleton F. Factors affecting the morbidity of contact lens-related microbial keratitis: A study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 47(10): 4302-4308, 2006.
  18. Khan S, Cole N, Hume EB, Conibear TCR, Miles DH, Y, Garthwaite LL. The role of the CXC receptor in leukocyte recruitment in to the cornea. J Leukocyte Biology 81: 315-318, 2007.
  19. Labbate M, Zhu H, Thung L, Bandara R, Rice SA, Larsen MR, Willcox M, Givskov M, Kjelleberg S. Quorum sensing regulation of adhesion in Serratia marcescens MGI is surface dependant. J Bacteriology 189: 2702-2711, 2007.
  20. Martinez AA, Pandian A, Sankaridurg P, Rose K, Huynh SC, Mitchell P. Comparison of aberrometer and autorefractor measures of refractive error in children. Optom Vis Sci 83(11): 811-817, 2006.
  21. Manns F, Parel JM, Denham D, Billotte C, Ziebarth N, Borja D, Fernandez V, Aly M, Arrieta E, Ho A, Holden BA. Optomechanical response of human and monkey lenses in a lens stretcher. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48(7): 3260-3268, 2007.
  22. Miles DH, Thakur A, Willcox MDP. The induction and suppression of the apoptotic response by HSV-1 human corneal epithelial cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48(2): 789-796, 2007.
  23. Pandian A, Sankaridurg PR, Naduvilath T, O’Leary D, Sweeney DF, Rose K, Mitchell P. Accommodative facility in eyes with and without myopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 47(11): 4725-4731, 2006.
  24. Parel J-M, Ziebarth N, Denham DB, Fernandez V, Lamar P, Rosen A, Manns F; Ho A, Erickson P. Assessment of the strength of mini-capsulorhexes. J Cataract Refract Surg Aug;32: 1366-1373, 2006.
  25. Ramke J, du Toit R, Brian G. An assessment of recycled spectacles donated to a developing country. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 34(7): 671-676, 2006.
  26. Ramke J, du Toit R, Palagyi A, Brian G, Naduvilath T. Correction of refractive error and presbyopia in Timor-Leste. Br J Ophthalmol Jul;91(7): 860-866, 2007.
  27. Simmons PA, Vehige J, Garrett Q, Willcox MDP. CMC stays on the cornea and promotes healing. Bookmark, Refractive Eyecare, May 2007.
  28. Smith L, Rose B, Tingpej P, Zhu H, Conibear T, Manos J, Bye P, Elkins M, Willcox MDP, Bell S, Wainwright C, Harbour C. Protease IV production of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the lungs of adults with cystic fibrosis. J Med Microbiology 55: 1641-1644, 2006.
  29. Stahl U, Ho A, Brent G, Naduvilath T, Stapleton F. Measurements of solutions and contact lenses with a vapour pressure osmometer. Optom Vis Sci 84(4): 321-327, 2007.
  30. Stapleton F, Jalbert I, Cole N. The epidemiology of contact lens related corneal infiltrates. Optom Vis Sci 84(4): 257-272, 2007.
  31. Tan J, Papas EB, Carnt N, Jalbert I, Skotnitsky C, Lum E, Shiobara M, Holden BA. Performance standards for toric soft contact lenses. Optom Vis Sci 84(5): 422-428, 2007.
  32. Tingpej P, Smith L, Rose B, Zhu H, Conibear T, Al Nassafi K, Manos J, Elkins M, Bye P, Willcox MDP, Bell S, Wainwright C, Harbour C. Phenotypic characterization of clonal and non-clonal Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the lungs of adults with cystic fibrosis. J Clin Microbiol 45: 1690-1704, 2007.
  33. Wang XY, Huynh SC, Burlutsky G, Ip J, Stapleton F, Mitchell P. Reproducibility and the effect of magnification on optical coherence tomography measurements in children. Am J Ophthalmol 143(3): 484-488, 2007.
  34. Watson S, Stapleton F, Coroneo MT Spontaneous resolution of corneal oedema after descemets membrane detachment: A case report. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 4, 2007.
  35. Willcox MDP. Which is more important to the initiation of contact lens related microbial keratitis, trauma to the ocular surface or bacterial pathogenic factors? Clin Exp Optom 89: 277-279, 2006.
  36. Willcox MDP. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection and inflammation during contact lens wear: a review. Optom Vis Sci 84: 273-278, 2007.

Refereed Absracts

  1. Al-Bataineh S, Bircher L, Willcox MDP, Zhu H, Griesser H. Antibacterial furanones for biomedical applications. Gordon Research Conference on Biointerface Science. Switzerland Oct 2006.
  2. Borja D, Rosen A, Hoang MN, Amelinckx AA, Manns F, Augusteyn R, Ho A, Parel J-M. Equivalent refractive indices of isolated human and monkey crystalline lenses. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale May 2007 E-abstract #3817.
  3. Britcher LG, Griesser S, Zhu H, Willcox MDP, Griesser HJ. Hydrophilic antibacterial coatings for contact lenses. Australian Society for Biomaterials, 17th Annual Conference, Mt Eliza, Victoria. 11-13 April 2007.
  4. Butler C, Stern J, Huang M, Shinde L, Lee C, Wilson D, Ooi C, Llewellyn C, Sweeney DF. Continuing professional development: Evaluation of one-day practitioner education programs. World Congress in Refractive Error, Durban March 2007.
  5. Carnt N, Keay L, Nadulivath T, Holden BA, Willcox MDP. Risk factors associated with corneal inflammation in soft contact lens daily wear. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL, May 2007 E-abstract 4326.
  6. Cheung L, Francis IC, Stapleton F, Wilcsek G. Prospective study of quality of life in preoperative and postoperative patients with nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 34 (S1): A13. 2006.
  7. Choo JD, Caroline PJ, Papas EB, Willcox MDP, Holden BA. Overnight orthokeratology and corneal susceptibility to severe microbial challenge. Optom Vis Sci 83: E-abstract 065301, American Academy of Optometry Denver December 2006.
  8. Choo JD, Caroline PJ, Papas EB, Willcox MDP, Holden BA. Evaluating the relative risk of microbial keratitis in longer term overnight wear of orthokeratology versus alignment RGP lenses. Optom Vis Sci83: E-abstract 065302, American Academy of Optometry Denver December 2006.
  9. Choo JD, Caroline PJ, Papas EB, Willcox MDP, Holden BA. Overnight orthokeratology and corneal susceptibility to infection. British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference Manual Manchester, UK, May 2007 p. 144.
  10. Choo JD, Caroline PJ, Papas EB, Willcox MDP, Holden BA. Overnight orthokeratology and corneal susceptibility to a cytotoxic strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Asia-ARVO Conference Singapore March 2007.
  11. Cole N, Hume EB, Khan S, Garthwaite L, Conibear TCR, Miles D, Aliwarga Y, Krockenberger MB, Willcox MDP. The role of CXC chemokine receptor two in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus corneal infection. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL, May 2007 E-abstract #2660.
  12. Edwards K, Keay L, Naduvilath T, Snibson G, Taylor HR, Stapleton F. Characteristics of and risk factors for contact lens related microbial keratitis in a tertiary referral hospital. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO, Fort Lauderdale FL, May 2007 E-abstract #778.
  13. Ehrmann K, Falk D, Perera I, Lazon de la Jara P, Holden BA. Oxygen transmissibility of various silicone hydrogel contact lenses. Optom Vis Sci 83: E-abstract 065276, American Academy of Optometry Denver December 2006.
  14. Ehrmann K, Fedtke C, Radic A. Assessment of computer generated vision charts. British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference Manual Manchester UK, May 2007 p. 137.
  15. Evans V, Carnt N, Naduvilath T, Holden BA, Willcox MDP. Risk factors associated with corneal inflammation in soft contact lens daily wear. British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference Manual Manchester UK, May 2007 p. 79.
  16. Garrett Q, Pattamatta U, Stapleton F, Xu S, Zhu H, Willcox MDP. Effect of bovine lactoferrin on corneal epithelial wound healing. XVII International Congress of Eye Research, Buenos Aires, Oct 29 – Nov 3, 2006.
  17. Garrett Q, Simmons PA, Vehige JG, XU S, Willcox MDP. CMC binds to human corneal epithelial cells through glucose-binding sites and stimulates cell migration. Optom Vis Sci 83: E-abstract 065122, American Academy of Optometry Denver, December 2006.
  18. Golebiowski B. Corneal and conjunctival sensitivity as a functional basis for symptoms during low and high Dk/t contact lens wear. British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference Manual Manchester, UK, May 2007 p. 48.
  19. Golebiowski B, Papas EB, Stapleton F. Factors affecting ocular surface sensitivity measured with the crcert-belmonte aesthesiometer. Optom Vis Sci 83: E-abstract 065154, American Academy of Optometry Denver December 2006.
  20. Green M, Andrew A, Stapleton F. Common causes of keratitis at Princess Alexandra Hospital 1999-2004. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 34 (S1): A31-32, 2006.
  21. Green M, Apel A, Stapleton F. Pathogens causing infective keratitis at Princess Alexandra Hospital 1999-2004. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 34 (S1): A92, 2006.
  22. Ho A, Chen J. Does the mechanical gradient of the crystalline lens contribute to accommodation? A computational modelling study. Optom Vis Sci 83: E-abstract 060077, American Academy of Optometry Denver December 2006.
  23. Ho A, Hoang MH, Borja D, Amelinckx A, Manns F, Parel J-M. Optical power and diameter of in situ versus isolated primate crystalline lenses ex vivo. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale May 2007 E-abstract #3816.
  24. Ho SM, Judith Stern J, Maver A, Naduvilath TJ, Schlenther G, Holden BA. Development of sustainable eyecare for Timor Leste. World Congress in Refractive Error Durban March 2007.
  25. Ho SM, Keys T, Stern J, Holden BA. Refraction training: The Vanuatu experience. World Congress in Refractive Error Durban March 2007.
  26. Holden BA. Early recognition is the key! British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference Manual, Manchester UK, May 2007 p. 53.
  27. Holden BA. Achieving ‘normoxia’; and the logic behind it. British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference Manual Manchester UK, May 2007 p. 100.
  28. Holden BA, Gilmartin B, Smith EL III. Is myopia prevention really achievable? British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference Manual, Manchester UK, May 2007 p. 51.
  29. Hughes TC, Bojarski B, Chan GYN, Evans MDM, Johnson G, Knower WS, McFarland G, McLean K, Nguyen X, Sweeney DF, Wilkie JS, Xie RZ., Development of an implantable contact lens. 29th Australian Polymer Symposium, Hobart, 11-15th February 2007.
  30. Hughes TC, Evans MDM, Chan GY, Wilkie JS, Knower WS, Beattie D, Nguyen X, Bates J, Hao X, Jeffery, Le TPT, Bojarski B, Johnson G, McFarland GA, McLean KM, Xie R-Z, Shridar MS, Krishna P J, Kala R, Vannas A, Sweeney DF., Development of an implantable contact lens. 17th Australian Society for Biomaterials, 11-13th April 2007.
  31. Hume EB, Cole N, Khan S, Schubert T, Garthwaite L, Willcox MDP. The role of Interleukin-4 in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus corneal infection. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO, Fort Lauderdale FL, May 2007 E-abstract #722.
  32. Keay L. Surveillance of contact lens related microbial keratitis in Australia and New Zealand: multi-source case-capture and cost-effectiveness. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL, May 2007 E-abstract #4290.
  33. Keay L, Edwards K, Stapleton F. Development of evidence based guidelines on safe contact lens use. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 34 (S1): A90, 2006.
  34. Keay LJ, Edwards K, Dart J, Stapleton F. Validation of a clinical grading system for presumed contact lens related microbial keratitis. Optom Vis Sci 83: E-abstract 060003, American Academy of Optometry Denver December 2006.
  35. Keys T, Kierath J, Schlenther G, Holden BA. Eyecare service delivery through volunteers from service delivery to sustainable development. World Congress Refractive Error, Durban March 2007.
  36. Kierath J, Stern J, Schlenther G, Keys T, Tahhan N, Layland B, Davis A, Ho SM, Holden BA. Eyecare provision in coastal and rural Sri Lanka from service delivery to sustainable development. World Congress Refractive Error, Durban  March 2007.
  37. Lazon de la Jara P, Holden BA, Terry RL, La Hood D. Estimation of oxygen flux through silicone hydrogel lenses under open and closed eye conditions. Optom Vis Sci 83: E-abstract 065275, American Academy of Optometry Denver December 2006.
  38. Li Y, Zhao J, Cozzi P, Malouf T, Bu Y, Russell PJ, Walsh BJ, Willcox MDP. Using proteomic approaches to identify novel biomarkers in tears and serum to monitor progression of prostate cancer. Innovation in Prostate Cancer Research Innovation in Prostate Cancer Research, Nov. 2006.
  39. Manns F, Ziebarth NM, Borja D, Arrieta E, Ho A, Parel J-M. Age-dependence of the power-load and diameter-load responses of human and monkey lenses during simulation of accommodation in a lens stretcher. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale May 2007 E-abstract #5632.
  40. Markoulli M, Carnt N, Jalbert I, Keay L, Naduvilath T, Papas EB. Resolution and clinical characteristics of conjunctival flaps? Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL, May 2007 E-abstracr #5391.
  41. Martinez AA, Sankaridurg P, Sweeney D, Rose K, Mitchell P. Monochromatic ocular aberrations in Australian children: the Sydney Myopia Study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO 47:E-abstract 1177, 2006
  42. Naidoo K, Holden BA, Sweeney DF, Colvin M. Design of a blindness prevention reporting and planning tool utilising the results of a population based study of visual impairment in a health district in Kwazulu-Natal. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL, May 2007 E-abstract #327.
  43. Nankivil D, Ziebarth N, Borja D, Arrieta-Quintero E, Ho A, Manns F, Parel J-M. Effect of anterior zonular dissection on the change in lens diameter and power during simulated accommodation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale May 2007 E-abstract #5631.
  44. Nguyen XTT, Denham D, Donovan L, Fernandez V, Ho A, Hughes TC, Jeffery JL, Manns F, Manor B, Parel J-M, Watling J, Wilkie JS. Functionalised polysiloxanes as in-situ curable accommodating implant. 17th Australian Society for Biomaterials, 11-13th April 2007.
  45. Nguyen XTT, Denham D, Donovan L, Fernandez V, Ho A, Hughes TC, Jeffery JL, Manns F, Manor B, Parel J-M, Watling J, Wilkie JS. Functionalised polysiloxanes as in-situ curable accommodating implant. 29th Australian Polymer Symposium, Hobart, 11-15th February 2007
  46. Papas EB, Golebiowski B, Tomlinson D, Williams J, Chan E, Chan J. Effect of daytime lens replacement on soft contact lens related discomfort. British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference Manual, Manchester UK, May 2007 p. 80.
  47. Parel J-M, Manns F, Ho A, Billotte Ch, Augusteyn R, Fernandez V, Ali M, Acosta AC, Abri A, Arrieta E, Amelinckx A, Uhlhorn S, Ziebarth NM, Borja D, Bernal A, Rosen A, Hughes T, Donovan L, Denham DB, Holden BA. New technologies for restoring accommodation. ARVO Symposia, Accommodation and its Restoration 2007
  48. Parel J-M, Ziebarth NM, Borja D, Jain R, Arrieta-Quintero E, Manns F, Ho A. Biometry of the primate lens capsule pre-post endolenticular evacuation ex vivo. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale May 2007 E-abstract #3827.
  49. Radford C, Stapleton F, Verma S, Minassian D, Dart J. Non-ulcerative contact lens complications in an ophthalmic acccident and emergency department: a case-control study. British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference Manual, Manchester UK, May 2007 p.131.
  50. Safvati A, Hume EB, Cole N, Willcox MDP. Inflammatory mediators produced by corneal epithelial cells in response to hypoxia. 9th Annual Optometry Congress of Iran, Tehran Aug 30-Sep 1, 2006.
  51. Schubert T, Hume EB, Willcox MDP. Effect of furanone antimicrobials on the treatment of S. aureus keratitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL, May 2007 E-abstract #5985.
  52. Schubert T, Hume EB, Willcox MDP. Effect of furanone antimicrobials on cytokine release from mammalian cells. International Congress of Eye Research, Buenos Aires, Oct 29th- Nov 3rd 2006.
  53. Schubert T, Hume EB, Willcox MDP. Effect of furanone antimicrobials on the treatment of S aureus keratitis. Am Soc Microbiol ASM 107th General Meeting, A-012, Toronto May 2007.
  54. Skotnitsky CC, Sweeney DF, Sankaridurg P, Nadivulath TJ. The incidence of contact lens induced papillary conjunctivitis in low Dk hydrogel and high Dk silicone hydrogel contact lens wear. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL, May 2007 E-abstract #5406.
  55. Stahl U, Willcox MDP, Stapleton F. The influence of contact lens osmolality on ocular comfort. British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference Manual, Manchester UK, May 2007 p. 124.
  56. Stapleton F, Keay LJ, Edwards K. Corneal location of contact lens related presumed microbial keratitis lesions. Optom Vis Sci83: E-abstract 060007, American Academy of Optometry Denver December 2006.
  57. Stapleton F, Keay L, Katiyar S, Edwards K, Naduvilath T. Causative organisms and disease severity in contact lens related microbial keratitis. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 34 (S1): A93, 2006.
  58. Stapleton F, Xu P, Keay L, Edwards C. Domestic water quality and contact lens-related microbial keratitis. British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference Manual, Manchester UK, May 2007 p. 89.
  59. Stapleton F, Xu, Keay L, Edwards K, Ho A. Domestic water quality and contact lens-related microbial keratitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale May 2007 E-abstract #4295.
  60. Stern J, Ho SM, Holden BA. Development of eye care personnel in Tuvalu. World Congress Refractive Error, Durban March 2007.
  61. Sweeney DF. What is a CL adverse response? World Congress Refractive Error, Durban March 2007.
  62. Sweeney DF. Latest trends and development – contact lenses. World Congress Refractive Error, Durban March 2007.
  63. Sweeney DF, Skotinsky C, Sankaridurg P, Holden BA, Carnt N, John T, Willcox MDP, Keay L, Stapleton F, Terry R. Managing contact lens adverse events: What do we need to know? World Congress in Refractive Error, Durban March 2007.
  64. Tahhan N, Kierath J, Schlenther G, Waddell C, Layland B, Ho SM, Holden BA. A model for sustainable and culturally appropriate eyecare services in indigenous communities of NSW, Australia. World Congress in Refractive Error, Durban March 2007.
  65. Tahhan N, Kierath J, Schlenther G, Waddell C, Layland B, Ho SM, Holden BA. Refractive services in Sri Lanka. World Congress in Refractive Error, Durban March 2007.
  66. Tilia D, Jalbert I, Keay L, Naduvilath T, Willcox MDP, Holden BA, Papas EB, Carnt N. Evaluation of solution toxicity associated with lens care products during silicone hydrogel lens wear. Optom Vis Sci83: E-abstract 060094, American Academy of Optometry Denver December 2006.
  67. Willcox MDP. Carboxymethylcellulose promotes corneal epithelial wound healing. Bowmans Club IX annual meeting 2007, Birmingham, UK. P7.
  68. Willcox MDP. The future of antibacterial contact lenses. World Congress in Refractive Error, Durban March 2007.
  69. Willcox MDP, Krishna G, Sankaridurg P, Nutheti R, Naduvilath T. Risk factors associated with corneal inflammatory and mechanical events during extended wear of a silicone hydrogel contact lens. British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference Manual, Manchester, UK, May 2007 p. 40.
  70. Willcox MDP, Cole N, Zhu H, Kumar N, Hume EB, Rice S, Sankaridurg P, Griesser H, Steinberg P, Kjelleberg S. Strategies to prevent biofilm formation on medical devices. Australian Society for Microbiology, Gold Coast. July 2006.
  71. Xu S, Willcox MDP, Simmons P, Vehige J, Xie T, Garrett Q. Carboxymethylcellulose stimulates rabbit corneal epithelial wound healing. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL, May 2007 E-abstract #796.
  72. Zhao Z, Aliwarga Y, Willcox MDP. Intrinsic protein fluorescence: Direct visualization of protein bands on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The Annual Lorne Proteomics Symposium 2-4 February 2007, Lorne, Australia.
  73. Zhao Z, Mitchell TW, Deeley JM, Thomas MC, Aliwarga Y, Fu H, Willcox MDP, Blanksby SJ. Detection and identification of phospholipids in normal human tears using tandem mass spectrometry. The 7th Congress of International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL). 23-28 July, 2006. Cairns, Australia.
  74. Zhu H, Conibear T, Willcox MDP, Stapleton F. Genetic comparison between virulent and avirulent strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from the eye. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ARVO Fort Lauderdale FL, May 2007 E-abstract #2658.
  75. Zhu H, Labbate M, Bandara R, Webb JS, Rice S, Willcox MDP, Givskov M, Kjelleberg S. Adhesion, cytotoxicity and invasion of Serratia marcescens MG1 to human corneal epithelial cells. XVII International Congress of Eye Research, Buenos Aires, Oct 29 – Nov 3, 2006.


  1. Brian G, du Toit R, Wilson D, Ramke J. Affordable ready-made spectacles for use in blindness prevention programmes: Setting standards of quality. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 34(7): 722-724, 2006.
  2. Francis IC, Papalkar D, Chan DG, Papas EB, Stapleton F. Tear meniscus level as an indicator of nasolacrimal obstruction. Ophthalmology 113(1): 162, 2006.
  3. Papas EB. Corneal vascularisation and contact lenses. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol 81(6): 309-312, 2006.

In Press – Refereed Papers

  1. Choo JD, Caroline P, Harlin DD, Papas EB, Holden BA. Morphologic changes in cat epithelium following continuous wear of orthokeratology lenses. Cont Lens Ant Eye.
  2. Ozkan J, Papas EB. Lubricant effects on low Dk and silicone hydrogel lens comfort. Optom Vis Sci.
  3. Papas EB, Carnt N, Willcox MDP, Holden BA. Complications associated with care product use during silicone hydrogel contact lens daily wear. Eye Cont Lens.
  4. Smith L, Rose B, Tingpej P, Zhu H, Conibear T, Manos J, Bye P, Elkins M, Willcox MDP, Bell S, Wainwright C, Harbour C. Phenotypic characterization of clonal and non-clonal Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the lungs of adults with cystic fibrosis. J Clin Microbiol.
  5. Stapleton F, Pauland R, Keay L, Edwards K, John T. Relationship between climate, disease severity and causative organism for contact lens-associated microbial keratitis in Australia. Am J Ophthalmol.
  6. Xue ML, Thakur A, Cole N, Lloyd AR, Stapleton F, Wakefield D, Willcox MDP. A critical role for CCL2 and CCL3 chemokines in the regulation of PMN recruitment during corneal infection in mice. Immunol Cell Biol.
  7. Zhao Z, Aliwarga Y, Sankaridurg P, Skotnitsky C, Willcox MDP. IgE Antibody on worn high oxygen permeable silicone hydrogel contact lenses from patients with contact lens induced papillary conjunctivitis (CLPC). Eye Cont Lens.
  8. Zhu H, Ding A, Bandara M, Willcox MDP, Stapleton F. Broad spectrum of antibacterial activity of a new multi-purpose disinfecting solution. Optom Vis Sci.

Brien Holden Foundation

  1. Bourne RRA, Jonas JB & Resnikoff S, Looking Within Rather Than Between Countries to Understand the Risk Factors for Vision Impairment, JAMA Ophthalmol. Published online November 21, 2018. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2018.5448
  2. Burnett AM, Yashadhana A, Lee L, Serova N, Brain D & Naidoo K. Interventions to improve school-based eye-care services in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Bull World Health Organ 2018;96:682–694D; doi:
  3. Dicker D, Nguyen G, Abate D, et al. Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality and life expectancy, 1950–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet 2018;392(10159):1684–735.
  4. du Toit R, Keeffe J, Jackson J, Bell D, Minto H, Hoare P. A Global Public Health Perspective: Facilitating Access to Assistive Technology, August 2018, Optometry and Vision Science 95(9):1 DOI: 10.1097/OPX.0000000000001272
  5. Flanagan JL and De Souza N, Simulation in Ophthalmic Training. Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology. 2018 Sep 14. doi: 10.22608/APO.2018129. [Epub ahead of print]
  6. Fortané M, Bensaid P, Resnikoff S, et al. Outcomes of cataract surgery performed by non-physician cataract surgeons in remote North Cameroon. Br J Ophthalmol 2018 Oct 5. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-312428. [Epub ahead of print]
  7. GBD 2016 Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury Collaborators. Global, regional, and national burden of traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet Neurol 2019; 18(1):56–87.
  8. GBD 2017 SDG Collaborators. Measuring progress from 1990 to 2017 and projecting attainment to 2030 of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals for 195 countries and territories: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet. 2018 Nov 10;392(10159):2091-2138. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32281-5. Epub 2018 Nov 8.
  9. GBD 2017 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence Collaborators. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354 diseases and injuries for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet 2018; 392(10159):1789–858.
  10. Kahloun R, Khairallah M, Resnikoff S, Bourne RRA et al. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in North Africa and Middle East in 2015: Magnitude, temporal trends and projections, September 2018, British Journal of Ophthalmology Epub ahead of print: 26 September 2018. DOI: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-312068
  11. Keeffe JE, Casson RJ, Pesudovs K, Bourne RRA et al. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in South-east Asia and Oceania in 2015: Magnitude, temporal trends and projections, September 2018, British Journal of Ophthalmology Epub ahead of print: 26 September 2018. DOI: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-311946
  12. Kocur I, Limburg H, Resnikoff S. Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness— Past, Present, and Future. Asia-Pacific J Ophthalmol 2018; 7(5):282–3.
  13. Kyu HH, Abate D, Abate KH, et al. Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 359 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet 2018;392(10159):1859–922.
  14. Leasher JL, Braithwaite T, Furtado JM, et al. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2015: magnitude, temporal trends and projections. Br J Ophthalmol Epub ahead of print: 26 September 2018. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311746
  15. Murray CJL, Callender CSKH, Kulikoff XR, et al. Population and fertility by age and sex for 195 countries and territories, 1950–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet 2018; 392(10159):1995–2051.
  16. Nangia V, Jonas JB, George R, Lingam V, Ellwein L, Cicinelli MV, et al. Prevalence and causes of blindness and vision impairment: magnitude, temporal trends and projections in South and Central Asia. Br J Ophthalmol Epub ahead of print: 2018 Nov 8. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-312292.
  17. Németh J, Tóth G, Resnikoff S, de Faber JT. Preventing blindness and visual impairment in Europe: What do we have to do? Eur J Ophthalmol 2019; 29(2):129–32.
  18. Németh J, Szabó D, Tóth G, et al. Feasibility of the rapid assessment of avoidable blindness with diabetic retinopathy module (RAAB+DR) in industrialised countries: challenges and lessons learned in Hungary. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 2018; 25(4):273–9.
  19. Roth GA, Abate D, Abate KH, et al. Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality for 282 causes of death in 195 countries and territories, 1980–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet 2018; 392(10159):1736–88.
  20. Stanaway JD, Afshin A, Gakidou E, et al. Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Stu. 2018; 392(10159):1923–94. 51.
  21. Thompson S, Naidoo K, Bambamba J, Moodley V, van Staden D, Forde A, Shah K, Bilotto L, Loughman J. Addressing avoidable vision impairment in Mozambique and the Africa region. Development in Practice. 2019, 29 (2). DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2018.1521786
  22. Wong TY, Sun J, Kawasaki R, et al. Guidelines on Diabetic Eye Care: The International Council of Ophthalmology Recommendations for Screening, Follow-up, Referral, and Treatment Based on Resource Settings. Ophthalmology 2018; 125(10):1608–22.
  23. Zhao J, Mariotti SP, Resnikoff S, et al. Assessment of trachoma in suspected endemic areas within 16 provinces in mainland China. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2019; 13(1):e0007130.
Book chapters
  1. Keefe J & Resnikoff S (2019). Prevalence and causes of vision impairment and blindness: The global burden of disease in RC Khanna, GN Rao & S Marmamula (Eds), Innovative Approaches in the Delivery of Primary and Secondary Eye Care (pp. 7-20). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  2. Naidoo KS, Govender P & Naidoo J, Innovative approaches in the delivery of eye care: refractive errors (including presbyopia) in RC Khanna, GN Rao & S Marmamula (Eds), Innovative Approaches in the Delivery of Primary and Secondary Eye Care (pp. 163-79). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  1. Abdool Z, Naidoo KS, Visser L. Stakeholders’ perspectives on the management of diabetic retinopathy for a district health system – South Africa.  Afr Vision Eye Health.  2017;76(1), a412.
  2. Alrasheed SH, Naidoo KS, Clarke-Farr PC, Attitudes and perceptions of Sudanese high-school students and their parents towards spectacle wear, African Vision and Eye Health, 2018, 7 (21).
  3. Bourne et al, Magnitude, temporal trends, and projections of the global prevalence of blindness and distance and near vision impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Glob Health. 2017 Sep;5(9):e888-e897.
  4. Bourne RRA, Jonas JB, Bron AM, et al. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in high-income countries and in Eastern and Central Europe in 2015: magnitude, temporal trends and projections. Br J Ophthalmol 2018; 102(5):575–85.
  5. Chan VF, Minto H, Mashayo E, Naidoo KS. Improving eye health using a child-to-child approach in Bariadi, Tanzania. Afr Vision Eye Health. 2017;76(1), a406. https://doi. org/10.4102/aveh.v76i1.406
  6. Burnett A, Lee L, D’Esposito F, Wabulembo G, Cama A, Guldan G, Nelisse M, Koim SP, Keys D, Poffley AJ, Limburg H, Garap J. Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness and diabetic retinopathy in people aged 50 years and older in the National Capital District of Papua New Guinea. Br J Ophthalmol 2018;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311803
  7. Flaxman et al. Global causes of blindness and distance vision impairment 1990–2020: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Global Health. Published online October 11, 2017
  8. Fricke TR, Tahhan N, Resnikoff S, Papas E, Burnett A, Ho SM, Naduvilath T, Naidoo KS. Global Prevalence of Presbyopia and Vision Impairment from Uncorrected Presbyopia: Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Modelling. Ophthalmology. 2018 May 9. pii: S0161-6420(17)33797-1. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2018.04.013. [Epub ahead of print]
  9. Fullman N, Yearwood J, Abay SM, et al. Measuring performance on the Healthcare Access and Quality Index for 195 countries and territories and selected subnational locations: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet  2018;391(10136):2236–71.
  10. GBD 2016 Neurology Collaborators. Global, regional, and national burden of neurological disorders, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet Neurol 2019; 18(5):459–80.
  11. GBD 2016 DALYs and HALE Collaborators* [incl. Naidoo KS & Resnikoff S]. Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 333 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet 2017; 390: 1260–344.
  12. GBD 2016 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence Collaborators. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 328 diseases and injuries for 195 countries, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet. 2017 Sep 16;390(10100):1211-1259. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32154-2.
  13. GBD 2016 Mortality Collaborators. Global, regional, and national under-5 mortality, adult mortality, age-specific mortality, and life expectancy, 1970-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet. 2017 Sep 16;390(10100):1084-1150. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)31833-0.
  14. GBD 2016 SDG Collaborators. Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet. 2017 Sep 16;390(10100):1423-1459. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32336-X. Epub 2017 Sep 12.
  15. Lee L, D’Esposito F, Garap J, Wabulembo G, Koim SP, Keys D, Cama AT, Limburg H, Burnett A. Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness in Papua New Guinea: a nationwide survey. Br J Ophthalmol 2018;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311802
  16. Minto H and Ho SM, What is comprehensive school eye health? Community Eye Health. 2017; 30(98): 21–25.
  17. Muhit M, Minto H Parvin A, Jadoon MZ, Islam J, Yasmin S & Khandaker G(2017): Prevalence of refractive error, presbyopia, and unmet need of spectacle coverage in a northern district of Bangladesh: Rapid Assessment of Refractive Error study, Ophthalmic Epidemiology, DOI: 10.1080/09286586.2017.1370119
  18. Paudel P, Yen PT, Kovai V, Naduvilath T, Ho SM, Giap NV, Holden BA. Effect of school eye health promotion on children’s eye health literacy in Vietnam. Health Promotion International, 2017, 1–10. doi: 10.1093/heapro/dax065
  19. Xu Y, He J, Lin S, et al. General analysis of factors influencing cataract surgery practice in Shanghai residents. BMC Ophthalmol 2018; 18(1):102.
  20. Yasmin S, Saifullah K, Minto H. Developing an integrated school eye health programme in Pakistan. Comm Eye Health South Asia Vol. 30 No. 98 2017 pp S09-12. Published online 25 November 2017.
  1. Alrasheed S, Naidoo K, Clarke-Farr P. Prevalence of visual impairment and refractive error in school-aged children in South Darfur State of Sudan. African Vision and Eye Health 2016. 75 (1); 9.
  2. Alrasheed S, Naidoo K, Clarke-Farr P. Childhood eye care services in South Darfur State of Sudan: Learner and parent perspectives. African Vision and Eye Health 2016. 75 (1); 13.
  3. Bourne RR, Taylor HR, Flaxman SR, Keeffe J, Leasher J, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, White RA, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Jonas JB; Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global  Burden of Disease Study. Number of People Blind or Visually Impaired by Glaucoma Worldwide and in World Regions 1990 – 2010: A Meta-Analysis. PLoS One. 2016 Oct 20;11(10):e0162229. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0162229. PubMed PMID: 27764086; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5072735.
  4. Burnett A, Yashadhana A, Cabrera Aguas M, Hanni Y, Yu M. Experiences of vision impairment in Papua New Guinea: implications for blindness prevention programs. Rural Remote Health. 2016 Oct-Dec;16(4):3873. PubMed PMID: 27764950.
  5. Burnett AM, Morse A, Naduvilath T, Boudville A, Taylor HR and Bailie R. Delivery of Eye and Vision Services in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Healthcare Centers. Frontiers in public health, Dec 2016, 4 (276).
  6. Chan VF, Naidoo J, Chinanayi FS, Naidoo KS. Near vision correction and quality of life among textile factory workers in Durban. Afr Vision Eye Health. 2017; 76(1), a384.
  7. GBD 2015 SDG Collaborators S Allen K Bhutta Z Dandona L Forouzanfar M et. al. Measuring the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: a baseline analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet 2016. 388 (10053); 1813-1850.
  8. GBD 2015 Child Mortality Collaborators H, Bhutta ZA, Coates MM, et al. Global, regional, national, and selected subnational levels of stillbirths, neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet 2016; 388(10053):1725–74.
  9. Ekpenyong BN, Naidoo K, Ahaiwa K, Ezenwankwo O, Ndukwe O, Ogar E, Ekanem E. Visual status and prevalence of eye disorders among school-age children in southern Nigeria. African Vision and Eye Health 2017. 76 (1), 6.
  10. Ekpenyong B, Naidoo K, Ndep A, Ahaiwe K, Ndukwe O, et. al. Comparative Analysis of Satisfaction with the Use of Ready-Made Spectacles and Custom-Made Spectacles among School Children in Nigeria: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing 2017. 35 (0); 15-21.
  11. Hookway LA, Frazier M, Rivera N, Ramson P, Carballo L, Naidoo K. Population-based study of presbyopia in Nicaragua. Clin Exp Optom. 2016 Nov;99(6):559-563. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12402. PubMed PMID: 27397616.
  12. Ko R, Macleod C, Pahau D, Sokana O, Keys D, Burnett A, Willis R, Wabulembo G, Garap J, Solomon AW. Population-Based Trachoma Mapping in Six Evaluation Units of Papua New Guinea. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2016 Nov 28:1-10. Epub ahead of print
  13. Layland B, McMonnies C, Davis S. Brien Holden: a remarkable life in optometry. Clin Exp Optom. 2016 Jul;99(4):389-91. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12405. PubMed PMID: 27398946.
  14. Leasher JL, Bourne RA, Flaxman SR, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Price H, White RA, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Taylor HR, on behalf of the Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Global Estimates on the Number of People Blind or Visually Impaired by Diabetic Retinopathy: A meta-analysis from 1990-2010. Diabetes Care 39(9):1643-1649 · September 2016
  15. Marella M, Yu M, Paudel P, Michael A, Ryan K, Yasmin S, Minto H. The situation of low vision services in Papua New Guinea: an exploratory study. Clin  Exp Optom. 2016 Sep 1. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12446. Epub ahead of print PubMed PMID: 27582310.
  16. Mokdad AH, et al. Health in times of uncertainty in the eastern Mediterranean region, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet Glob Health. 2016 Oct;4(10):e704-13. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(16)30168-1. PubMed PMID: 27568068.
  17. Moodley VR, Loughman J & Naidoo KS. Social Accountability: Introducing a new dimension in optometric education. South African Journal of Higher Education. 2016; 30(1); 206-223
  18. Naidoo KS, Chinanayi FS, Ramson P, Mashige KP. Rapid assessment of refractive error in the eThekwini Municipality of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. Clin Exp Optom. 2016 Jul;99(4):360-5. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12377. PubMed PMID: 27161520.
  19. Naidoo KS, Jaggernath J, Chinanayi FS, Chan VF. Near vision correction and work productivity among textile workers. Afr Vision Eye Health. 2016;75(1), a357. aveh.v75i1.357
  20. Ormsby G, Grant-Skiba D, Naidoo K, Keeffe J. Patient Perspectives on Acquiring Spectacles: A Cambodian Experience. Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology 2016. 5 (5); 339-343.
  21. Paudel P, Cronjé S, O’Connor PM, Khadka J, Rao GN, Holden BA. Development and validation of an instrument to assess job satisfaction in eye-care personnel. Clin Exp Optom. 2017 Nov;100(6):683-689.
  22. Shah K, Naidoo K, Chagunda M, Loughman J. Evaluations of refraction competencies of ophthalmic technicians in Mozambique. Journal of optometry 2016. 9 (3); 148-57.
  23. Wang H, Naghavi M, Allen C, Barber R, Bhutta Z, et. al. Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet 2016. 388 (10053); 1459-1544.
  24. Woodman-Pieterse EC, De Souza NJ, Vincent SJ. The influence of a novel simulated learning environment upon student clinical subjective refraction performance: A pilot study. Clin Exp Optom. 2016 Jul;99(4):342-9. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12374. PubMed PMID: 27001687.
  1. Bilotto L, Morton M, Luque LC, Terry R, Stern J, Naidoo K. Improving access to refractive and eye health services. Community Eye Health. 2015;28(91):54
  2. Burnett A, Yu M, Paudel P, Naduvilath T, Fricke TR, Hani Y, Garap J. Perceptions of Eye Health and Eye Health Services among Adults Attending Outreach Eye Care Clinics in Papua New Guinea. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2015;22(6):361-9. doi: 10.3109/09286586.2015.1057604. PubMed PMID: 26653259.
  3. Congdon N, Suburaman GB, Ravilla T, Varga B, Resnikoff S, McLeod J, Taylor H, Limburg H, Lansingh V, Schmidt E, LeMesurier R. Transforming research results into useful tools for global health: BOOST. Lancet Glob Health. 2016 Feb;4(2):e96. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(15)00267-3. PubMed PMID: 26823227.
  4. Eckert KA, Carter MJ, Lansingh VC, Wilson DA, Furtado JM, Frick KD, Resnikoff S. A Simple Method for Estimating the Economic Cost of Productivity Loss Due to Blindness and Moderate to Severe Visual Impairment. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2015;22(5):349-55. doi: 10.3109/09286586.2015.1066394. PubMed PMID: 26395661.
  5. GBD 2013 Risk Factors Collaborators Forouzanfar M Alexander L Anderson H Bachman V Biryukov S et. al. Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks in 188 countries, 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. The Lancet 2015. 386 (10010); 2287-2323.
  6. GBD 2013 DALYs and HALE Collaborators Murray C Barber R Foreman K Ozgoren A Abd-Allah F et. al. Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990–2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition. The Lancet 2015.386 (10009);2145-2191.
  7. Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Collaborators T Barber R Bell B Bertozzi-Villa A Biryukov S et. al. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet 2015. 386 (9995); 743-800.
  8. Gogate P, Parbhoo D, Ramson P, Budhoo R, Øverland L, et. al. Surgery for sight: outcomes of congenital and developmental cataracts operated in Durban, South Africa. Eye 2016. 30 (11); 1523-1524.
  9. Gogate P, Jaggernath J, Deshpande S, Naidoo K. Meta-analysis to compare the safety and efficacy of manual small incision cataract surgery and phacoemulsification. Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology 2015. 22 (3); 362.
  10. Holden BA, Fricke TR, Wilson DA, Jong M, Naidoo KS, Sankaridurg P, Wong TY, Naduvilath TJ, Resnikoff S. Global Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia and Temporal Trends from 2000 through 2050. Ophthalmology. 2016 May;123(5):1036-42. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2016.01.006. PubMed PMID: 26875007.
  11. Holden BA, Jong M, Davis S, Wilson D, Fricke T, Resnikoff S. Nearly 1 billion myopes at risk of myopia-related sight-threatening conditions by 2050 – time to act now. Clin Exp Optom. 2015 Nov;98(6):491-3. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12339. PubMed PMID: 26769175.
  12. Holden BA, Tahhan N, Jong M, Wilson DA, Fricke TR, Bourne R, Resnikoff S. Towards better estimates of uncorrected presbyopia. Bull World Health Organ. 2015 Oct 1;93(10):667. PubMed PMID: 26600605; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4645442.
  13. Holden BA, Wilson DA, Jong M, Sankaridurg P, Fricke TR, Smith III EL, and Resnikoff S. “Myopia: A Growing Global Problem with Sight-Threatening Complications.” Community Eye Health 28, no. 90 (2015): 35-35.
  14. Kaphle D, Marasini S, Kalua K, Reading A, Naidoo KS. Visual profile of students in integrated schools in Malawi. Clin Exp Optom. 2015 Jul;98(4):370-4.
  15. Khanal S, Pokharel A, Kandel H. Visual deficits in Nepalese patients with oculocutaneous albinism. J Optom. 2016 Apr-Jun;9(2):102-9.
  16. Khairallah M, Kahloun R, Bourne R, Limburg H, Flaxman SR, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, Leasher J, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Price H, White RA, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Taylor  HR; Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study.. Number of People Blind or Visually Impaired by Cataract Worldwide and in World Regions, 1990 to 2010. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 Oct;56(11):6762-9. doi: 10.1167/iovs.15-17201. PubMed PMID: 26567788.
  17. Li JCh, Wong K, Park AS, Fricke TR, Jackson AJ. The challenges of providing eye care for adults with intellectual disabilities. Clin Exp Optom. 2015 Sep;98(5):420-9. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12304. Review. PubMed PMID: 26390904.
  18. Loughman J, Chan VF, Moodley VR, Bilotto L, and Naidoo K. “Student Educational Background, Perceptions and Expectations Towards Optometry: An Emerging Eye Health Profession Mozambique.”  (2015). Optometric Education 40(2):104-109.
  19. Mashige KP, Jaggernath J, Ramson P, Martin C, Chinanayi FS, Naidoo KS. Prevalence of Refractive Errors in the INK Area, Durban, South Africa. Optom Vis  Sci. 2016 Mar;93(3):243-50. doi: 0.1097/OPX.0000000000000771. PubMed PMID: 26760577.
  20. Moodley V, Loughman J, Naidoo K, Recruitment and selection strategies in optometric education towards addressing human resource disparities in sub-Saharan Africa. Africa Education Review 2015. 12 (3); 429-446.
  21. Naidoo K. Lessons for eye health practitioners. South African Journal of Science 2015. 111 (7/8); 1.
  22. Naidoo KS, Chinanayi FS, Ramson P, Mashige KP. Rapid assessment of refractive error in the eThekwini Municipality of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. Clin Exp Optom. 2016 Jul;99(4):360-5. Epub 2016 May 10.
  23. Naidoo KS, Leasher J, Bourne RR, Flaxman SR, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, Limburg H, Pesudovs K, Price H, White RA, Wong TY, Taylor HR, Resnikoff S; Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study.. Global Vision Impairment and Blindness Due to Uncorrected Refractive Error, 1990-2010. Optom Vis Sci. 2016 Mar;93(3):227-34. doi: 10.1097/OPX.0000000000000796. Review. PubMed PMID: 26905537.
  24. Napper G, Fricke T, Anjou MD, Jackson AJ. Breaking down barriers to eye care for Indigenous people: a new scheme for delivery of eye care in Victoria. Clin Exp Optom. 2015 Sep;98(5):430-4. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12325. Review. PubMed PMID: 26390905.
  25. Paudel P, Cronjé S, O’Connor PM, Rao GN, Holden BA. Clinical Competency of 1-Year Trained Vision Technicians in Andhra Pradesh, India. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2015;22(6):409-16. doi: 10.3109/09286586.2015.1082605. PubMed PMID: 26653263.
  26. Paudel P, Kovai V, Naduvilath T, Phuong HT, Ho SM, Giap NV. Validity of Teacher-Based Vision Screening and Factors Associated with the Accuracy of Vision Screening in Vietnamese Children. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2016;23(1):63-8. doi: 10.3109/09286586.2015.1082602. PubMed PMID: 26822813.
  27. Pillay V, Chan VF, Chinanayi FS, Naidoo KS. How Do Patients Choose Their Spectacles in the Public Sector of South Africa? Optom Vis Sci. 2016 Mar;93(3):235-42. doi: 10.1097/OPX.0000000000000801. PubMed PMID: 26760581.
  28. Shah K, Naidoo K, Loughman J. Development of socially responsive competency frameworks for ophthalmic technicians and optometrists in Mozambique. Clin Exp Optom. 2016 Mar;99(2):173-82. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12282. PubMed PMID: 26691778.
  29. Suram V, Addepalli UK, Krishnaiah S, Kovai V, Khanna RC. Accuracy of vision technicians in screening ocular pathology at rural vision centres of southern India. Clin Exp Optom. 2016 Mar;99(2):183-7. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12345. PubMed PMID: 27012692.
  30. Wallace D, Loughman J, Naidoo K. Framing professional programs within development projects: driving longer term recognition and integration. BMC Med Educ. 2016 Apr 19;16:116. doi: 10.1186/s12909-016-0633-1. PubMed PMID: 27094748; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4837550
  31. Wang X, Yi H, Lu L, Zhang L, Ma X, Jin L, Zhang H, Naidoo KS, Minto H, Zou H, Rozelle S, Congdon N. Population Prevalence of Need for Spectacles and Spectacle  Ownership Among Urban Migrant Children in Eastern China. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2015 Dec;133(12):1399-406. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2015.3513. PubMed PMID: 26426113.
  32. Woodman-Pieterse EC, De Souza NJ, Vincent SJ. The influence of a novel simulated learning environment upon student clinical subjective refraction performance: A pilot study. Clin Exp Optom. 2016 Jul;99(4):342-9. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12374. PubMed PMID: 27001687.
  33. Yasmin S, Minto H, Chan VF. School eye health – going beyond refractive errors. Community Eye Health. 2015;28(89):14-5. PubMed PMID: 26435588; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4579995.
  34. Yi H, Zhang H, Ma X, Zhang L, Wang X, Jin L, Naidoo K, Minto H, Zou H, Lu L,  Rozelle S, Congdon N. Impact of Free Glasses and a Teacher Incentive on Children’s Use of Eyeglasses: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Am J Ophthalmol. 2015 Nov;160(5):889-896.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2015.08.006. PubMed PMID: 26275472.
  1. Awan H, Khan MD, Felch W, Spivey B, Taylor H, Resnikoff S, Gauthier T-M. Status of Ophthalmic Education and the Eye Health Workforce in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Countries. Asia-Pac J Ophthalmol 2014; 3: 74-82.
  2. Batlle JF, Lansingh VC, Silva JC, Eckert KA, Resnikoff S. Cataract Situation in Latin America: Barriers to Cataract Surgery. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2014; 158(2):242-250.
  3. Chan V, Loughman J, Moodley VR, Bilotto L, Naidoo K, Student Educational Background, Perceptions and Expectations Toward Optometry: An Emerging Eye Health Profession in Mozambique, Optometric Education, 40 (2), Winter-Spring 2015.
  4. Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Collaborators, Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet. 2015 386(9995):743–800.
  5. Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Collaborators, Mortality and Causes of Death Collaborators. Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet. 2015 Jan 10; 385(9963):117-71.
  6. Govender P, Ramson P, Visser L, Naidoo KS. Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness in the northern eThekwini district of KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. Afr Vision Eye Health. 2015; 74 (1).
  7. He M, Abdou A, Ellwein L, Naidoo K, Sapkota Y, et. al. Age-related prevalence and met need for correctable and uncorrectable near vision impairment in a multi-country study. Ophthalmology 2014. 121 (1); 417-422.
  8. Holden B, Davis S, Jong M, Resnikoff S. The evolution of uncorrected refractive error as a major public health issue. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales Volume 147 Issue 453/454 (2014).
  9. Jaggernath J, Øverland L, Ramson P, Kovai V, Chan VF, Naidoo KS. Poverty and Eye Health. Health. 2014; 06(14):1849-1860.
  10. Jaggernath J, Gogate P, Moodley V, Naidoo KS. Comparison of cataract surgery techniques: safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2014 Jul-Aug; 24(4):520-6.
  11. Jonas JB*, Bourne RR*, White RA, Flaxman SR, Keeffe J, Leasher J, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Price H, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Taylor HR, on behalf of the Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Visual Impairment and Blindness Due to Macular Diseases Globally: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2014; 158:808–815.
  12. Kahloun R, Jelliti B, Zaouali S, Attia S, Yahia SB, Resnikoff S and Khairallah M. Prevalence and causes of visual impairment in diabetic patients in Tunisia, North Africa. Eye (2014) Aug; 28(8):986-91.
  13. Kaphle D, Marasini S, Kalua K, Reading A, Naidoo KS. Visual profile of students in integrated schools in Malawi.  Clinical and Experimental Optometry.  2015, 98: 370–374.
  14. Kassebaum NJ, Bertozzi-Villa A, Coggeshall MS, Shackelford KA, Steiner C, Heuton KR, Gonzalez-Medina D, Barber R, Huynh C, et al.  Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.  The Lancet.  2014, 384(9947): 980-1004
  15. Lansingh VC, Carter MJ, Eckert KA, Winthrop KA, Furtado JM, Resnikoff S. Affordability of Cataract Surgery Using the Big Mac Prices. Revista Mexicana de Oftalmología. 2015; 89(1):21-30.
  16. Lansingh VC, Nano ME, Carter MJ, Zarate N, Resnikoff S, Eckert KA. Complexities and challenges of surgical data collection from cataract patients: comparison of cataract surgery rates between 2001 and 2008 in all provinces of Argentina. Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2014; 77(1):25-29.
  17. Loughman J, Nxele L, Farai C, Thompson S, Ramson P, Chinanayi F, Naidoo KS. Rapid Assessment of Refractive Error, Presbyopia and Visual impairment and associated Quality of Life in Nampula, Mozambique, Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, (May-Jun 2015): 199.      
  18. Mashayo ER, Chan VF,  Ramson P,  Chinanayi F, Naidoo KS. Prevalence of refractive error, presbyopia and spectacle coverage in Kahama District, Tanzania: a rapid assessment of refractive error. Clin Exp Optom 2015 Jan 30; 98(1):58-64.
  19. Murray C, Ortblad K, Guinovart C, Lim S, Wolock T, et. al. Global, regional, and national incidence and mortality for HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet 2014. 384 (9947); 1005-70.
  20. Naidoo K, Govender P. A team approach to providing refractive error services. Community Eye Health Journal. 2014; 27(86):29-30.
  21. Naidoo K, Govender P, Holden B, The uncorrected refractive error challenge. Comm Eye Health Vol. 27 No. 88 2014 pp 74 – 75. Published online 01 April 2015.
  22. Naidoo KS, Jaggernath J, Ramson P, Chinanayi F, Zhuwau T, Øverland L, 2015,  The prevalence of self-reported vision impairment in economically disadvantaged regions of South Africa.  African Journal of Disability 4(1), Art. #136, 11 pages.
  23. Palmer JJ, Chinanayi F, Gilbert A, Pillay D, Fox S, Jaggernath J, Naidoo K, Graham R, Patel D, Blanchet K. Trends and implications for achieving VISION 2020 human resources for eye health targets in 16 countries of sub-Saharan Africa by the year 2020. Hum Resour Health, 2014 15; 12:45.
  24. Palmer JJ, Chinanayi F, Gilbert A, Pillay D, Fox S, Jaggernath J, Naidoo K, Graham R, Patel D, Blanchet K Mapping human resources for eye health in 21 countries of sub-Saharan Africa: current progress towards VISION 2020. Human Resources for Health 2014, 12:44.
  25. Paudel P, Cronje S, O’Connor P, Rao G, Holden B. Selection considerations when using a ‘standard optometrist’ to evaluate clinical performance of other eye-care personnel, Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 2014; 97: 426–432.
  26. Paudel P, Khadka J, Burnett A, Hani Y, Naduvilath T, Fricke TR. Papua New Guinea vision-specific quality of life questionnaire: a new patient-reported outcome instrument to assess the impact of impaired vision. Clin. Experiment. Ophthalmol. 2015 Apr; 43(3):202-13.
  27. Resnikoff S and Kocur I. Non-communicable eye diseases: facing the future. Comm Eye Health Vol. 27 No. 87, 2014, pp 41 – 43.
  28. Shah K, Naidoo K, Bilotto L, Loughman J. Factors affecting the academic performance of optometry students in mozambique. Optom Vis Sci. 2015 Jun; 92(6):719-29.
  29. Shah K, Naidoo K, Chagunda M, Loughman J. Evaluations of refraction competencies of ophthalmic technicians in Mozambique. J Optom. 2015 Feb 5.
  30. Thite N, Jaggernath J, Chinanayi F, Bharadwaj S, Kunjeer G, Pattern of optometry practice and range of services in India. Optom Vis Sci 2015 May; 92(5):615-22
  31. Thompson S, Naidoo K, Harris G, Ferran J, Bilotto L, Loughman J. The development of a public optometry system in Mozambique: a cost benefit analysis. BMC Health Services Research. 2014; 14:422.
  32. Thompson S, Naidoo K, Gonzalez-Alvarez C, Harris G, Chinanayi F, Loughman J. Barriers to Use of Refractive Services in Mozambique. Optom Vis Sci. 2015 Jan; 92(1): 59–69.
  33. Wang H, Liddell CA, Coates MM, Mooney MD, Levitz CE et al.  Global, regional, and national levels of neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.  The Lancet.  2014.  384(9947):957-79.

Books and book chapters

  1. Merbs S, Resnikoff S, Kello A, Mariotti SP, Greene S, West S. Cirugía de la triquiasis tracomatosa.. Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Washington, DC : OPS, 2014. ISBN 978-92-75-31849-2
  2. Merbs S, Resnikoff S, Kello A., Mariotti SP, Greene S, West S. Cirurgia para triquíase tracomatosa. Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde. Washington, DC : OPAS, 2015. ISBN 978-92-75-71849-0
  3. Resnikoff S. Pathologies tropicales et surface oculaire. Chapitre 12, 459 – 467. Rapport 2015 Surface Oculaire, Société Française d’Ophtalmologie, Elsevier Masson Ed. ISBN : 978-2-294-74563-8
  1. Bourne RRA, Stevens GA, White RA, et al. Causes of vision loss worldwide, 1990–2010: a systematic analysis. Lancet Global Health 2013. 1(6):e339-49.
  2. Bourne RRA, Jonas JB, Flaxman SR, et al. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in high-income countries and in Eastern and Central Europe: 1990-2010. Br J Ophthalmol 2014;98(5):629–38.
  3. Chan VF, Mebrahtu G, Ramson P, Wepo M, Naidoo K. Prevalence of refractive error and spectacle coverage in Zoba Ma’ekel, Eritrea: A rapid assessment of refractive error. Ophthalmic Epidemiology. 2013 Jun;20(3):131-7.
  4. Congdon N, Yan X, Lansingh V, Sisay A, Müller A, Chan V, Jin L, Meltzer ME, Karumanchi SM, Guan C, Vuong Q, Rivera N, McCleod-Omawale J, He M. Assessment of cataract surgical outcomes in settings where follow-up is poor: PRECOG, a multicentre observational study. Lancet Global. Volume 1, No. 1, e37–e45, July 2013
  5. He M, Abdou A, Ellwein LB, Naidoo KS, Sapkota YD, Thulasiraj RD, Varma R, Zhao J, Kocur I, Congdon NG. Age-related prevalence and met need for correctable and uncorrectable near vision impairment in a multicountry study. Ophthalmology. 2014 Jan;121(1):417-22.
  6. Jaggernath J, Gogate P, Moodley V, Naidoo KS. A comparison of cataract surgery techniques: Safety, efficacy and cost effectiveness. European Journal of Ophthalmology. 2014 Jul-Aug;24(4):520-6.
  7. Jaggernath J, Haslam D, Naidoo KS. Climate change: Impact of increased ultraviolet radiation and water changes on eye health. Health. Vol.5 No.5, May 2013.
  8. Jonas J, George R, Asokan R, Flaxman S, Keeffe J, et. al. on behalf of the Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in Central and South Asia: 1990–2010. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2014. 98 (5); 592-598
  9. Kassebaum N, Bertozzi-Villa A, Coggeshall M, Shackelford K, Steiner C, et. al. Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet 2014. 384 (9947); 980-1004.
  10. Keeffe J, Taylor H, Fotis K, Pesudovs K, Flaxman S, et. al. on behalf of the Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in Southeast Asia and Oceania: 1990-2010. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2014. 98 (5); 586-91.
  11. Khairallah M, Kahloun R, Flaxman SR, et al. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in North Africa and the Middle East: 1990-2010. Br J Ophthalmol 2014;98(5):605–11.
  12. Kovai V, Prasadara BVM, Paudel P, Stapleton F, Wilson D. Reasons for refusing cataract surgery in illiterate individuals in a tribal area of Andhra Pradesh, India. Ophthalmic Epidemiology. 2014 Jun;21(3):144-52
  13. Kumah DB, Ebri A, Abdul-Kabir M, Sadik A, Koomson Y, Aikins S, Aikins A, Amedo A, Lartey S, Naidoo K. Refractive error and visual impairment in private school children in Ghana. Optometry and Vision Science. 2013 Dec;90(12):1456-61.
  14. Leasher JL, Lansingh V, Flaxman SR, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Price H, Silva JC, White RA, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Taylor HR, Bourne RRA, on behalf of the Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in Latin America and the Caribbean: 1990 – 2010. Br  J  Ophthalmol 2014; 98 :619–628.
  15. Loughman J, Alvarez CG, Verdon-Roe GM, Anderson R, Manuel RA, et al. (2013) Impact of Computer Experience on the Viability and Repeatability of the Moorfields Motion Displacement Test in a Developing and Underserved African Setting. J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 4:304. doi:10.4172/2155-9570.1000304
  16. Naidoo KS, Gichuhi S, Basáñez MG, Flaxman SR, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, Leasher JL, Pesudovs K, et al. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in Sub-Saharan Africa: 1990-2010. British Journal of Ophthalmology. 2014 May;98(5):612-8.
  17. Naidoo KS, Sweeney D, Jaggernath J, Holden BA. A population-based study of visual impairment in the Lower Tugela Health district in KZN, SA. African Vision and Eye Health; South African Optometrist. Vol 72, No 3 (2013), 110-118.
  18. Naidoo KS, Naidoo K, Maharaj Y, Ramson P, Wallace D, Dabideen R. Scaling up the delivery of refractive error services within a district health system: the KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa experience. BMC Health Services Research. 2013 Sep 27;13:361.
  19. Naidoo KS, Jaggernath J, Martin C, Govender P, Chinanayi FS, Chan VF, Ramson P. Prevalence of presbyopia and spectacle coverage in an African population in Durban, South Africa. Optometry and Vision Science. 2013 Dec;90(12):1424-9
  20. Panthi S, Paudel P, Chaudhary M, Sapkota K, Shah DN. Microbial contamination of contact lens care accessories and compliances with care regimens in Nepal. 2014 Feb;37(1):2-10.
  21. Paudel, P., Cronjé, S., O’Connor, P. M., Rao, G. N. and Holden, B. A. (2014), Selection considerations when using a ‘standard optometrist’ to evaluate clinical performance of other eye-care personnel. Clin Exp Optom, 97: 426–432. doi:10.1111/cxo.12173
  22. Paudel P, Ramson P, Naduvilath T, Wilson D, Thanh Phuong H, Ho SM, Viet Giap N. Prevalence of vision impairment and refractive error in school children in Ba Ria – Vung Tau Province, Vietnam. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. 2014 Apr;42(3):217-26.
  23. Stevens GA, White RA, Flaxman SR, et al. Global Prevalence of Vision Impairment and Blindness: Magnitude and Temporal Trends, 1990–2010. Ophthalmology 2013;120(12):2377–84
  24. Tahhan N, Papas E, Fricke T, Frick K, Holden BA. Utility and uncorrected refractive error. Ophthalmology. 2013 Sep;120(9):1736-44.
  25. Wang H, Liddell C, Coates M, Mooney M, Levitz C, et. al. Global, regional, and national levels of neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet 2014. 384 (9947); 957-79.
  26. Wong T, Zheng Y, Jonas J, Flaxman S, Keeffe J, et. al. on behalf of the Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in East Asia: 1990-2010. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2014. 98 (5); 599-604.
  1. Bailey IL, Jackson AJ, Minto H, Greer RB, Chu MA. The Berkeley Rudimentary Vision Test. Optometry and Vision Science. VOL. 89, NO. 9, PP. 1257–1264
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  5. Nathan Congdon, Xixi Yan, Van Lansingh, Alemayehu Sisay, Andreas Müller, Ving Chan, Ling Jin, Mirjam E Meltzer, Sasipriya M Karumanchi, Chunhong Guan, Quy Vuong, Nelson Rivera, Joan McCleod-Omawale, Mingguang He. Assessment of cataract surgical outcomes in settings where follow-up is poor: PRECOG, a multicenter observational study. Lancet Global Health 2013, Vol 1.
  6. Cronjé, S., Chullunkhuu, C., Schlenther, G. Addressing Refractive Error Blindness & VI. Mongolian J Ophthalmol 2008
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  14. du Toit, R., Ramke, J., Brian, G. Tolerance to Prism Induced by Readymade Spectacles: Setting and Using a Standard. Optometry and Vision Science. 2007;84(11):1053-1059.
  15. du Toit, Renee., Soong, Katherine., Brian, Garry., Ramke, Jacqueline. Quantification of Refractive Error: Comparison of Autorefractor and Focometer Optometry and Vision Science, Vol. 83, No. 8, August 2006
  16. Fricke TR, Holden BA, Wilson DA, Schlenther G, Naidoo KS, Resnikoff S & Frick KD. Global cost of correcting vision impairment from uncorrected refractive error. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2012;90:728–738
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  24. He M, Abdou A, Naidoo KS, Sapkota YD, Thulasiraj RV, Zhao J, Ellwein LB. Prevalence and Correction of Near Vision Impairment at Seven Sites in China, India, Nepal, Niger, South Africa, and the United States. American Journal of Ophthalmology VOL. 154, NO. 1
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  30. Holden, B. Blindness and poverty: a tragic combination. Clinical and Experimental Optometry. 2007;90(6):401-403.
  31. Holden, B. Addressing Refractive Errors through Vision 2020: Overview of Achievements in Policy, Planning, Research and Practice. World Blindness and its Prevention. Vol 7: IAPB; 2005:237-240.
  32. Jaggernath J, Haslam D, Naidoo K. Climate change: Impact of increased ultraviolet radiation and water changes on eye health. Health 2013. 05 (05); 921-930.
  33. Kovai, V., Rao, GN., Holden, BA. Key factors determining success of primary eye care though vision centres in rural India: Patients’ perspectives. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2012 Sep-Oct;60(5):487-91
  34. Kovai, V., Rao, GN., Holden, BA , Sannapaneni K, Bhattacharya SK & Khanna R. Comparison of patient satisfaction with services of vision centers in rural areas of Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2012; 60:75 -76 ( Letter to editor)
  35. Kovai, V,. Rao, GN., Holden, B., et al. An Estimate of Patient Costs and Benefits of the New Primary Eye Care Model Utilization Through Vision Centers in Andhra Pradesh, India. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2010;May 18 2010.
  36. DB Kumah, A Ebri, M Abdul-kabir, A Sadik, Y Koomson, S Aikins, A Aikins, A Amedo, S Lartey, K Naidoo. Refractive Error and Visual Impairment in Private School Children in Ghana. Optometry and Vision Science. (published online ahead of print)
  37. Maharaj, YI., Naidoo, KS., Dabideen, R., Ramson, P.  The KwaZulu-Natal Child Eye Care Programme S Afr Optom 2011 70(2) 61-68
  38. Naidoo, K. Poverty and blindness in Africa. Clinical and Experimental Optometry. 2007;90(6):415-421.
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  40. Naidoo KS. Towards a new model in training and delivery of optometric Education. Optometric Education 2000. 25 (2); 59-61.
  41. Naidoo, KS.  Sport Related Ocular Injuries: An Epidemiological and clinical challenge. South African Optometrist 1998. 57 (1).  
  42. Naidoo K, Ravilla D. Delivering refractive error services: primary eye care centres and outreach. Community Eye Health 2007. 20 (63); 42-4.
  43. Naidoo K, Govender P. Case finding in the clinic: refractive errors. Community Eye Health 2002. 15 (43); 39-40.
  44. Naidoo K, Maharaj Y, Pillay V, Fellhauer S. Optical products for refractive error and low vision. Community Eye Health 2011. 24 (76); 42.
  45. Naidoo, KS., Wallace, DB., Holden, BA., Minto, H., Faal, HB., Dube P. The challenge of uncorrected refractive error: driving the agenda of the Durban Declaration on refractive error and service development. Clinical and Experimental Optometry. 2010;93(3):131-136.
  46. Naidoo KS,  Jaggernath J,  Martin C, Govender P.,  Chinanayi FS, Chan VF and Ramson P. Prevalence of Presbyopia and Spectacle Coverage in an African Population in Durban, South Africa. Optometry and Vision Science. (published online ahead of print)
  47. Naidoo KS, Jaggernath J. Uncorrected Refractive Errors. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 2012;60:432-7
  48. Naidoo, K., Holden, B., Dube, P., Thulsiraj, R. How to Integrate Optical Services in Delivery of Eye Care services. World Blindness and its Prevention. Vol 7. Hyderabad: IAPB; 2005:227-235.
  49. Naidoo, K.,  Govender,P A comparison of non-cyclopegic and cycloplegic autorefraction of African children aged 5 – 15 S Afr Optom 2005 64 (1) 11 − 17
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  51. Kovin S Naidoo, Kesi Naidoo, Yashika Maharaj, Prasidh Ramson, Diane Wallace and Reshma Dabideen . Scaling up the delivery of refractive error services within a district health system: the KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa experience. BMC Health Services Research 2013, 13:361
  52. Palagyi, Anna., Ramke, Jacqueline.,  du Toit, Renee., Brian, Garry. Eye care in Timor-Leste: a population-based study of utilization and barriers Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2008; 36: 47–53
  53. Palagyi, Anna., du Toit, Renee., Ramke, Jacqueline.,  Brian., Lamoureax, Ecosse L.  Development and Validation of a Vision-Specific Quality-of-Life Questionnaire for Timor-Leste Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, October 2008, Vol. 49, No. 10
  54. Panthi S, Paudel P, Chaudhary M, Sapkota K, Shah DN.  Microbial contamination of contact lens care accessories and compliance with care regimens in Nepal. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2014 Feb;37(1):2-10.
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  57. Ramke, J., du Toit, R., Brian, G. An assessment of recycled spectacles donated to a developing country. Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology. 2006;34(7):671-676.
  58. Ramke, J., Palagyi, A., Naduvilath, T., du Toit, R., Brian, G. Using assessment of willingness to pay to improve a Cambodian spectacle service Br. J. Ophthalmol. 2008;92;170-174;
  59. Ramke, J., Brian, G. ,du Toit, R. A Eye disease and care at hospital clinics in Cook Islands, Fiji, Samoa and Tonga Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology. 2007; 35: 627–634
  60. Resnikoff S & Keys T. Future trends in global blindness. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2012 Sep-Oct;60(5):387-95
  61. Smith, T., Frick, K., Holden, B., Fricke, T., Naidoo, K. Potential lost productivity resulting from the global burden of uncorrected refractive error. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2009;87
  62. Tahhan, N., Papas, E., Fricke, T., Frick, K., Holden, BA. Utility and uncorrected refractive error. Ophthalmology. 2013 Sep;120(9):1736-44
  63. Tahhan, N., Fricke, T., Naduvilath, T., Kierath, J., et al. Uncorrected refractive error in the northern & eastern provinces of Sri Lanka. Clin Exp Optom. 2009 Mar;92(2):119-25
  64. Taylor HR, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, Leasher J, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Resnikoff S. Correspondence- Disability weights for vision disorders in Global Burden of disease study. Lancet Vol 381 January 5, 2013
  65. Wajuihian S, Naidoo K. A comparison of the visual status of dyslexic and non-dyslexic schoolchildren in Durban, South Africa. African Vision and Eye Health 2011. 70 (1); 29-43.
  66. Wajuihian S, Naidoo K. Dyslexia: An overview African Vision and Eye Health 2011. 70 (2); 89-98.
  67. Wajuihian S, Naidoo K. Visual factors and dyslexia: A research review. African Vision and Eye Health 2010. 69 (2); 58-68.
  68. Wilson, D., Cronjé, S., Frick, K., Holden, B.  True cost of recycled spectacles. Optometry and Vision Science March 2012

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